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Training of teachers in the implementation of

Continuous Assessment of the NLSC:

The Continuous Assessment Framework (CAF)

April, 2024
Presentation outline

i) The CAF as an assessment tool.

ii) Development of the CAF
ii) Structure of the CAF.
iii) Use of the CAF in assessment
The CAFs were developed based on Dave’s &
Krathwohl's theories

It is an instrument that guides the teacher on the subject competencies to

assess at school on a termly basis as derived from the Learning outcomes in
the curriculum.
Development of CAFs
The Development of CAF was based on the Dave’s and Krathwohl’s
The two taxonomies give the levels of the competency in the stages of learning
from initial exposure to final mastery.
Dave’s Taxonomy for the psychomotor domain deals with physical
movement, coordination and use of motor skills.
Imitation is the simplest level while naturalization is the most complex.
Krathwohl’s Taxonomy for the affective domain is concerned with the values,
attitudes and behaviors.
Under Krathwohl’s Taxonomy, receiving is the simplest level while
characterization is the most complex.
Insight into the Psychomotor and Affective Domains
Psychomotor Domain Affective Domain
(Dave’s Taxonomy) (Krathwohl's Taxonomy)

Imitation (A learner observes and replicates patterns Receiving (A learner receives information from
or duplicates actions after someone or from a source). context/situation)

Manipulation (A learner performs actions following Responding (A learner reacts to information received)

Precision (A learner performs independently without Valuing (A learner demonstrates behavior)


Articulation (A learner uses multiple methods and Organization (A learner advocates/lobbies for a
actions to perform a task accurately) given behavior or set of behaviors)

Naturalization (A learner performs a task with ease Characterization (A learner becomes

i.e. with less physical or mental involvement ) characterized/defined by behavior)
Structure of the CAF
The CAF is composed of the following;
i) Theme: This is a group of topics with related body of knowledge.
ii) Topics: A specific body of knowledge e.g. Family is one of the topics in
iii) Learning Outcomes: These are expressed as expected abilities (what a
learner is expected to know, understand and do). E.g. Appreciate the values
promoted by a family is one of the learning outcomes in CRE
Structure of the CAF
iv) Competency: A set of demonstrable knowledge, skills, values and behaviors.
v)Generic skills: These are also known as soft skills that a learner has to acquire
in order to be become a life long learner and adapt to the ever-changing world.
Generic skills lie at the heart of every subject and they enable a learner to access
and deepen learning across the whole curriculum
NOTE: Every subject competency has a generic skill associated to it and should
be assessed whenever a subject competency is being assessed
Structure of the CAF Ctd
vi) Levels of Ability: These are hierarchical levels of learning for the
different domains. They are used to determine the learner’s degree of
vii)Indicators: These are characteristics which a learner displays as
evidence for acquiring a competency/skill.
An assessor is required to observe what a learner displays in relation to the
competency being assessed in order to determine the degree/extent of
performance on a particular item.
The structure of CAF con’t
These are derived Domain Levels of the learning domains to be
from the Curriculum Assessed.
Theme Topic Learning Competency
Levels of Ability
Receiving Responding Valuing Organizatio Characterization
Forestry Forests, p. Appreciates the The learner The learner reacts The learner The learner The learner consistently
and forest Appreciate need to receives to information demonstrates influences others appreciates the need to
irrigation resources the need to preserve the information about received about behavior that to appreciate the preserve the natural
the need to the need to reflects need to preserve environment and:
in Africa and preserve the natural
preserve the natural preserve the appreciation of the natural 1.Plants trees to replace
and other forestry natural environment. environment natural the need to environment and; the depleted ones.
parts of in Africa. environment (afforestation, environment preserve the (i)Encourages, 2. Collects and separates
the World q. collection of (afforestation, environment (ii)Sensitizes, wastes.
Senior Appreciate wastes, dredging, collection of and; (iii)Counsels, 3. Uses path/ walk ways.
Three the dangers recycling wastes) wastes, dredging, 1.Plants trees (iv)Reminds other 4. Digs trenches to direct
of overuse of through: recycling wastes.) to replace the to; 1. Plant trees running water.
Term 3 natural 1.Reading about and: depleted ones. to replace the 5. Recycles synthetic
preservation of the 1.Asks questions 2. Collects & depleted one materials.
environment 2.Responds to separates 2. Collects & 6. Disposes wastes in
P.56 deforestatio 2.Making site questions on wastes separates wastes designated areas
n and over preservation of (synthetic from 3. Uses path/walk 7. Writes articles that
fishing the natural decomposing ways promote environmental
environment. wastes 4.Digs trenches to preservation
running direct 8. Dredges water sources
The structure of CAF con’t
Theme Topic Learning Compete Receivin Respondi Valuing Organization Charact
Outcomes ncy g ng erization

