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“Basics of Marketing,
Customers Services & Relationship Management”


1 07/14/24
For Private Commercial Banks & Micro
Finance Institutions Trainees
Training on:

Basics of Marketing,
Customers Services & Relationship Management

Feb.20-22 ,2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2 07/14/24
07/14/24 3
Group formation
• Name( name plate with
representation symbol),
Educational background,
Work experience,
What I like most,
What I hate most,

07/14/24 4
Asmamaw Bekele, (BA in Eng. Language &
MA in Media and Communications, MA
candidate in Business Administration)

From Day 1 to day 3

07/14/24 5
How should we govern
our training?
Being aware of own
duties &
(participation 100%,
support learning of
others, effort & time to
own learning)
07/14/24 6
 Refraining from hesitation to ask what you think is
appropriate, Do you have
any concern
 Keeping your sense of humour, on the ground
 Discussing what one says not him/her, rules?
 Avoiding side talking,
 Observing time schedules ,
 Arriving on time & keeping time,
 Turning off mobile phones ,
 Attending all sessions,
 Enforcement of the norm

07/14/24 7
07/14/24 8
Day 1-----------
Day 2-----------
Day 3-----------

07/14/24 9
Team members
 Day 1----------
 Day 2----------
 Day 3---------

07/14/24 10
07/14/24 11
1. What expectations do you have about what
you are going to get out of this training?
2. What are your fears & hopes about the
training & its environment?

07/14/24 12
Principles of Adult Learning

We learn best:
 From what we do,
 With methods which build upon & make use
of our experience,
With learning experience that are organized
around life problems, rather than subject
When we want to learn,
In an informal environment
13 07/14/24
 Power point presentations,
 Interactive plenary discussions,
 Group discussions & presentations,
 Individual & group competitions ( as
 Assignments on practical demonstration of
customer services & relationship
management ,
 Inspirational tools & energizers,
 Creativity exercises & demonstrations( as

07/14/24 14
Overall structure of the training
Day 1 Day 2
 Introductory notes  Themes of the session
 Definition & present days customer service
 Basic knowledges
 Characteristics
one needs to have
 Basic M. strategies for service firms
 CRM and Marketing
 Customer Relationship Mgmt. (CRM)
 CRM Synonyms  CRM Described
 Basics of Marketing Day 3
 Marketing described  Tools for Relationship Management
 Core concepts  Attracting & keeping customers
 Customer service  First impression in face to face meeting
basics  Communicating with the unsatisfied customer
 Lasting impression
 Six secrets to offering exceptional
customer service
 Ten Major Do’s and Don’ts of
07/14/24 Customer Service 15
Introductory Notes

1.2, Basic Knowledge that you need to have as a
member of your company/ organization
 Organizational knowledge-history/background, major
organizational units & their locations, visions, missions, values,
objectives , goals, location of offices of key managers and/or
leaders, major organizational cultural elements etc.

 Services/ products knowledge-types of services it offers (credit,

banking …), unique features of the services/ products, range of
the services/ products etc.

 Customer knowledge- who the major customers are, their needs,

wants and preferences for your products and/or services etc.

Pair discussion / reflection (1)

Discuss with your fellow trainee sitting beside you and

1.tell to him/her how much of these knowledge, you
believe you have; and how much , you believe you don’t

to him/her also what you would like to do to enrich
what you have in this regard currently; and what you
would like to do in order to fill the gap you observed in
your self in this regard. (Indicate time frame in both cases)

1.2,What is CRM?

Mina Mićanović
1.3.CRM Synonyms
Integrated marketing communications
(Don Schultz)

One-to-one relationship management

(Don Peppers and Martha Rogers)

Real-time marketing
(Regis McKenna)

Customer intimacy
(Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema)

… and a variety of other terms

Mina Mićanović <minica82@EUnet.yu>
II. An overview of Basics of Marketing

07/14/24 21
Brain Storming Questions (1)

 What is marketing?

 Is it the same as selling?

