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Bab 2

Kerangka Kerja
Untuk Analisis
Elemen Analisis
Afeksi & Kognisi
 Afeksi
“ Mengacu pada hal yang konsumen rasakan mengenai
stimulus dan kejadian”
1. Emosi
Cinta, Amarah
2. Kondisi Perasaan

Kepuasaan, Frustasi
3. Suasana Hati

Kebosanan, relaksasi
4. Sikap yang ringan

Kegemaran, kesukaan
Afeksi & Kognisi
 Kognisi
“ Mengacu pada hal yang
konsumen pikirkan,
pemahaman, interpretasi
stimulus dan kejadian”
1. Pengetahuan
2. Pengalaman
3. Pemikiran sadar ataupun
4. Detail-detail informasi
Perilaku Konsumen
 Mengacu pada aksi fisik konsumen secara langsung
dapat diamati dan diukur oleh pihak lain
 Hanya melalui perilaku penjualan dan keuntungan
 Yang Mengarahkan Perilaku:
1. Kualitas Superior
2. Harga yang lebih rendah
3. Kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi
4. Pelayanan yang lebih baik
5. Produk, toko, merek yang lebih trendi
6. Ketersediaan mudah
Lingkungan Konsumen
 Mengacu pada segala hal diluar konsumen yang
mempengaruhi hal yang mereka pikirkan, rasakan
dan lakukan
 Berbagai macam pengaruh lingkungan konsumen:
1. Budaya
2. Sub Budaya
3. Kelas Sosial
4. Kelompok Acuan
5. Keluarga
6. Toko
7. Produk
8. Iklan, etc
Peran Penelitian & Analisis Konsumen
Pada Strategi Pemasaran
Tingkatan Analisis

 Masyarakat
 Industri
 Segmentasi Pasar
 Konsumen Individual


LEGO Group is the manufacturer of LEGO toys, one of the most popular brands of toys in the world. Lego Toys - 'The Story of
Playful Learning' describes the success story of the LEGO Group. It also explains the initiatives the company took to adapt its
products to the changes in tastes and preferences of children over the years. The LEGO Group's brand protection efforts are also
discussed in detail.
» Toys for the development of non-academic skills of children
» Quality maintenance for the success of a brand
» Brand protection efforts

In 2005, the Denmark-based LEGO Group was one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toys. The Group started
its operations in 1932, making wooden toys. Later it diversified into making plastic bricks, which were introduced in
the market as Automatic Binding Bricks. LEGO toys (Refer Exhibit) consisted of small plastic bricks of different
shapes and colors, which could be assembled into various forms.

The introduction of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, better known as ABS plastics for making the bricks was a major development as
it was non-toxic and more resistant to heat, chemicals, etc...

Questions for Discussion:

1. Identify the strategies which helped the LEGO Group to remain one of the prominent toy manufactures in the world even
after many decades of its inception.

2. "The toy market has been declining for some time and is extremely competitive. To consolidate its position, the LEGO
Group chose to sell its majority holding in the LEGOLAND Parks in order to focus on closer relations with our customers
and consumers, improved marketing, and a greater emphasis on core products." Do you agree with this statement?

Starbucks' service strategy encompassed providing a good product accompanied by customer

friendly service and attractive ambience. The caselet speaks about the kind of customer relations
Starbucks followed, which was one of the reasons that so many consumers of Starbucks went in for
repeat purchases. The caselet also indicates how Starbucks developed goodwill among the public by
bonding with the local community.
» The reasons that make consumers loyal to an organization
» The ways in which an organization tries to enhance value for the customer during the purchase
» Why organizations take care of a good purchase experience rather than just focusing on the
purchase product/service

Starbucks is known around the world for the unique blends of coffee it serves its customers through
its coffee service outlets in 35 countries (Refer Exhibit for coffee varieties sold at Starbucks). Along
with coffee, the company also sold a line of premium tea, cookies, snacks, espresso machines, and
coffee brewers.

The company, founded in 1971 at Seattle, US, opened it first international outlet in 1996 at Tokyo,
Japan. The company had consolidated net revenue of US$ 5.3 billion in fiscal 2004. More than coffee,
it was the Starbucks experience that made customers come back to the store...

