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Prepared by:
Fernando & Yvonn Quijano

Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall • Microeconomics • Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e.

their levels
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

interaction of
the two and
we obtain an
their profits

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Consumer Theory

Allocating time between watching your favourite show and

- Would you want to spend more time on your favourite pastime

more than less?

- Is it in your best interest to spend more time studying?

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

- You have only 3 hours to spare

- Decision of how many hours to allocate between the two

activities given that total time is 3 hours

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3.1 Consumer Preferences

3.2 Budget Constraints

3.3 Consumer Choice

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

3.4 Revealed Preference

3.5 Marginal Utility and Consumer Choice

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Consumer Behavior

● theory of consumer behavior Description of how

consumers allocate incomes among different goods and
services to maximize their well-being.

Consumer behavior is best understood in three distinct steps:

1. Consumer preferences
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

2. Budget constraints

3. Consumer choices

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Market Baskets
● market basket (or bundle) List with specific quantities
of one or more goods.

TABLE 3.1 Alternative Market Baskets

Market Basket Units of Food Units of Clothing

A 20 30
B 10 50
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

D 40 20
E 30 40
G 10 20
H 10 40

To explain the theory of consumer behavior, we will ask

whether consumers prefer one market basket to another.

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Some Basic Assumptions about Preferences

1. Completeness: Preferences are assumed to be complete. In

other words, consumers can compare and rank all possible
baskets. Thus, for any two market baskets A and B, a consumer
will prefer A to B, will prefer B to A, or will be indifferent between
the two. By indifferent we mean that a person will be equally
satisfied with either basket.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Note that these preferences ignore costs. A consumer might

prefer steak to hamburger but buy hamburger because it is

Ex- I might prefer 4 hrs of studying for OME and 4 hrs of watching
my fav show over 1 hr of studying and 1.5 hr of watching

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Some Basic Assumptions about Preferences

2. More is better than less: Goods are assumed to be desirable—i.e., to be

good. Consequently, consumers always prefer more of any good to less. In
addition, consumers are never satisfied or satiated; more is always better, even if
just a little better. This assumption is made for pedagogic reasons; namely, it
simplifies the graphical analysis. Ex- (4,3) is preferred to (3,2)

Of course, some goods, such as air pollution, may be undesirable, and

consumers will always prefer less. We ignore these “bads” in the context of our
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

immediate discussion.

3. Transitivity: Preferences are transitive. Transitivity means that if a consumer

prefers basket A to basket B and basket B to basket C, then the consumer also
prefers A to C. Transitivity is normally regarded as necessary for consumer

Ex- (4,3) is preferred to (3,2) is preferred to (1,1)=> (4,3) is preferred to (1,1) hrs
of studying and watching

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Indifference curves

Figure 3.1

Describing Individual Preferences

Because more of each good is

preferred to less, we can
compare market baskets in the
shaded areas. Basket A is clearly
preferred to basket G, while E is
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

clearly preferred to A.
However, A cannot be compared
with B, D, or H without additional

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Indifference curves

● indifference curve Curve representing all combinations of market

baskets that provide a consumer with the same level of satisfaction.

Figure 3.2

An Indifference Curve

The indifference curve U1 that

passes through market basket A
shows all baskets that give the
consumer the same level of
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

satisfaction as does market

basket A; these include baskets
B and D.

Our consumer prefers basket

E, which lies above U1, to A,
but prefers A to H or G, which
lie below U1.

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Indifference Maps
● indifference map Graph containing a set of indifference curves
showing the market baskets among which a consumer is indifferent.

Figure 3.3

An Indifference Map

An indifference map is a set of

indifference curves that
describes a person's
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Any market basket on

indifference curve U3, such as
basket A, is preferred to any
basket on curve U2 (e.g.,
basket B), which in turn is
preferred to any basket on U1,
such as D.

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Indifference Maps

Figure 3.4

Indifference Curves Cannot Intersect

If indifference curves U1 and U2

intersect, one of the
assumptions of consumer
theory is violated.
According to this diagram, the
consumer should be indifferent
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

among market baskets A, B,

and D. Yet B should be
preferred to D because B has
more of both goods

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The Marginal Rate of Substitution

● marginal rate of substitution Maximum amount of a good that a
consumer is willing to give up in order to obtain one additional unit of
another good.
Figure 3.5
The Marginal Rate of Substitution

The magnitude of the slope of an

indifference curve measures the
consumer’s marginal rate of
substitution (MRS) between two
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

In this figure, the MRS between clothing
(C) and food (F) falls from 6 (between A
and B) to 4 (between B and D) to 2
(between D and E) to 1 (between E and
Convexity The decline in the MRS
reflects a diminishing marginal rate of
substitution. When the MRS
diminishes along an indifference curve,
the curve is convex.