07/14/24 22
2.1.What is Marketing?
 No one single definition for “marketing”.
 Different groups define it differently:
1. As approved by American Marketing Associations
(AMA)→set of activities , set of institutions, process →value
for customers;
2. Sociologists/Social groups→ Social process →services/
products of value for customers;
3. Management →”the art of selling services/ products to
customers “
07/14/24 23
What is Marketing ctd…
4. System theorists →”A set of
processes/parts, interconnected &
interdependent with other functions”;

A definition adopted for this training:

“A managerial process of identifying,
anticipating & satisfying customer
requirements profitably.”
07/14/24 24
In view of this definition,marketing
 Having knowledge of customers,
 Understanding their needs,
 Evaluation of ones own ability to satisfy those needs,
 Improving qualities of ones own services to meet
customers needs ,
 Informing customers,
 Facilitating purchase of the service,
 Provision of technical supports,
 Keeping effective communication system , and
 Using customer responses to improve service or

07/14/24 25
What is Marketing, ctd...
Other definition of Marketing:

“Marketing involves finding out what your

customers want & providing it to them at a

 Identifying customers;
 Understanding what they want,
 Delivering the right services at the
right time;
 Making enough profit/income to
continue to operate.
07/14/24 26
What is Marketing ,ctd..

“If you are not truly customer -

oriented, you are not even in the

07/14/24 27
What is Marketing ,ctd..
As a marketing promoter you need to
 needs & wants,
 tastes & preference,
 likes & dislikes,
 capacity of customers before
undertaking any service provision

Gathering market information is

essential to accomplish this.
07/14/24 28
2.2. Core Concepts of Marketing
1. Needs
State of felt deprivation of some basic satisfactions of a
2. Wants
They are desires for specific satisfiers of needs;
Are shaped by culture & individual personality, social
developments etc.;
a. ??? Can you create needs in your customers as
banking products marketers? How?
b. ??? Which ones are few? needs or wants?
Are wants supported by buying power & willingness to buy;
29 07/14/24
Core Concepts ctd…..
4. Service / Product
is anything that can be offered to a
market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption, and that might satisfy a
need or want.

07/14/24 30
? ? Brain Storming Questions(2)
What are the needs the services you
offer to the market intend to satisfy?

07/14/24 31
Core Concepts ctd….

5. Exchange
 Act of obtaining a desired
service/object/product from someone/an
entity by offering something having money
value in return;
 Is only one of the many ways through
which people can obtain a desired service/
 Is the fundamental concept of marketing;
07/14/24 32
Core Concepts ctd…
6. Transaction
 Exchange’s unit of measurement;
 Consists of a exchange of values
between two parties;
 E.g., Taking a loan & agreeing to
pay17% interest on the loan
amount/year & also settle the loan every

07/14/24 33
Core Concepts Ctd…
7. Relationships & networks marketing

Relationship marketing→ Customer Relationship

Marketing (latest marketing stage)

process of building mutually satisfying

long term relations with customers &
other key groups( e.g., government,
suppliers, etc.);

07/14/24 34
35 Core Concepts Ctd….

Net -work marketing-out come of relationship

– process of establishing sustainable connections with
supporting stake holders:
– Customers/external customers,
– Employees/internal customers,
– Providers of financial resources & suppliers of other
– Others.

Group work and presentation(1)

1. Who are the key stake holders of the

industry you are representing?
2. What are some of the ways/ means you
need to use to have sustainable
connections with these stake holders ?

45 minutes including presentations

07/14/24 36
Core Concepts Ctd….
8, Marketing Environment(areas of existence and/or operation)
The actors: Service providers
Actors involved in Suppliers
provision & use Agents/brokers/intermediaries
of services and Competitors
forces that can Public.
The forces:
have a major
impact on these Economic
actors. Political
07/14/24 37

Socio- Economic
Cultural Publics Suppliers

Political Competitors Customer Physical


Core Concepts Ctd….…

9,Marketers & prospects

A marketer
…is someone seeking a response (e.g., attention, loan
request ,purchase, a vote…) from another party ,called the
If both parties actively seek the response, both of them are
considered as marketers;
… a group of customers sharing common needs/wants & have
demand for a specific service /product ;
Other core concepts ( value and satisfaction, marketing mix)

07/14/24 39
III. Customer Services

07/14/24 40
A.“Customer is a king of marketing
a. Why?
b. Do all companies /organizations have customers?
c. Who do you think should be the queen?