Questions for Discussion:

1. "More than coffee, it was the Starbucks experience that made customers come back to the store."
Assess the service strategies followed by Starbucks.

2. Why did the buying pattern at Starbucks depict loyalty on the part of customers toward the store?


Transmart is one of the leading retailers in Indonesia. The caselet titled ’Mega Transmart Consumer Loyalty Program' gives an
overview of the consumer loyalty program started by 50% discount using Mega Card to create loyalty among its customers. It also
talks about Mega MasterCard, a co-branded card launched by it in association with Mega Card.

» Strategies for increasing consumer loyalty in retail stores
» Role of co-branded cards in consumer loyalty programs
» Special benefits provided to loyal customers

Transmart, a part of Chairul Tanjung as the owner of PT Trans Retail Indonesia Corp. Group of Companies, is one of Indonesia's
leading retailers, with merchandise which includes apparels, perfumes, cosmetics, home appliances, etc. The first Transmart outlet
was set up in October 1998 known as Carefour at Jakarta.
Transmart was established with the vision of becoming a "global retailer in Indonesia and maintaining its number one position in
Indonesia in the department store category." To enhance the shopping experience of customers and offer the 'ultimate shopping
experience,' Transmart started a loyalty program named ‘Mega Card Reward.'...

Questions for Discussion:

1. Chairul Tanjung, chief executive officer of Transmart said about Mega Card Reward, "with this card, our customers can now get
more and more benefits within the store as well as outside." What are the benefits that a holder of the Mega card was entitled to?

2. In the light of Transmart loyalty programs, evaluate the influence that loyalty programs can have on the purchase decision of
4. UBS


The caselet, UBS: Branding the One Identity, gives an overview of UBS implementing a uniform brand identity across its divisions
throughout the globe. Through this move, the company wanted to convey to its clients that they were dealing with one of the leading
financial services firms in the world. The caselet also touches on the advertising campaigns that UBS undertook to convey this

» The advantages of having a unified brand identity for an organization
» The role played by employees in communicating the brand identity of the company to the customers
» Challenges faced while implementing a standardized promotional campaign across various cultures and languages

UBS, headquartered in Zurich and Basel and one of the leading banking and financial services group in the world, had an operating
income of CHF 44,760 million and a net profit of CHF 8,016 million in 2004.
The company, engaged in wealth management, investment banking, and retail and commercial banking. had a presence in more
than fifty countries. UBS was formed in 1998 through the merger of the two Swiss banks, Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss
Bank Corporation...

Questions for Discussion:

1. "As part of its global brand management strategy, UBS was trying to convey the same brand identity in all the countries where it
was present." What compelled UBS to go in for a unified brand throughout the globe?

2. "UBS considered its employees to be its most important touchpoint and depended on them to communicate what the brand stood
for. UBS kept its employees informed about the external communication campaigns of the company." How important was it for UBS
to convey the new brand message internally?

Pizza Hut Inc. and Papa John's International Inc. are among the leading pizza chains in USA. The caselet 'The Advertisement War:
Pizza Hut vs. Papa John's' examines the factors that led to the intense advertisement war between these two pizza giants that went
as far as the US Supreme court. The caselet traces the strategies they adopted in various courts of law. The caselet also gives
insights into the puffery used in advertisements by Papa John's to impress the customers.

» Reasons for the multi-million dollar legal battle between Pizza Hut and Papa John's
» Comparative advertisements and the limits to which they can go
» Puffery in advertisements and the limit beyond which it becomes deceptive

In 1997, Pizza Hut Inc. (Pizza Hut), based in Dallas (USA), was the largest pizza chain in the USA. Papa John's International Inc.
(Papa John’s), which had operations in 49 states of USA, was the fourth largest pizza chain in the country.
There was intense rivalry between these two pizza giants, which led to a prolonged legal battle over their various advertisement
campaigns. The battle even reached the US Supreme Court...

Questions for Discussion:

1. In the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, Papa John's took the stand that its slogan "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza" used puffery to
impress customers. Discuss the stand of Papa John's.

2. Pizza Hut and Papa John's fought for about two and half years in court over their advertisements which compared each other's
products and ingredients. What is your opinion about such comparative advertisements?

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