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• In French all nouns are either masculine or feminine.

• This is called the gender of the noun.

• What are definite articles
• We use them to say "the"
• Le- masculine singular.
• La- feminine singular.
• Les- masculine/feminine plural
• Here are few examples- le cartable les cartables.
la gomme. les gommes.
In front of a vowel(voyelle) or h,we use "l"
( a, e, i, o, u ) -examples- l'ami, l' homme.
The definite and
indefinite articles
Les articles définis et indéfinis
• What are indefinite articles.
• We use them to say "a or an " in French.
• Un- masculine singular.
• Une- feminine singular.
Des is for masculine/ feminine plural.
Examples- un stylo (a pen) des stylos.
une table.(a table) des tables.
Now let us try this activity.

• Traduisez en français
• 1.the paperclip-
• 2.the boy-
• 3.the books-
• 4.the chair-
• eraser-
• 6. a file-
• 7. books-
• 8. a ruler-
• 9.notebooks-
• 10. the man-

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