B. “It is four to five times as costly to attract a new

customer as to keep an old one.
Invest in what you have by offering great service”

07/14/24 41
Group Reflection (1)
Customer Service is not a department,
or area in an organization
It's an attitude!
Do you agree with this statement ?

In your opinion, what does this statement mean in terms of

the activities of banks ?

Write two statements that explain this statement…

15 minutes

3.2.Customer “If you make customers
Service unhappy in the physical
Today world, they might each
tell 6 friends.
If you make customers
unhappy on the
Internet(cyber) world
they can each tell
6,000 friends”
Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO,

1.What are some of actions/behaviors, in the context of Commercial Banking/Micro-
financing Institutions services, that can make customers unhappy?

a circumstance/circumstances in which you made your customer(s) unhappy
and reflect to the participants of the plenary session what happened; & how you
could have acted, and/or behaved to avoid that unhappiness?
3.(15 minutes)

10 minutes

07/14/24 44
A. Sample operational definitions :
3.3.Defining • An organization’s ability to effectively
Customer meet the customers' wants & needs
Service • The ability to provide services or
products as agreed .
• Words used to describe actions of taking
How would you define care of customers in a positive manner.
Customer Service? • Working with others as you would want
someone to work with you.
Which of these • Any contact between a customer & your
service provision process causing the
statements do you customer to form a negative or positive
agree with? view.
• Dedication to providing value & worth
inclusive of your attitude, knowledge,
Are there any that you
technical support & quality of service in
disagree with? the time expected.
• A set of characteristics or behaviors
showing care & a can do attitude 45
B, Marketing Definition
Service-is any activity /benefit offered by one party
to the other.
It can be pure , or accompany tangible products.
 Pure service-management consultancy,
psychotherapy & massages etc.
 Services that accompany tangible
Products-maintenance service, car wash
service etc.
?? Banking services

46 07/14/24
3.4.Characteristics of Services
a. Lack of ownership-services are used /hired for
a period of time, thus their transactions don’t
result into any form of ownership.

Implication –the necessity to avail anything that

warrants ownership e.g. contractual agreement,
provision of receipt’s/ invoices etc.

47 07/14/24
Characteristics of Services Ctd…
b. Intangibility-can’t be held, touched, heard, smelled

Implication-the necessity to do certain things to improve

customers confidence in the service, e.g., increase
tangibility of the service through symbolic representation;

c. Inseparability –can’t be separated from the service


Implication-learn to work with larger groups, work faster,

training in order to build customers’ confidence
48 07/14/24
Characteristics of Services Ctd …
d. Perishability-last a specific time & can’t be stored;

Implication-start provision of services in advance to

balance supply & demand in a steady (constant) demand

e. Heterogeneity( variability)- vary from source to source,

e.g. , banking, flying services…;

Implication – invest in human resources selection &

training to provide good services, make follow-up of
customer satisfaction,…
49 07/14/24
IV. Basic marketing strategies for service firms
To be successful in service provision efforts, and thereby to
accomplish organizational goals , service providers/marketers have
the following optional strategies:

4.1.Creation & adaptation of image building differentiation

Add new features into the service (E.g. EAL shows movies)
Use of symbols having capacity of differentiating your service (E.g.
EAL-lion & Ethiopian flag)
Use of brand name (E.g. EAL)

50 07/14/24
Basic marketing strategies for service firms
4.2. Offering high quality service which can make
customers happy;
4.3.Increasing productivity of services;
 Work harder/skillfully;
 Industrialize the service;
 Design more effective service;
 Develop incentive scheme to customers that
enables to substitute organizational labour of the
service provider by customers labour, e.g. self
51 07/14/24
Group work (2)

1. Identify the very frequently encountered service

problems/or the ones frequently complained of by
your customers.

