Seminar Proposal

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Introduction Literature Review Research Method
• Reading is an important skill that students should have in learning
Background english as foreign language.
• Reading aloud is an activity of reading books or other reading
material aloud by readers to listeners.
• There are some problems faced by students in reading
comprehension :
1. Most of the students only read the text without thinking and paying
attention to every single sentences that they read.
2. A lot of the students do not have much time to read.
3. Students only focus on how to answer these question quickly.
• There is any significant difference in reading comprehension
between the second semester english education students at
Research Question Bengkulu University who were taught by using Reading Aloud
Strategy and those were not ?

▪️ The objectives of this study is to find out whether or not there was the
significant difference in reading comprehension between the second
semester english education students Bengkulu University who were
taught by using reading aloud strategy and those were not.
Research Objective
• This research only focused in the use reading aloud strategy to
Limitation of the improve students reading comprehension of English Education
Research students at Bengkulu University in Academic year 2021/2022.

1. For Students
2. For Teacher

Significances of the
1. Reading
Definition of Key
2. Genre
3. Recount Text
4. Generic Structure of Recount Text
5. Language Feature of Recount Text

● Grasha (2002, p. 113) teaching is an activity where one person

tries to facilitate in another person an appreciation of the
complexities involved within an area of study teaching
involver getting people to think criticaly about such issues.

● According to Msanjila (2005), there are six areas of common

problems in writing, they are capitalization problem,
punctuation problem, inexplicitness/fuzziness, poor
organization/illogical sequence, spelling problem and
grammatical errors.

● According to Azhar (2015), text is an article that is often read.

It is the unity of language that communicates the meaning in
● Hartono (2005), stated that a text is a logical and contextually
relevant unit of meaning.

● Hartono (2005), stated that the term "genre" refers to specific

text types rather than traditional literary varieties. It is a text
type or type of text that is characterized by its social purposes.
● According to Hartono (2005), there are fourteen types of genre
text: recount, narrative, news story, anecdote, spoof,
procedure, explanation, report, analytical exposition,
discussion, description, review, commentary, and hortatory.
Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

• According to Pohan (2017), a recount is a text that describes

a set of past events in chronological order.
• Suci, et. al (2019), stated that the text used to retell a past
event or to retell that something happened is known as
recount text.

2. The Social Function of Recount Text

• Azhar (2015), stated that recount text has some social

functions, which are:
1. To inform something to the readers.
2. To entertain.
3. The Language Feature of Recount Text

● Azhar (2015), stated that the language feature of recount

text which are:
1. Focus on individual participant/a group participant.
2. Using past tense
3. Simple Past
4. Past Progressive
5. Past Perfect
6. Past Perfect Progressive
7. Using Material (action) Process
8. Focus on temporal sequence of events (temporal
The generic structure of recount text

• According to Dirgeyasa (2016), the generic structure

of recount text are orientation, record of events or
sequences of events, and re-orientation.
1. Ganti (2018)
Previous Studies “An Analysis of the Generic Structure in Recount Text in the Students’
Personal Experience”. This study concludes that the generic structures made by
most students are writing in complete generic structure. In contrary, there are
some students writing generic structure at personal recount text incomplete
form. There are some problems faced by the students as follows, one student
wrote recount text not use orientation and re-orientation. Five students wrote
recount text not use re-orientation. One student wrote recount text not
understand yet about personal recount text.

2. Aini (2020)
“Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text of the Tenth Grade Multimedia
Class at SMK PGRI Donorojo”. The result showed that students ability to
write recount text categorized into poor levels, students ability to follow the
generic structure of recount text categorized into average levels and there are
some obstacles and mistakes faced by students when they write about recount
3. Widyawati (2020)
Previous Studies “The Students’ Ability to Identify the Generic Structure of Recount Text”. The
results of the study showed that the students’ ability in identifying the generic
structure of recount text is fair. However, the problems faced by the students in
identifying the generic structure of recount text are the students found the
difficulty in understanding the meaning of the word and question, and they
cannot identify the generic structure of recount text completely especially the
part of event.

4. Nadila (2020)
“An Analysis of Students’ Sentence Structure Errors in Writing Recount Text
Made by Senior High School 2 Tambang Kampar Regency”. Based on data
analysis, the researcher found the total numbers of errors in using pronoun in
writing recount text was 59 errors, the total numbers of errors in using past
tense in writing recount text was 99 errors, and the total of sentence structure
errors made by the students was 158 errors.
This research is categorize as qualitative research and also called descriptive
Research Design research. The researher choose this method because it is compatible with this
research where the data are in form of words.

The population of this research are all of the students in the tenth grade. The
Subject of The Research researcher will choose one class as a sample of the research.

The source of data in this research will be gathered from documentations.

The main data is from the students’ result of writing recount text in the first
Source of Data year students of Senior High School 8 Bengkulu City.
This research used test as the instrument of the research. In this test the
Research Instrument researcher will ask students to write recount text about “what did they do on
their last holiday” in 30-45 minutes.

There were several steps of collecting the data:

Data Collection
1. The researcher ask for the permission and the time of the test from the
Techniques teacher.
2. The researcher give a writing test to the students.
3. The researcher will take documentation from students result in writing
recount text.
4. Then students' result writings will be collected and analyzed by the

There were several steps that conducted in analyzing the data:

Techniques of Data
5. Reading or memoing
6. Describing
7. Classifying

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