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Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements

● perfect substitutes Two goods for which the marginal rate of

substitution of one for the other is a constant.

Ex- 2000 and 10 notes of 200, Amul butter and Britannia butter, fruits
produced by different vendors

● perfect complements Two goods for which the MRS is infinite; the
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

indifference curves are shaped as right angles.

Ex- Right and left glove, Mobile phones and sim cards, Wicket and
● bad Good for which less is preferred rather than more.

Ex- Pollution, Risk, Imprisonment term, Stress

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Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements

Figure 3.6
Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

In (a), Bob views orange juice and In (b), Jane views left shoes and
apple juice as perfect substitutes: right shoes as perfect complements:
He is always indifferent between a An additional left shoe gives her no
glass of one and a glass of the extra satisfaction unless she also
other. obtains the matching right shoe.

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Figure 3.7
Preferences for Automobile Attributes

Preferences for automobile attributes can be described by

indifference curves. Each curve shows the combination of
acceleration and interior space that give the same satisfaction.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Owners of Ford Mustang coupes are The opposite is true for owners of
willing to give up considerable interior Ford Explorers. They prefer
space for additional acceleration. interior space to acceleration.

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Utility and Utility Functions

● utility Numerical score representing the satisfaction that a
consumer gets from a given market basket.

● utility function Formula that assigns a level of utility to individual

market baskets.
Figure 3.8

Utility Functions and Indifference Curves

A utility function can be

represented by a set of
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

indifference curves, each

with a numerical
This figure shows three
indifference curves (with
utility levels of 25, 50,
and 100, respectively)
associated with the utility
u(F,C) =

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Ordinal versus Cardinal Utility

● ordinal utility function Utility function that generates a ranking
of market baskets in order of most to least preferred.

● cardinal utility function Utility function describing by how much

one market basket is preferred to another.

Figure 3.9

Income and Happiness

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

A cross-country
comparison shows that
individuals living in
countries with higher
GDP per capita are on
average happier than
those living in countries
with lower per-capita

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Understanding Consumer preferences better


Link for consumer preference-

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Link for indifference curves-


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The Budget Line (Ex- 3 hours of study and watch time)

● budget constraints Constraints that consumers face
as a result of limited incomes.

● budget line All combinations of goods for which the total

amount of money spent is equal to income.

TABLE 3.2 Market Baskets and the Budget Line

Market Basket Food (F) Clothing (C) Total Spending

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

A 0 40 $80
B 20 30 $80
D 40 20 $80
E 60 10 $80
G 80 0 $80

Market baskets associated with the budget line F + 2C = $80

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The Budget Line

Figure 3.10

A Budget Line

A budget line describes the

combinations of goods that can be
purchased given the consumer’s
income and the prices of the goods.
Line AG (which passes through
points B, D, and E) shows the
budget associated with an income
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

of $80, a price of food of PF = $1

per unit, and a price of clothing of
PC = $2 per unit.
The slope of the budget line
(measured between points B and D)
is −PF/PC = −10/20 = −1/2.

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The Effects of Changes in Income and Prices

Figure 3.11
Effects of a Change in Income on the
Budget Line

Income changes A change in

income (with prices unchanged)
causes the budget line to shift
parallel to the original line (L1).
When the income of $80 (on L1) is
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

increased to $160, the budget line

shifts outward to L2.
If the income falls to $40, the line
shifts inward to L3.

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The Effects of Changes in Income and Prices

Figure 3.12
Effects of a Change in Price on the
Budget Line

Price changes A change in the

price of one good (with income
unchanged) causes the budget line
to rotate about one intercept.
When the price of food falls from
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

$1.00 to $0.50, the budget line

rotates outward from L1 to L2.
However, when the price increases
from $1.00 to $2.00, the line rotates
inward from L1 to L3.

What happens when price of both the goods double?

What happens when income and both prices double?

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Understanding Budget constraints better


Link for budget set-

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Link 2-


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The maximizing market basket must satisfy two conditions:
1. It must be located on the budget line.
2. It must give the consumer the most preferred combination of
goods and services.
Figure 3.13

Maximizing Consumer Satisfaction

A consumer maximizes satisfaction

by choosing market basket A. At
this point, the budget line and
indifference curve U2 are tangent.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

No higher level of satisfaction (e.g.,

market basket D) can be attained.
At A, the point of maximization, the
MRS between the two goods equals
the price ratio. At B, however,
because the MRS [− (−10/10) = 1]
is greater than the price ratio (1/2),
satisfaction is not maximized.