Forestry Forests, Appreciate Appreciat 3. Listening 3. Makes 3.Uses 5. Recycles

s the need to (teacher, notes on pathways synthetic
and forest es the peers, preservation
to preserve 4. Digs trenches materials
Irrigatio resources need to meteorologi of the to direct 6. Disposes
the natural
n in and preserve sts, audio, natural running water. wastes in
environme audio-visual environment
Africa Forestry nt the 5. Recycles designated
recordings) 4. Discusses synthetic areas.
and in Africa. Appreciate natural 4.Consulting on materials 7. Writes
other Senior s the environm peers, preservation 6. Disposes articles that
parts of Three dangers of ent. meteorologi of the wastes in promote
sts natural designated environmental
the world Term 3 overuse of
natural areas. preservation.
p.56 7.Writes articles
sources, 8.Dredges
that promote
deforestati environmental water sources
on and preservation.
over 8. Dredges
fishing. water sources.
Theme Topic Learning Compe Levels of the learning domains to be Assessed
Outcomes tency

Receiving Responding Valuing Organizati Characteri

on zation

Generic Critical Demonstrate Demonstr The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner
skills thinking Critical thinking ates receives reacts to demonstrates influences consistently
and and problem Critical information about information behavior that others to demonstrates
problem solving thinking & critical thinking about critical reflects critical demonstrate critical
solving problem thinking and
and problem thinking and thinking and critical
solving problem
solving:(Planning problem solving: problem thinking and
solving and;
and carrying out (Planning and solving and; problem
1. Plans and
investigations, carrying out 1.Plans and solving and; carries out
Sorting and investigations, carries out (i) Encoura investigations
analyzing Sorting and investigations ges 2. Sorts and
Information, analyzing while (ii) Sensitize analyzes
Identifying information, preserving the s information.
problems and Identifying natural (iii) Counsels 3. Identifies
ways forward, problems and environment. (iv) Reminds problems and
(v) Motivate ways forward
predicting out ways forward, 2. Sorts and
s 4. Predicts out
comes and Predicting out analyzes (vi) Guides
making reasoned comes and information come and
(vii) Supports makes
decisions, making reasoned while others to:
Evaluating decisions, preserving the reasoned
(Plan and decisions
different Evaluating natural carry out
Theme Topic Learning Compete Receiving Respond Valuing Organizatio Characteriz
Outcomes ncy ing n ation

Generic Critical Demonstr Demonstr 1.Reading and; 3.Identifies -Plan and 4. Predicts
Skills thinking ate critical ates 2.Making 1.Asks problems and carry out out come
and thinking critical site visits relevant ways forward investigatio and makes
3. Listening questions in preserving ns, reasoned
problem and thinking
to (teacher, 2.Researc the natural -Sort and decisions
solving problem and analyze
peers, hes environment. 5. Evaluates
solving problem information different
solving audio, or 3.Discusse 4. Predicts
, solutions
audio- s with out comes
visual others and makes problems
recordings 4.Respond reasonable and ways
4. s to decisions forward,
Consulting questions while -Predict out
peers, preserving comes and
meteorologi the natural making
sts environment. reasoned
5.Evaluates decisions,
different -Evaluate
solutions different
while solutions)
These are derived Domain Levels of the learning domains to be
from the Curriculum tor Assessed.
Langua Theme/ Learning Competenc Levels of Ability
ge Skill Topic Outcomes y
Imitation Manipulation Precision Articulation Naturalization
Speakin S.3 Patriotism
Express Patriotic
Speaks /signs Imitating a
instructions from the
Speaking or
Speaking or signing
Speaking or signing
information with ease,
g term 3 feelings. speaker/peer/sign facilitator/ peers/ information creatively about the learner:
Use language er or audio visual friends audio or independently Patriotism, Further 1. Delivers the main
related to recording video recording to but with Education, Banking ideas
Patriotis patriotism speaking or speak or sign minimal errors and Money the 2. Provides the
m Use of Adverbs of signing information related about learner: supporting details
degree information to Patriotism, Patriotism, 1. Delivers the of the main ideas.
Use regular & related to Further Education, Further main ideas. 3. Conveys the
Further irregular Patriotism, Banking and money Education, 2. Provides the speakers
adjectives, Further Education, the learner: Banking and supporting feelings/attitudes/
Educati degradable & Banking and 1.Delivers the main money the details of the purpose/opinion
on upgradable money the ideas learner: main ideas. 4. Organizes the
adjectives, nouns learner; 2.Provides the 1. Delivers the 3. Conveys the information
phrases and noun 1. Delivers the supporting details of main ideas speakers coherently.
Banking phrase modifier main ideas. the idea. 2. Provides feelings/attitude 5. Speaks within the
2. Provides the 3.Conveys the the s/purpose/opini allotted time.
and supporting speakers supporting on 6. Pronounces the
Money details of the feelings/attitudes/pu details of 4. Organizes the words correctly/
main ideas. rpose/opinion the main information articulately.
ideas. coherently.
Langua Theme/ Learning Compe Imitation Manipulati Precision Articulat Natura
ge Skill Topic Outcome tences on ion lization
S.3 term Patriotism Speaks /signs 3. Conveys the speakers 4.Organizes the 3.Conveys the 5.Speaks 7. Projects
Speakin Express Patriotic feelings/attitudes/purp information speakers within the the voice
3 feelings.
g Use language ose/opinion coherently/logicall feelings/attitudes/pur allotted time. appropriate
4. Organizes the y. pose/opinion 6.Pronounces ly.
related to 4. Organizes the
Patriotis patriotism information 5.Speaks within the words 8. Uses
Use of Adverbs coherently/logically. the allotted time. information correctly/ appropriate
m of degree 5.Speaks within the 6. Pronounces the coherently/logically. articulately. intonation
Use regular & allotted time. words correctly/ 5.Speaks within the 7.Projects the 9. Uses
irregular 6. Pronounces the articulately. allotted time. voice body
Further 6. Pronounces the
adjectives, words correctly/ 7. Projects the appropriately. language
Educatio degradable & articulately. voice words correctly/ 8. Uses non verbal
n upgradable 7. Projects the voice appropriately. articulately. appropriate cues.
adjectives, nouns appropriately. 8. Uses 7. Projects the voice intonation 10. Uses
phrases and appropriately.
noun phrase
8. Uses appropriate appropriate 9. Uses body tenses &
Banking intonation intonation 8. Uses appropriate language non tense
modifier intonation
and 9. Uses body language 9. Uses body verbal cues. agreements
non verbal cues. language non 9. Uses body language 10. Uses correctly.
Money 10. Uses tenses & tense verbal cues. non verbal cues. tenses & tense
agreements correctly. 10. Uses tenses & 10. Uses tenses & agreements
tense agreements tense agreements correctly.
correctly. correctly.
Lang Theme/ Learnin Compet Levels of the learning domains to be Assessed
uage Topic g ency
Skill Outcom Imitation Manipulati Precision Articulatio Naturali
es on n zation

