Greenhouse Effect

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Presented By
Vivek Kumar
Sr. No. Topic Name
1 Greenhouse Effect

2 The Major Greenhouse Gases

3 Effects Of Greenhouse Effect

4 Characteristics of Greenhouse Gases

5 Control of Greenhouse Gases

6 Options for reducing Co2

7 Global Warming and Climate Change

8 Consequences

9 Who is responsible ?


11 References
Greenhouse Effect
“Greenhouse effect is the process by which radiations
from the sun are absorbed by the greenhouse gases and
not reflected back into space. This insulates the surface of
the earth and prevents it from freezing.”
A greenhouse is a house made of glass that can be used to
grow plants. The sun’s radiations warm the plants and the
air inside the greenhouse. The heat trapped inside can’t
escape out and warms the greenhouse which is essential for
the growth of the plants. Same is the case in the earth’s
During the day the sun heats up the earth’s atmosphere. At
night, when the earth cools down the heat is radiated back
into the atmosphere. During this process, the heat is
absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere.
This is what makes the surface of the earth warmer, that
makes the survival of living beings on earth possible.
However, due to the increased levels of greenhouse gases,
the temperature of the earth has increased considerably. This
has led to several drastic effects.
The Major Greenhouse Gases
The main greenhouse gases whose concentrations are rising are carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs),
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and ozone in the lower atmosphere.
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
 Methane (CH4)
 Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
 Halocarbons and SF6
 Molecular Hydrogen (H2)
Source of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Gas Emission
There are both natural and human sources of carbon
dioxide emissions.
 Natural sources include decomposition, ocean
release and respiration. Human sources come
from activities like cement production,
deforestation as well as the burning of fossil
fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

 Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources

of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing.
Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal
and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary
cause of the increased carbon dioxide
concentrations in the atmosphere.

 87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide

emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels
like coal, natural gas and oil. The remainder
results from the clearing of forests and other land
use changes (9%), as well as some industrial
processes such as cement manufacturing (4%)
Source of Methane (CH4) Gas Emission
 Methane is emitted from a variety of anthropogenic
(human-influenced) and natural sources.

 Anthropogenic emission sources include landfills, oil

and natural gas systems, agricultural activities, coal
mining, stationary and mobile combustion, wastewater
treatment, and certain industrial processes.

 Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic

GHG after carbon dioxide (CO2), accounting for about
20 percent of global emissions. Methane is more than 25
times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the

 Over the last two centuries, methane concentrations in

the atmosphere have more than doubled, largely due to
human-related activities. Because methane is both a
powerful greenhouse gas and short-lived compared to
carbon dioxide, achieving significant reductions would
have a rapid and significant effect on atmospheric
warming potential.
Source of Nitrous Oxide (NO2) Gas Emission
 Nitrous oxide emissions gets produced by both natural and human

 Important natural sources include soils under natural vegetation and the
oceans. Natural sources create 62% of total emissions. Important
human sources come from agriculture, fossil fuel combustion and
industrial processes. Human-related sources are responsible for 38% of
total emissions.

 Human activities have added large quantities of reactive nitrogen

compounds to the environment and have virtually doubled the mainly
natural inputs existing at the beginning of the industrial age. But, a
large part of this gets lost and cascades through the Earth's soils, water
ways and atmosphere. This has increased nitrous oxide emissions by
about 40-50% over pre-industrial levels.

 Because of the inefficiencies of nitrogen uptake by plants and animals,

only about 10 to 15% of reactive nitrogen ever enters a human mouth
as food. The rest is lost to the environment. Industrialized farming
practices have worsened this loss and the result has been increased
emissions. Because of this, agriculture is the most important human
source of nitrous oxide emissions.
Effects of Greenhouse Effect
 Global Warming and Climate Change
 Effect on the ozone layer
 Effect on the oceanic climate
 Disruption of water cycle
 Rise of sea level
 Migration of species
 Food shortages
 The spread of diseases and pandemics
Characteristics of Greenhouse Gases
Type of Greenhouse Origin Contribution To Greenhouse Effect
Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Burning of fossil • Plants • Absorption of infrared radiation
fuels undergoing photosynt • Indirectly affects the concentration of ozone in
• Deforestation hesis the stratosphere.
• Oceans
Methane (CH4) • Burning of Biomass • Microorganisms • Absorption of infrared radiation
• Rice paddies uptake • Indirectly affects the concentration of ozone
• Fermentation by • Reactions associated and water vapor in the stratosphere
enteric bacteria with hydroxyl groups • Production of carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide (N2O) • Burning of Biomass • Removal by soils • Absorption of infrared radiation
• Combustion of fossil • Photolysis in the • Indirectly affects the concentration of ozone in
fuels stratosphere the stratosphere
• Fertilizers
Ozone (O3) Chemical reactions that All catalytic chemical Absorption of infrared and ultraviolet radiation
involve oxygen reactions that involve
nitrous oxide,
hypochlorite, and
hydroxyl species
Characteristics of Greenhouse Gases
Type of Greenhouse Origin Contribution To Greenhouse Effect
Chlorofluorocarbon Industrial production Photolysis and reaction • Absorption of infrared radiation
(CFC) with oxygen • Indirectly affects the concentration of ozone in
the stratosphere
Carbon Monoxide (CO) • Plant emissions • Soil uptake • Affects stratospheric O3 and OH cycles
• Man-made release • Reactions with OH • produces CO2
(transport &