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Satisfaction is maximized (given the budget constraint) at the

point where MRS = PF/PC.

● marginal benefit Benefit from the consumption of one

additional unit of a good.
● marginal cost Cost of one additional unit of a good.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Using these definitions, we can then say that satisfaction is

maximized when the marginal benefit—the benefit associated
with the consumption of one additional unit of food—is equal to
the marginal cost—the cost of the additional unit of food. The
marginal benefit is measured by the MRS.

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Figure 3.14
Consumer Choice of Automobile Attributes
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

The consumers in (a) are willing to trade off a considerable amount of interior space
for some additional acceleration. Given a budget constraint, they will choose a car
that emphasizes acceleration. The opposite is true for consumers in (b).

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Corner Solutions
● corner solution Situation in which the marginal rate of
substitution for one good in a chosen market basket is not
equal to the slope of the budget line.
Figure 3.15
A Corner Solution

When a corner solution arises,

the consumer maximizes
satisfaction by consuming only
one of the two goods.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Given budget line AB, the highest

level of satisfaction is achieved at
B on indifference curve U1, where
the MRS (of ice cream for frozen
yogurt) is greater than the ratio of
the price of ice cream to the price
of frozen yogurt.

Ex- Perfect substitutes!

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Figure 3.16

A College Trust Fund

When given a college trust

fund that must be spent on
education, the student
moves from A to B, a
corner solution.
If, however, the trust fund
could be spent on other
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

consumption as well as
education, the student
would be better off at C.

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Till now- we have moved from consumer preference to consumer choice

their levels
• Maximize allow
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

utility based on interaction of

preferences the two and
• Incorporate we obtain an
budget set equilibrium
• Final consumer
choice Producers
their profits

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Till now- we have moved from consumer preference to consumer choice

In the real world, we observe only the consumer choice!

Is there a way to deduce something about the preference from consumer choice?

Yes- revealed preference!

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

As an example, consider consumer X that purchases a pound of grapes. It is assumed

under revealed preference theory that consumer X prefers that pound of grapes above
all other items that cost the same, or are cheaper than, that pound of grapes.

So, (i) he prefers 1 pound of grapes to 0.5 pounds and

(ii) if 1 pound of apples cost the same, he prefers a pound of grapes to a pound of

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If a consumer chooses one market basket over another, and if
the chosen market basket is more expensive than the alternative,
then the consumer must prefer the chosen market basket.

Figure 3.17
Revealed Preference:
Two Budget Lines

If an individual facing budget line l1

chose market basket A rather than
market basket B, A is revealed to
be preferred to B.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Likewise, the individual facing

budget line l2 chooses market
basket B, which is then revealed to
be preferred to market basket D.
Whereas A is preferred to all market
baskets in the green-shaded area,
all baskets in the pink-shaded area
are preferred to A.

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Figure 3.18
Revealed Preference:
Four Budget Lines

Facing budget line l3 the

individual chooses E, which is
revealed to be preferred to A
(because A could have been
Likewise, facing line l4, the
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

individual chooses G which is

also revealed to be preferred to
Whereas A is preferred to all
market baskets in the green-
shaded area, all market baskets
in the pink-shaded area are
preferred to A.

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You have a recreational facility that offers gymnasium and other activities

Situation 1: You pay $100 for all the recreational activities and the price of using the
gym is 4 times the price of other activities

You spend 10 hours in the gym per week

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Situation 2: You pay $30 for using the gym and the price of using the gym now is
equal to the price of other activities

Will you continue spending 10 hours in the gym, even now?

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Figure 3.19

Revealed Preference for Recreation

When facing budget line l1, an

individual chooses to use a
health club for 10 hours per
week at point A.
When the fees are altered, she
faces budget line l2.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

She is then made better off

because market basket A can
still be purchased, as can market
basket B, which lies on a higher
indifference curve.

Initial budget line- $100 for all recreational activities (exercise price/hr=4)
New budget line- Pay a $30 fee for using the gym and exercise price/hr=1
Point A is affordable in both budget sets- 100=4x+y and 70=x+y

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Approaching consumer choice using the algebraic approach-

maximization of utility

● marginal utility (MU) Additional satisfaction obtained from consuming one

additional unit of a good.

● diminishing marginal utility Principle that as more of a good is consumed,

the consumption of additional amounts will yield smaller additions to utility.

Ex- additional satisfaction from the 1st and the 10th portion of favourite dish
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

● equal marginal principle Principle that utility is maximized when the

consumer has equalized the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure
across all goods.