Spea Commu The Exhibits Imitating the Following Exhibiting Exhibiting Exhibiting
teacher instructions communication communication communicatio
king nication learner commu /peers/audio /audio /guidance from skills
skills creatively, n skills with
the teacher/ independently, ease, the
should nication visual recording/other peers/ video the learner: the learner: learner:
be able skills speakers exhibiting recording to 1.Listens/ 1.Listens/ 1.Listens/
communication skills exhibit observes observes observes
to the learner: communication attentively with attentively with attentively
exhibit 1.Listems /observes skills, the learner: comprehension comprehension with
He/She; to others comprehensio
commu attentively with 1. speaking/signin
to others n to others
comprehension to Listens/observes g. speaking/signin speaking/signi
nication others speaking. attentively with 2.Talks/signs g. ng.
skills 2. Talks/signs comprehension to confidently and 2. Talks/signs 2. Talks/signs
confidently and others explains things confidently and confidently
explains things clearly. speaking/signing clearly about a explains things and explains
2.Talks/signs given topic. things clearly
3.Reads accurately confidently and 3.Reads
clearly about a about a given
and fluently about a explains things accurately and given topic. topic.
given topic clearly about a fluently bout a 3. Reads 3.Reads
given topic. given topic. accurately and accurately
3.Reads fluently bout a and fluently
accurately and given topic. about a given
fluently about a topic.
given topic
Languag Theme/ Learning Compete Imitation Manipul Precision Articulat Naturaliz
e Skill Topic outcomes nces ation ion ation
Patriotism Speaks /signs
Speaking S.3 term 3 Express Patriotic 4.Writes 4.Writes 4.Writes 4. Writes 4.Writes
feelings. and and and and and
Patriotism Use language
presents presents presents presents presents
related to
patriotism coherently coherently coherently coherently coherently
Further Use of Adverbs about a about a about a about a about a
of degree
given given given given given
Use regular &
irregular topic topic topic. topic. topic.
Banking degradable & 5.Uses a 5.Uses a 5.Uses a 5. Uses a 5. Use a
and Money upgradable range of range of range of range of range of
adjectives, nouns
phrases and media to media to media to media to media to
noun phrase communic communic communic communic communic
ate ideas ate ideas ate ideas ate ideas ate ideas
about a about a about a about a about a
given given given given given
topic. topic. topic. topic. topic.
Uses of CAF in Assessment

The CAF standardizes assessment and is used to:

i) Provide the competencies and the generic skills to be assessed.
ii) Guide the teacher on when to conduct the assessment (class and term).
iii) Determine the learning domain of the competency/skill to be assessed.
iv) Guide the teacher on item development.
• Every subject teacher is required to use the CAF to develop items which
will prompt the learner to demonstrate the evidence of acquisition of the
subject competency and the associated generic skill being assessed.
• The teachers are expected to report on the learner’s achievement based on
what the teacher has observed the learner do.

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