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Term 1- Week 1
Week 1
Angular Apocalyptic Apprehension
Brooding Ceased
Angular Anxiety or fear that something bad will

Apocalyptic Having sharp corners.

Apprehension Showing deep thought about something

that makes one sad, angry, or worried.

Brooding Describing the complete destruction of

the world.

Ceased To stop or bring to an end

Angular Apocalyptic Apprehension
Brooding Ceased
Angular Anxiety or fear that something bad will

Apocalyptic Having sharp corners.

Apprehension Showing deep thought about something

that makes one sad, angry, or worried.

Brooding Describing the complete destruction of

the world.

Ceased To stop or bring to an end

How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Put the correct word into each sentence:
1. His sharp elbows were …….
2. The fire raged like an ……………..scene from the Bible.

3. The girl was sulky and she seemed to be ……………..
4. It was the ……………..of failing his test which made him
5. Learning…………………at the end of the school day.
Put the correct word into each sentence:

1. His sharp elbows were angular.

2. The fire raged like an apocalyptic scene from the Bible.

3. The girl was sulky and she seemed to be brooding.

4. It was the apprehension of failing his test which made him


5. Learning ceased at the end of the school day.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so
that it is correct

The forest was dense and the sombre mood of the place was brooding.

The teacher was brooding because all the class passed their exams.

The girl brooded because she was spoilt and naughty.

Identify the correct synonyms for ceased and
make a list of them in your book. There are 6.

Stopped Ended
Started Ran over
Began Concluded
Finished Completed
Terminated Abruptly
Check your answers and tick them in your book.

Stopped Ended
Started Ran over
Began Concluded
Finished Completed
Terminated Abruptly
Write a paragraph to describe a villain using
these three words.
Angular Having sharp corners.

Apprehension Anxiety or fear that something bad will


Brooding Showing deep thought about something that

makes one sad, angry, or worried.
Week 2
Churning Without stopping or pausing.
Clutching To move about in a turning motion.
Continuously To get continuously worse.
Deteriorating To grasp tightly.
Devoured To eat something quickly and
Churning Clutching Continuously
Deteriorating Devoured
Churning Without stopping or pausing.
Clutching To move about in a turning motion.
Continuously To get continuously worse.
Deteriorating To grasp tightly.
Devoured To eat something quickly and
How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Fill in the gaps with the words you have defined.

1.The derelict house was…

2.The greedy man…
3.She never gave up; her teacher noted
4.Gertrude’s grasp was tightly ….
5.The milkmaid was turning the milk into
butter by…
Fill in the gaps with the words you have defined.

1.The derelict house was deteriorating.

2.The greedy man devoured the food.
3.She never gave up; her teacher noted she
continuously tried hard.
4.Gertrude’s grasp was tightly clutching the bag
5. The milkmaid was turning the milk into
butter by churning it.
Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

Mary worked in the dairy making butter by churning the milk.

The farmer prepared for planting the field by churning up the soil with
a plough.

The man tried to smooth out the piles of papers by churning them up.
Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

Mary worked in the dairy making butter by churning the milk.

The farmer prepared for planting the field by churning up the soil with
a plough.

The man tried to smooth out the piles of papers by churning them up.
Identify the correct 8 synonyms for devoured

Scoffed Destroyed
Engulfed Consumed
liked Wolfed down
Ate Picked at
Identify the correct synonyms for devoured

Scoffed Destroyed
Engulfed Consumed
liked Wolfed down
Ate Picked at
Week 3
Engulf Feebly Fragrance
Frenzied Fussed
Engulf To show care for in an affectionate way
Feebly Wildly excited and uncontrolled
Fragrance A perfumed smell
Frenzied To overwhelm, surround or cover completely
Fussed In a way which lacks strength or force
Engulf To show care for in an affectionate way

Feebly Wildly excited and uncontrolled

Fragrance A perfumed smell

Frenzied To overwhelm, surround or cover completely

Fussed In a way which lacks strength or force

How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Put the correct word into each sentence:

1. The perfume was her favourite……….

2. The fire was about to ………. the house.

3. After running a marathon, the man ……… walked to his car.

4. He behaved in such a ………. way by shouting and running

into the classroom.