MRS  MU /MU (3.5)

MRS  P / P (3.6)
MU / MU  P / P
MU / P  MU / P (3.7)
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Figure 3.20
Marginal Utility and Happiness
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

A comparison of mean levels of satisfaction with life across income classes in the United
States shows that happiness increases with income, but at a diminishing rate.

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* Some practice problems

1. Upon merging with the West German economy, East German consumers indicated a preference for
Mercedes-Benz automobiles over Volkswagens. However, when they converted their savings into
deutsche marks, they flocked to Volkswagen dealerships. How can you explain this apparent

2. Draw indifference curves that represent the following individuals’ preferences for hamburgers and
soft drinks. Indicate the direction in which the individuals’ satisfaction (or utility) is increasing.

(a) Jane loves hamburgers and dislikes soft drinks. If she is served a soft drink, she will pour it
down the drain rather than drink it.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

(b) Molly loves hamburgers and soft drinks, but insists on consuming exactly one soft drink for
every two hamburgers that she eats.
(c) Bill likes hamburgers but neither likes nor dislikes soft drinks

3. The price of DVDs (D) is $20 and the price of CDs (C) is $10. Philip has a budget of $100 to spend on
the two goods. Suppose that he has already bought one DVD and one CD. In addition there are 3
more DVDs and 5 more CDs that he would really like to buy.

a) Draw his budget line on a graph with CDs on the horizontal axis.
b) Considering what he has already purchased, and what he still wants to purchase, identify the
three different bundles of CDs and DVDs that he could choose.

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• 4.1 Individual Demand

• 4.2 Income and Substitution Effects

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

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Reconnecting the pattern with the framework

With consumer preference and constraint=> choice

(choice is the equilibrium quantity of food and clothing)

How to get the demand curve from the choice?

(individual demand for food is the quantity of food that one is

willing to consume for different food prices)

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Remember the framework!

(We have to incorporate price change in consumer choice


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Individual demand Market demand

Consumers curve
their levels
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

interaction of
the two and
we obtain an
their profits

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The Individual Demand Curve

Figure 4.1

Effect of Price Changes

A reduction in the price of food, with income and the

price of clothing fixed, causes the consumer to choose
a different market basket.

The utility maximizing combination of 6 units of

clothing and 4 units of food corresponds to a price of
food equal to $2.00.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

In panel (a), as the price of food falls, the utility

maximizing combination changes.

The baskets that maximize utility for various prices

of food trace out the price-consumption curve.

As the price of food changes, the quantity

of food demanded changes. The
relationship between the price and the
quantity of food demanded, shown in panel
(b), traces the demand curve for food.

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The Individual Demand Curve

● price-consumption
curve Curve tracing the utility-
maximizing combinations of two
goods as the price of one
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

● individual demand
curve Curve relating the
quantity of a good that a single
consumer will buy to its price.

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Income Changes
• Figure 4.2

• Effect of Income Changes

•An increase in income, with the

prices of all goods fixed, causes
consumers to alter their choice of
market baskets.
•In part (a), the baskets that
maximize consumer satisfaction
for various incomes (point A, First class-
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

$10; B, $20; D, $30) trace out the Effect of

income-consumption curve. rise in
•The shift to the right of the income?
demand curve in response to the
increases in income is shown in
part (b). (Points E, G, and H
correspond to points A, B, and D,

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Normal versus Inferior Goods

• Figure 4.3

• An Inferior Good

•An increase in a person’s

income can lead to less
consumption of one of the
two goods being
•Here, hamburger, though
a normal good between A
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

and B, becomes an
inferior good when the
curve bends backward
between B and C.

Examples- travel is
normal, fast food is inferior

Types of cooking oil,

processed cheese

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Engel Curves
• ● Engel curve
Curve relating the quantity of
a good consumed to income.
• Figure 4.4

• An Inferior Good

•Engel curves relate the

quantity of a good
consumed to income.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

•In (a), food is a normal

good and the Engel curve is
upward sloping.
•In (b), however, hamburger
is a normal good for income
less than $20 per month
•and an inferior good for
income greater than $20 per

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•If the market price were held

constant, we would expect to see an
increase in the quantity demanded as
a result of consumers’ higher incomes.
Because this increase would occur no
matter what the market price, the
result would be a shift to the right of
the entire demand curve.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

•TABLE 4.1 Annual U.S. Household Consumer Expenditures

• Expenditures Less than 10,000- 20,000- 30,000- 40,000- 50,000 70,000
• ($) on: $10,000 19,999 29,999 39,999 49,999 69,999 and
•Entertainment 844 947 1191 1677 1933 2402 4542
•Owned Dwelling 4272 4716 5701 6776 7771 8972 14763
•Rented Dwelling 2672 2779 2980 2977 2818 2255 1379
•Heath Care 1108 1874 2241 2361 2778 2746 3812
•Food 2901 3242 3942 4552 5234 6570 9247
•Clothing 861 884 1106 1472 1450 1961 3245
•Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Consumer Expenditure Survey, Annual Report 2005.”

