Article CDA Group 8

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Critical Discourse Analysis on Medan Local

Newspapers’ Editorial

Group 8
Neli Agustina A1B017025
Serin Afrillia Anggraini A1B017031
Anaria Simbolon A1B017032
 The aim of this paper is to Medan local newspaper
explore how critical discourse between June untill December
analysis is realized in editorial
2012, they are the editorials of
local newspaper in Medan, Analisa, Andalas, Medan
Indonesia. The analysis was Bisnis, Orbit, Sinar Indonesia
grounded based on Norman Baru (SIB), Waspada that
Fairclough’s assumption on observed three major topic of
critical discourse analysis thatdiscussions like topic on
discussed three dimensions of politics, state officials, and
analysis, such as micro social phenomena.
analysis, macro analysis and
meso analysis The data  Keywords: Micro analysis,
collected were the editorials of Macro analysis, Meso analysis
 Newspaper’s editorial
according to Damayanti  Le (2009) elucidated that
(2012) is divided into editorialists rely almost
four types, they are: to exclusively on socio-  In addition to this
inform or to interpret, to cultural codes of values thought, Weiss and
criticize, to persuade, and (as opposed to Wodak (2003: 39)
to praise. The interpretive expressions of emotions) clarified the relationship
editorial is an editorial to convey their mostly between Discourse
which interpret or inform negative evaluations of Analysis and CDA by
an idea or phenomenon the issues in discussion. presenting that Discourse
which is based on facts.
Analysis pointed out that
CDA treats ‘criticism’ as
if it were intrinsic to the
enterprise (and,
implicitly, absent from
other forms of discourse
Research Methods
The sources of data of this research are the newspaper
editorial published in Medan, Indonesia. They were the
editorials edited in June to December 2012. The
editorials include Analisa, Andalas, Medan Bisnis,
Orbit, Sinar Indonesia Baru, and Waspada. The
editorials’ analysis are classified in to three categories,
they were newspaper editorial related to politics, state
officials and social topics.
Result and Discussion
 As Hou, Z (2015 : 197) elucidated how the and needs of the community. Likewise, in social
ideological triangulation of media reports on topics SKTM tend to criticize the performance
China’s establishment of linguistic enquiry can of state officials in handling social situations
be effectively and fruitfully combined, and the that are happening in the community.
great potential of using Concgram and Wmatrix.
Through analyzing the most frequently
occurring two-word Concgram, keywords and 2 Macro Analysis
key semantic categories. Editorial positions in political topics is
dominated by an editorial explaining /
interpreting, while the topic of state officials and
1 Micro Analysis social topics dominated by an editorial which
Surat Kabar Terbitan Medan (SKTM) as known criticized. This means that the text of the
as Medan Local Newspapers have genre in editorial SKTM political topics are more likely
political topics is dominated by commentary. to explain or interpret phenomena because this is
This means that SKTM newspaper editorials text possible because the government system is
in political topics tend to deliver the news by presidential, but its implementation is
reviewing or giving comment on the political parliamentary. In the topic of State
situation in the country. The political situation in administrators and social topics SKTM criticized
which the political system is presidential, but in the performance of the organizers of these
practicality tends to be a parliamentary allow the countries are considered not to meet the desires
newspaper to comment and review the political of the community. While the editorial SKTM
phenomena that occur in the community. While social topics tend to criticize the handling of
the topic of SKTM in state officials topic social phenomena that occur in the community.
criticize the performance of the organizers of the
state that are considered not to meet the desires
Meso Analysis critic to arrogance which SKTM tend
In presenting the editorial, SKTM in to function as a public policy analyst
politics tends to act as a topic of and criticize the arrogance of power.
people's information bestower, while While the topic of this social function
the topic of state officials tends to as an observer of social phenomena
play a more varied SKTM such as a tend to do SKTM. This is possible
public policy observer, critic to because so many social situations that
arrogance. In social topics SKTM occur and develop in society just
tend to act as an observer of social because the solution to this social
phenomena. This means that in the situations are halfhearted. Each
political topics SKTM tend to SKTM perform various functions in
function as a controller on the conveying phenomenon evolving
performance of politicians and our situation in the community.
political system. In the topic of state
administrators SKTM perform a
function as public policy observer and
Conclusions practice given of the SKTM
Having analyzed the result of the newspaper is dominantly used by
above research, it can be concluded using Public policy observer and
that critical discourse analysis in People’s information bestower, and
Medan Local Newspaper (SKTM) is social phenomena observer.
realized in a very significant change
from authoritarian in to a democratic Acknowledgements
one after the era of orde baru. This The researcher would like to
assumption can be proved by acknowledge Ministry of research,
observing the editorial of SKTM that Technology and Higher education of
mostly gave their thought by realizing Republic Indonesia especially the
review to their reader. The review or Directorate Research and Community
the critics is realized by criticizing the Services for giving fund and
rules which is violated by the official scholarship to his study. Besides, He
state. Ideological interpretation are also gave deep gratitude to the Medan
mostly dominated by realizing Local newspaper editorial’s writer as
reminding and criticizing on the despondence for giving chance to
editorial also convinces that SKTM interview them.
perform in free press in giving their
thought. The role or the social

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