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) • Volcanoes • Dry and wet Forms aerosols, which scatter solar radiation
• Coal and Biomass deposition
burning • Reactions with OH
Control of Greenhouse Effect
 Alternate sources of energy are to be
 Advance and efficient technologies
for reducing emission from fossil
 Afforestation and reforestation on
large scale
 Water logging should be avoided
 Reduction of the use of CFC
 Use Renewable energy
 Purchase Solar Panels
 Buy Green Tags Product
 Look for the Energy Star Label
 Install tankless water heaters
 Wash clothes in cold or warm water
 Plant a native garden
 Use non-toxic household products
Options For Reducing Co2
Bioenergy with carbon capture and Direct air capture
storage Direct air capture can enable carbon removal in which
BECCS involves the capture and permanent storage of CO2 captured from the atmosphere is permanently
CO2 from processes where biomass is burned to stored. The captured CO2 can also be sold for use, for
generate energy. This can include power plants using example, in food and beverage production or for
biomass (or a mix of biomass and fossil fuels); pulp blending with low-carbon hydrogen to make synthetic
mills for paper production; lime kilns for cement fuels. But in most cases, the captured CO2 that is used
production; and refineries producing biofuels through is re-released into the atmosphere, such as when the
fermentation (ethanol) or gasification (biogas) of fuel is burned. In these cases, use of the captured
biomass. CO2 could still generate climate benefits, particularly
BECCS enables carbon removal because biomass where synthetic fuels are replacing conventional fossil
absorbs CO2 as it grows, and this CO2 is not re- fuels, for example. But this would not result in
released when it is burned. Instead, it is captured and negative emissions.
injected into deep geological formations, removing it Due to the low concentration of CO2 in the
from the natural carbon cycle. atmosphere, direct air capture technologies are
BECCS is one of the most mature carbon removal currently more energy-intensive and expensive than
options. There are a number of BECCS facilities other carbon capture applications, which draw off
operating around the world today, capturing CO2 from more concentrated CO2 from industrial facilities or
industrial processes (for example, ethanol production) power plants.
and biomass-based power generation.
Options For Reducing Co2
Carbon Mineralization Ocean-based Concepts
Some minerals naturally react with CO2, turning A number of ocean-based carbon removal concepts
carbon from a gas into a solid. The process is have been proposed to leverage the ocean’s capacity
commonly referred to as carbon mineralization or to store carbon and identify approaches beyond only
enhanced weathering, and it naturally happens very land-based applications. However, nearly all of them
slowly, over hundreds or thousands of years. are at early stages of development and need more
Carbon mineralization can also be used as a way to research, and in some cases pilot testing, to
store CO2 by injecting into suitable rock types where understand whether they are appropriate for
it reacts to form a solid carbonate. Additionally, some investment given potential ecological, social and
applications could replace conventional production governance impacts.
methods for products like concrete, which is used at a Each approach aims to accelerate natural carbon
multi-billion ton scale globally. cycles in the ocean. They could include leveraging
photosynthesis in coastal plants, seaweed or
phytoplankton; adding certain minerals to increase
storage of dissolved bicarbonate; or running an
electric current through seawater to help extract CO2.
Global Warming and Climate Change
 The sun’s Surface which has an average temperature of 10,000
degrees. Fahrenheit (5810 degrees kelvin), Primarily radiates visible
 The surface of the earth has an average temperature of 60 degrees.
Fahrenheit (288 degrees kelvin), so it radiates in the infrared part of
the spectrum.
 The temperature of an object is determined by a balance between
incoming and outgoing energy.
 For the Earth, the incoming energy is the absorbed light from the sun,
and the outgoing energy is infrared light the Earth radiates out to
 Due to the green house effect the earth could not radiate the total heat
and thus make life possible.
 Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air
pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar
radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally this
radiation would escape into space, but these pollutants, which can
last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause
the planet to get hotter.
Global Warming and Climate Change
 Global Warming also happening because
the blanket of GHG are becoming thicker

 Climate change refers to long-term shifts

in temperatures and weather patterns.
These shifts may be natural, such as
through variations in the solar cycle. But
since the 1800s, human activities have
been the main driver of climate change,
primarily due to burning fossil fuels like
coal, oil and gas.
 Examples of greenhouse gas emissions
that are causing climate change include
carbon dioxide and methane.
As a change of climate has occurred which treats
the sustainability of life. The consequences are as
 Melting of polar ice caps and glacier along
with thermal expansion of water.
 Hotter temperatures
 More severe storms
 Increased drought
 A warming, rising ocean
 Loss of species
 More diseases like malaria and dengue
 Not enough food
 Impacts of ecosystem would change the crop
production potential of region specially Asia,
Africa, South and Central America
Who is responsible ?
 Affluent and rich countries are responsible for
climate change.
 Global energy consumption and Co2 Emissions
have increased 3 times between 1950 – 85.
 According to the most recent data from
the Global Carbon Project from 2021, the top five
countries that have produced the most CO2 from
1975 to 2020 are the United States, China, Russia,
Germany, and the U.K.
 CO2 emissions per capita in India are equivalent
to 1.91 tons per person (based on a population of
1,324,517,249 in 2016), an increase by 0.07 over
the figure of 1.85 CO2 tons per person registered
in 2015; this represents a change of 3.6% in CO2
emissions per capita.
 In 2020, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled
5,222 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
equivalents after accounting for sequestration
from the land sector.
“You can’t force
people to care about
the natural
environment, but if
o te s
you encourage them Qu
to connect with it,
they just might.”
— Jennifer Nini
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