5. The dad ……… over the child as it was his first day of school.
Put the correct word into each sentence:

1. The perfume was her favourite fragrance.

2. The fire was about to engulf the house.

3. After running a marathon, the man feebly walked to his car.

4. He behaved in such a frenzied way by shouting and running

into the classroom.

5. The dad fussed over the child as it was his first day of school.
Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

The lively, upbeat music in the of the horror film felt frenzied.

There was no trouble at the protest because the crowd was frenzied.

Sometimes frenzied haste is needed to avoid an accident.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

The lively, upbeat music in the of the horror film felt frenzied.

There was no trouble at the protest because the crowd was frenzied.

Sometimes frenzied haste is needed to avoid an accident.

Identify the 6 correct synonyms for engulf

Overwhelm Overcome
Eject Swallow up
Write a sentence with all the words in.

• The fragrance the woman had fussed about and bought in a frenzied
haste engulfed her and made her dizzy so she was feebly ill.

• Extra positive for the best one!

Identify the 6 correct synonyms for engulf
Overwhelm Overcome
Eject Swallow up
• The word engulf was not used to mean cover up entirely by anything
except the sea until 1711. After this it was usually about fire.
• Look at the word EN means in and gulf is a large sea inlet.
• Remember language is a constantly changing medium. 30 years ago
the words associated with computing were not in use.
• If you said to the teacher my HW is on my memory stick, they would
not know what this was!
Knowledge about words. Why do we have so many words that
mean almost the same?

• Fragrance is Latin from “fragrans”

• Odour is old French from “odor”
• Stench is old English from “stenc”
• As the English language is made up of so many different languages,
we retained words which had slightly different contextual meanings.
• How are the above words slightly different?
Week 4
Garish Grim Grime
Halt Hollow
Garish Miserable or dark
Grim Showy or brightly coloured
Grime Stop
Halt Dirt and filth
Hollow Shell like without a solid middle
Garish Miserable or dark
Grim Showy or brightly coloured
Grime Stop
Halt Dirt and filth
Hollow Shell like without a solid middle
How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Put the correct word into each sentence:

1. The man’s shirt was…….

2. The fire alarm bought the lesson to a ………..

3. James felt the paint did not look nice because it was …….

4. The dirty house was full of dirt and……..

5. The Easter egg was not worth the money because it

Put the correct word into each sentence:

1. The man’s shirt was garish.

2. The fire alarm bought the lesson to a halt.

3. James felt the paint did not look nice because it was grim.

4. The dirty house was full of dirt and grime.

5. The Easter egg was not worth the money because it was
Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

The teacher had decorated the classroom in garish colours.

There were so many different colours the effect was garish.

The hospital ward was all white so felt garish.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

The teacher had decorated the classroom in garish colours.

There were so many different colours the effect was garish.

The hospital ward was all white so felt garish.

Identify the 9 correct synonyms for grim

Miserable Depressing
Dull Dark
Bright Foreboding
Luminous Dingy
Forbidding Uninviting
Identify the correct synonyms for grim

Miserable Depressing
Dull Dark
Bright Foreboding
Luminous Dingy
Forbidding Uninviting
Knowledge about language
• “Grimm” is an old English word for a goblin or god who is
evil. In the 17th Century the word Grim Reaper became
associated with this figure. Then the word grim associated
with misery.
• Today we can say a situation is grim. The lockdown was
Week 5



Hordes perfectly clean, neat, or tidy 1

Huddle a large group of people

Immaculate extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree

Immense crowd together; nestle closely

Hordes perfectly clean, neat, or tidy

Huddle a large group of people

Immaculate extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree

Immense crowd together; nestle closely

How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Put the words into a full sentence please:

1. Hordes of people…

2. The huddle…

3. His room was immaculate, …

4. The city has immense…

Modelling Good Practice

1. Hordes of people gathered at the football match.

2. The huddle stood under the shelter to get out of the rain.

3. His room was immaculate, he had cleaned it thoroughly.

4. The city has immense numbers of people and vehicles.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

1. The store owner was unprepared for the horde of customers who rushed
into his store.

2. The winter storm made her want to huddle under the covers.

3. The gardener works tirelessly to keep my garden immaculate, it has lots of

brambles and weeds, but flowers too.
Identify the correct synonyms for immaculate – there are 8

Clean Tainted
Dull Unstained
Flawed Neat
Spotless Unsterile
Pristine Tidy
Dirty Gleaming
Unsoiled Defiled
Identify the correct synonyms for immaculate

Clean Tainted
Dull Unstained
Flawed Neat
Spotless Unsterile
Pristine Tidy
Dirty Gleaming
Unsoiled Defiled
Write a description of a disgusting teenage bedroom, use the vocab below.

Clean Tainted
Dull Unstained
Flawed Neat
Spotless Unsterile
Pristine Tidy
Dirty Gleaming
Unsoiled Defiled
Week 6
Inclination relating to or characterised by industry

Industrial a person's natural tendency or urge to act in a particular way

Intimidating not even or balanced in shape or arrangement

Irregular having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect

Inclination relating to or characterised by industry

Industrial a person's natural tendency or urge to act in a particular way

Intimidating not even or balanced in shape or arrangement

Irregular having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect

How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Finish the sentences:
1. She had an inclination to…

2. The building was industrial, it…

3. The bully was always scaring them. He was very …

4. The … heartbeat suggested something was wrong.

Modelling Good Practice:

1. She had an inclination to lie to get herself out of trouble.

2. The building was industrial, it had large towers with steam coming out.

3. The bully was always scaring them. He was very intimidating.

4. The irregular heartbeat suggested something was wrong.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so that it is correct

His scowl was intimidating, the children all went up to him to introduce

A horrible inclination to laugh seized her, followed by as horrible a desire

to cry.

His pulse began a rapid, irregular pounding as he listened for the noise
once more.
Identify the correct antonyms for intimidating - there are

Frightening Alarming
Calming Terrorising
Comforting Soothing
Terrifying Consoling
Menacing Unnerving
Inviting Threatening
Reassuring Pressurising
Relaxing Tranquilizing
Identify the correct antonyms for intimidating – there are 8

Frighten Alarm
Calming Terrorise
Comforting Soothing
Terrify Consoling
Menace Unnerve
Inviting Threaten
Reassuring Pressure
Relaxing Tranquilising
Week 7



Lashing a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred

Liberty abrupt, uncontrolled movements

Loathing a beating with a stick or whip

Lurch the state of being free from oppression

Lashing a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred

Liberty abrupt, uncontrolled movements

Loathing a beating with a stick or whip

Lurch the state of being free from oppression

How many syllables in each word?

How many syllables in each word?

Finish the sentences:
1. Lashing down on the window, the…

2. She was at liberty to…

3. The loathing increased,…

4. Lurching forward, the horse…

Modelling Good Practice:
1. Lashing down on the window, the rain hit the glass.

2. She was at liberty to do as she pleased now.

3. The loathing increased, she flew into a rage.

4. Lurching forward, the horse stumbled and fell.

Identify the incorrect sentence and re-write it so
that it is correct

1. The man screamed as the lashings continued.

2. Nelson Mandela gained his liberty after years in


3. She expressed her intense loathing of him, whilst

smiling fondly at him.
Identify the 8 correct synonyms for
Contempt Hatred
Admiration Respect
Approval Adoration
Disgust Revulsion
Love Detestation
Dislike Delight
Enmity Repugnance
Identify the correct synonyms for loathing 4
Contempt Hatred
Admiration Respect
Approval Adoration
Disgust Revulsion
Love Detestation
Dislike Delight
Enmity Repugnance

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