2. Develop appropriate strategies; including the feasible

approaches to be followed for implementing the
strategies for solving the problems you have identified.

40 minutes

52 07/14/24
V. Customers’ Relationship Management (CRM)

5.1 CRM described

a. Processes that help form better
relationships with customers to improve
customer satisfaction & provide the highest
level of customer service;

b. A company-wide business strategy

designed to optimize/raise profitability,
revenue, and customer satisfaction by focusing
on highly defined & precise customer groups;
5 07/14/24
5.1 CRM described ctd…
CRM Involves:
1. The ability to learn more about your customers faster than the

2. The ability to turn that learning into action faster than the

These are the only two sources of competitive advantage

The ultimate goal of CRM is to deliver long term value to

customers and thereby to bring about long term customer
satisfaction success.

It requires working together of all units of the organization as a

team to serve the customer.
5 07/14/24
5.2.Some marketing tools for Relationship
Management (5)
Advertising & sales promotion-just to develop
basic relationship.

Establishing full partnership with key customers

(e.g. designing policies & strategies together)

Adding financial benefits such as: provision of

special discounts, preferred credit terms, holidays
small gifts etc,

55 07/14/24
Some marketing tools for Relationship
Management ctd…
Adding social benefits by ways of inviting
customers to important events, organizing family
tours etc.;

Supplying customers with special equipments, or

devices for use in their work activities (e.g.
remember Coca-Cola and Pepsi Colas case );

5 07/14/24
Four Basic Steps in CRM

1. Identify your customers in detail.

2. Differentiate the most & least profitable
3. Interact/network.
4. Modify/customize your offerings to fit
each customer’s needs.
5.3.Attracting & keeping of customers


If you work just for money, you'll never make

it, but if you love what you're doing & you
always put the customer first, success will be

Hence attract your customers, keep them by

making them happy.

5 07/14/24
5.3.2.The process of attracting & keeping

First time
Clients Inactive or

Members Advocates Partners

07/14/24 59
The process of attracting & keeping customers
ctd …
1. Suspects-every one who might possibly turn up for
your service. Source of lead information?
2. Prospects- the people who have strong potential
interest in the service & the ability to pay for it/go for
3. Disqualified prospects-those your company/
organization rejects because they have poor
recognition/credit stand, or would be unprofitable.
4. First time customers-those who turn up for your
service for the first time.
5. Repeat customers-those who turn up for your
service repeatedly.
07/14/24 60
The process of attracting & keeping customers
6.Clients-those who your company/ organization treats
very specially & knowledgeably.
7.Members-customers who enjoy the whole set of
benefit from your company/ organization.
8.Advocates-customers who enthusiastically
(unreservedly) recommend your company/
organization & its services.
9.Partners-customers who actively work together with
your company/ organization.
10.Inactive or ex-customers-those unmoving or dropped
out because of different reasons such as: bankruptcy,
movement to other locations, dissatisfaction etc.
07/14/24 61
***It is to be noted that the degree of
relationship to be created & maintained
with customers depend on the type of
customer group indicated in the preceding
figure & the importance of each group.

6 07/14/24
Roots of CRM vs. Goal of every

• Acquire profitable customers.

• Retain profitable customers longer.

• Win back profitable customers.
• Eliminate unprofitable customers.

