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Unit 1

Unit 1
1a. Reading
Page 17

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1 Lesson 1a

Lesson Outline



Speaking & Writing


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

By the end of this lesson,

students will be able to…

- learn and practise vocabulary for household chores: load the

dishwasher, clear the table, mop the floor, do the laundry, set the
table, do the ironing, vacuum the table, dust the furniture.
- present their ideas about household chores.
- write a list of weekly chores.
- develop cultural awareness in Vietnam and other countries.
- practise research skills.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Task 4: Fill in each gap with set, mop, do (x2), load, vacuum, dust
or clear. Then listen and check.

load the dishwasher 2. _______

1. ______ mop the floor set the table
3. _______ vacuum the rug
4. _________

clear the table

5. _______ do
6. _______ the laundry 7. _______
do the ironing dust the furniture
8. _______

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

- load the dishwasher /ləʊd ðə ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə(r)/ (v. phr): để chén dĩa
vào máy rửa
- mop the floor /mɒp ðə flɔː(r)/ (v. phr): lau sàn nhà
- set the table/ set ðə ˈteɪbəl/ (v. phr): chuẩn bị bàn ăn
- vacuum the rug /ˈvæk.juːm ðə rʌɡ/ (v. phr): hút bụi thảm
- clear the table /klɪə(r) ðə ˈteɪbəl / (v. phr): dọn dẹp bàn ăn
- do the laundry / du: ðə ˈlɔːndri/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
- do the ironing /du: ði ˈaɪənɪŋ/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
- dust the furniture /dʌst ðə ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

- load the dishwasher /ləʊd ðə ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə(r)/ (v. phr): để chén dĩa
vào máy rửa
- mop the floor /mɒp ðə flɔː(r)/ (v. phr): lau sàn nhà
- set the table /set ðə ˈteɪbəl/ (v. phr): chuẩn bị bàn ăn
- vacuum the rug /ˈvæk.juːm ðə rʌɡ/ (v. phr): hút bụi thảm
- clear the table /klɪə(r) ðə ˈteɪbəl / (v. phr): dọn dẹp bàn ăn
- do the laundry / du: ðə ˈlɔːndri/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
- do the ironing /du: ði ˈaɪənɪŋ/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
- dust the furniture /dʌst ðə ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)/ (v. phr): giặt đồ
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

New lesson

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Task 5: Which of the chores in Task 4 does SpotMini Robot do?

Which chores do you/ your family members do?

SpotMini can load the dishwasher, set the table and clear
the table.

I usually clear the table and load the dishwasher. My sister

sets the table and sometimes dusts the furniture. We both
mop the floor.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Task 6. Think: Would you like a robot to do your

household chores? Why/ Why not?

Yes, I would like a robot to help me out with my household

chores. This way, I will have more free time.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Task 7. Make a list of your weekly chores. Compare

it with your partners.
Day Chores
Monday • set and clean the table
• mop the floor
Tuesday • set and clean the table
• mop the floor
Wednesday • set and clean the table
• mop the floor
Thursday • set and clean the table
• mop the floor
• do the laundry
Friday • set and clean the table
• dust the furniture
Saturday • set and clean the table
• do the laundry
• dust the furniture
Sunday • set and clean the table
• do the laundry
• tidy my bedroom

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Family is an integral part of Vietnamese

life and it may be common for three
generations – grandparents, parents,
uncles, aunts, and children – to live in the
one home.
Weekdays start early. Parents go to
work,children go to school and the elderly
memberslook after small children.
Respect is very important in the family.
Children show respect to their parents and

Do you think it is the same in other countries?

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Families in the UK, USA and Australia

are not the same as ones in Vietnam.
A family in the UK, USA and Australia
is the classic nuclear family (with a
husband, a wife and children).
Extended family members live

Do you think it is the same in other countries?

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

4 Complete the phrases. Extra Practice

• vacuum • dust • set • clear
• do • load • mop • do

1 ____________
clear the table
2 ____________
mop the floor
3 ____________
load the dishwasher
4 ____________ the furniture
5 ____________ the table
vacuum the rug
6 ____________
7 ____________ the ironing
8 ____________ the laundry
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

5 Circle the odd one out. Extra Practice

1 mop – bed – table – furniture

2 taxi – nap – bike – bus
3 ironing – laundry – dishes – homework
4 watch – clear – dust – load
5 clean – vacuum – play – dust
6 lunch – breakfast – dinner – nap

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

6 Fill in each gap with the correct word. Extra Practice

• makes • mop • have • watch • answers • does
• catch • play • take • clear • do • are dusting
makes breakfast.
1 When Scott wakes up, he always _________
mop the floor after school.
2 Tom often helps his mom _________
catch the bus to school.
3 My brother is waiting to _________
4 In the evenings, Sarah likes to _________
play music with her little
take a nap because she feels tired.
5 Mary wants to _________
answers the door when the bell rings.
6 My sister usually _________

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

6 Fill in each gap with the correct word.

• makes • mop • have • watch • answers • does
• catch • play • take • clear • do • are dusting
watch the news in the morning.
7 Lloyd and Diane always __________
8 I __________ the ironing every Saturday.
are dusting the furniture at the
9 Trung and his brother __________
10 Ann helps her mom __________ the table after dinner every
11 Phillip gets up early and __________ the laundry.
12 Let’s __________ lunch at the new restaurant down the
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Write a paragraph about 80-100 words about the household

chores you share with your family at home.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Today’s lesson

• Vocabulary: household chores

• Speaking: home robots and household chores

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


- Do exercises in workbook on page 9.

- Prepare the next lesson: 1b Grammar 1 (page 18).
- Do the exercises in TA 10 Bright Notebook (pages 4, 5).

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Stay positive and have a happy day!

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

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