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Concept:Create diskreadops matrics in ec2

Instance using Cloud wacth Task:2

Create SNS Topic 04/07/24
Create Subscriptions
Create EC2 Machine
Copy instance ID
Paste and Click Enter Button
Search diskwriteops , click enter and select task_name
Click Bell Button
Scroll down and change the need settings and click next
Select the existing SNS topic
View in SNS console for reference purpose
Add EC2 action select Stop instance , click next button
Set alarm name , write message , click next button
Scroll down , click create alarm
Wait few second , depends on you set the threshold value
Condition , in alarm state
Refresh the EC2 Server , you saw the EC2 machine was stopped
Pass the notification ,Subscription 01(Email).
Pass the notification , Subscription 02(Email).
Pass the notification ,Subscription 03(Email).

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