• Upsell additional products in a solution.(product

• Cross-sell other products to customers.(customer
• Referral and word-of-mouth benefits.
• Reduce service and operational costs.
Mina Mićanović <minica82@EUnet.yu>
6. Effective First Impressions: Face to Face Meeting
 Responses which customers appreciate in face to face
Recognition -(with respect )-እዉቅና

Appreciation- (with gratefulness, thankfulness, gratitude)-ጥሩ


Polite treatment- (with manners, i.e. politeness considerate


Understanding -( with thoughtfulness , or knowledge of the

customer ,i.e. why s/he is there, what s/he wants etc.- በቂ ግንዛቤ

6 07/14/24
6.1. How to make a good impression with
1. Dress professionally & according to the type of position you

2. Speak to your customer in a nice voice.(when possible, call

your customer by name, and smile)

3. Refrain from interrupting the customer unless absolutely

If you are not in a position to listen to your customer that instant,
say something like the following :
a. "Give me just a second,
b. “I'll be right back“,
c. "I want to listen to you, but I need to do something really
6 07/14/24
How to make a good impression with customers

4. Remember that you are there to serve the customer

"The customer is always right."

5.Do whatever you can to resolve any issues your

customers have.
Put yourself in their shoes.

6 07/14/24
Communicating with the unsatisfied customer
 Listen attentively

 Express you are sorry

 Do not argue and do not interrupt

 Do not lose your self-control- stay relaxed

 Point out facts

 Admit the problem: Never make the mistake of promising something you are not able to do.

 Involve the customer in problem solving

 Follow-up-make sure that the promised measures are taken

 Give the customer a “way back”- let them leave with dignity

 Do not question the customer’s correctness

67 07/14/24
6.2. Creating a Lasting Impression

“You never have a second chance to make a first


The basic purpose is to Make the Customer Want to

Come Back

68 07/14/24
Creating a Lasting Impression ctd …

It may come as a result of the following:

1.Simple “Good bye” ,or “have a nice day”, or “thank
you “
2.Your demonstrated expertise which may go above &
beyond what the customer expected before the
interaction took place .

69 07/14/24
7. Six secrets to offering exceptional
customer service
7.1, Introduction
A certain survey (USA) indicates that:
vast majority of people don’t experience great service,
nearly 1/3 of consumers believe that businesses pay
less attention to good customer service provision,
just 7% of those polled say that customer service
experiences they have with organizations typically
exceed their expectations,

7 07/14/24
Six secrets to offering exceptional
customer service ctd….
So what do customers want? It’s simple:
1.They want easy access to service on their terms.

2.They want evidence you care for them .-እንክብካቤ

3.They want first-time resolution when they ask for


4. They do not want unpleasant surprises-ደስ የማይል


71 07/14/24
Six secrets to offering exceptional
customer service ctd….
What do YOU need to do to give customers what they want?
CUSTOMERS (Walk the Talk)
develop a strong promise message which offers quality
customer service and do all that you can to fulfil the promises.


equip them with the tools & guidance they need to enable them
fulfil the promises
72 07/14/24
Six secrets to offering exceptional customer
service ctd….
-in order to enable them go the extra mile to resolve
customer issues.


Some of the several ways:
Personal observations
Asking for feedback
Provision of manager’s contact information

73 07/14/24
Six secrets to offering exceptional customer
service ctd….
METRICS (points of attention)
Prepare your employees to concentrate on
preventative service that offer actual value to customers
instead of using their energy to put out customer service


The purpose is to win new customers through word
of mouth of happy customers

74 07/14/24
8. Ten Major Do’s and Don’ts of Customer
Do’s & Don’ts (wrong approach) Polite & friendly alternative

1. No.” 1. “What I can do is…”

2. “I don’t know.” 2. “ I’ll find out.”
3. “That’s not my job./That’s not my 3. “Let me find the right person who can
department.” help you with”
4. “I understand your frustrations.”
4. “You are right – that is bad”
5. “Calm down.”
5. “I’m sorry.”
6. I’m busy right now.”
6. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.”
7. Call me back.”
8. “That’s not my fault.” 7. “I will call you back, what is your
9. “You need to talk to my supervisor.” telephone no.?”
8. “Let’s see what we can do about this.”
10. “You want it by when?”
9. “Let me find that out for you.”
10. “I’ll try my best.”
75 07/14/24



7 07/14/24
Asmamaw Bekele
Mob. +2519 13 07 15 10

7 07/14/24

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