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• Figure 4.5

• An Inferior Good

•Average per-household
expenditures on rented
dwellings, health care,
and entertainment are
plotted as functions of
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

annual income.
•Health care and
entertainment are normal
goods, as expenditures
increase with income.
•Rental housing,
however, is an inferior
good for incomes above

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Substitutes and complements

Figure 4.1



•Substitutes vs. complements

•Two goods are independent if a

change in the price of one good
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

has no effect on the quantity

demanded of the other.

•Relation with PCC

•Examine clothing quantity

with change in food price

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• Price effect- How does change in price affects quantity of a

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

First class- movement along the demand curve!

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• A fall in the price of a good has two effects:

1. Consumers will tend to buy more of the good that has

become cheaper

2. Because one of the goods is now cheaper, consumers

enjoy an increase in real purchasing power.
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

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Substitution Effect

● substitution effect Change in consumption of

a good associated with a change in its price, with
the level of utility held constant.
● Always negative

• Income Effect
● income effect Change in consumption of a good
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

resulting from an increase in purchasing power, with

relative prices held constant.
● May be positive or negative

•The total effect of a change in price is given theoretically by the

sum of the substitution effect and the income effect:

•Total Effect (F1F2) = Substitution Effect (F1E) + Income Effect (EF2)

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Types of goods- Suppose price of a good increases

● substitution effect - Always negative (substitute with other goods)

● income effect - May be positive or negative

● Normal goods- negative (reduce consumption of this good)

● Inferior goods- positive (increase consumption of this good)
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

● Total effect

● Normal goods- negative (Rise in price reduces demand for this

● Inferior goods- mostly negative (substitution effect is stronger
than income effect) – Giffen good [income effect is stronger than
substitution effect – so when the price of giffen goods rises then
the demand will also rise]?

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Types of goods- Suppose price of a good decreases

● substitution effect - Always negative (substitute with other goods)

● income effect - May be positive or negative

● Normal goods- negative (increase consumption of this good)

● Inferior goods- positive (reduce consumption of this good)
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

● Total effect

● Normal goods- negative (fall in price increases demand for this

● Inferior goods- mostly negative (substitution effect is stronger
than income effect) – Giffen good [income effect is stronger than
substitution effect – so when the price of giffen goods falls then
the demand will also fall]?

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•4.2 Giffen goods

Example of a giffen good- Bread, potatoes

Let us consider two options of food- potatoes and hamburgers. You have $20 to
spend on food for five days

Cost of potato- $1 and hamburger- $5

May be you are buying 10 potatoes and 2 hamburgers for five days

Now suppose price of potato has increased to $2- cannot substitute with
hamburger- might leave him hungry! He reduces consumption of hamburgers
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

and increases it for potatoes

Conditions for giffen goods- inferior good, amount spent on it must be a major
share of budget, lack of close substitutes

How different from Veblen goods- type of luxury good that is desired due to
its status symbol-conspicuous consumption

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•4.4 More on giffen goods

•Supplementary material-
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

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•Effect of a Gasoline Tax with a Rebate

• Figure 4.9
•A gasoline tax is imposed when
the consumer is initially buying
1200 gallons of gasoline at point
•After the tax takes effect, the
budget line shifts from AB to AD
and the consumer maximizes his
preferences by choosing E, with a
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

gasoline consumption of 900

•However, when the proceeds of
the tax are rebated to the
consumer, his consumption
increases somewhat, to 913.5
gallons at H.
•Despite the rebate program, the
consumer’s gasoline consumption
has fallen, as has his level of

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* Some practice problems

1. Suppose that an individual allocates his or her entire budget between two goods, food and clothing.
Can both goods be inferior? Explain.

2. Draw the PCC and ICC for perfect complements

3. An individual consumes two goods, clothing and food. Given the information below, illustrate both
the income-consumption curve and the Engel curve for clothing and food.

Price Price Quantity Quantity Income

Clothing Food Clothing Food
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

$10 $2 6 20 $100
$10 $2 8 35 $150
$10 $2 11 45 $200
$10 $2 15 50 $250

4. Judy has decided to allocate exactly $500 to college textbooks every year, even though she knows that
the prices are likely to increase by 5 to 10 percent per year and that she will be getting a substantial
monetary gift from her grandparents next year. What is Judy’s price elasticity of demand for
textbooks? Income elasticity?

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