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Unit 1

Unit 1
1c. Listening
Page 20

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1 Lesson 1a

Lesson Outline




Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

By the end of this lesson,

students will be able to…

- learn and use phrasal verbs: look after and look forward to.
- practise listening for key and specific information.
- improve listening skills and pronunciation.
- develop reading skills for gist and specific information.
- talk about a robot at home.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Fun time: Look at the cartoon. Circle the correct phrasal verb.

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m looking after / looking
forward to my dog.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Phrasal verbs:

- look after someone/something: take care of or be in charge

of someone or something
E.g. We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.
- look forward to something: feel pleased and excited about
something that is going to happen:
E.g. I'm really looking forward to my holiday.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

New lesson

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Pre - Listening Task 1: Read the sentences. What is the recording

about? What type of word is missing in each gap?
Task analysis
What is the recording about?
 Stephen’s hobby
What type of word is missing in each gap?
 1) noun 2) adjective 3) noun/date 4) noun 5) noun

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

While - Listening Task analysis:

Task 2: Now listen and fill in the gaps (1–5) in Exercise 1.
What are we going to do?

 Listen and fill in the gaps (1-5)

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Pre - Listening
words is missing? A noun? A verb? An adj? A number?, etc…?
• Stephen works on his robots in his mum and dad’s 1) ______________.
• He watches 2) ______________ videos to learn about robotics.
• Stephen’s club plans to take part in a robotics competition on 3)
• Stephen’s robots can do 4) _____________ for his mum and dad.
• Stephen doesn’t mind when he makes mistakes because it’s fun to fix
• He hopes one day his robots can go into space or help save lives in a(n)
5) ______________.
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

While - Listening

• Stephen works on his robots in his mum and dad’s 1) ______________.
• He watches 2) ______________ videos to learn about robotics.
• Stephen’s club plans to take part in a robotics competition on 3)
May/May 8th
• Stephen’s robots can do 4) _____________ for his mum and dad.
• Stephen doesn’t mind when he makes mistakes because it’s fun to fix
• He hopes one day his robots can go into space or help save lives in a(n)
5) ______________.
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Audio scripts
Hi, I’m Stephen Sanders and I’m 15 years old. I go to school, do my homework and hang out
with my friends during the week. But on Saturdays, I’m in my parents’ garage building
robots! I learn how to design, build and programme robots from online videos, and I’m also
in a local robotics club. We take part in competitions together and sometimes we win prizes.
Our next competition is on the 8th of May. We’ve got a design for a robot guard dog and I
think we can win!
I also work on my own projects at home. I try to build useful things, like machines that can
help my parents with the chores. I make a lot of mistakes, but I don’t get upset when
something goes wrong – I think it’s fun to fix the problems. It’s hard work and it takes a long
time, but suddenly, the robot comes to life and it’s all worth it!
I plan to turn my hobby into a full-time job. I want to go to university and study robotics,
and then who knows? Maybe one day I can build a robot for NASA to send to another
planet, or a robot doctor to work in a hospital and save lives!

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Task analysis:
Task 3: Listen to a dialogue between Mark and Nancy. For
questions (1–5), choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Pre- Listening
Read the instruction, underline the key words and
answer the questions.
Listen to a dialogue between Mark and Nancy. For
questions (1–5), choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1. How many questions are there?

2. How many speakers are there?
3. Are they males or females?
4. Are you going to listen and write True/ False?
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Pre- Listening Read the questions and underline the key words.
1 Where does Mark go on Saturdays?
A the mall B basketball practice C the supermarket
2 Who likes shopping for clothes?
A Nancy B Mark C Mark’s sister
3 Nancy doesn’t ______ .
A do the washing-up B do the laundry C vacuum the rugs
4 What does Mark usually do in summer?
A He goes on a picnic. B He visits a museum. C He visits his cousin.
5 What time do Mark and Nancy agree to meet?
A 7:00 B 10:00 C 11:30

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1
Pre- - Listening
Guess the answers.
1 Where does Mark go on Saturdays?
A the mall B basketball practice C the supermarket
2 Who likes shopping for clothes?
A Nancy B Mark C Mark’s sister
3 Nancy doesn’t ______ .
A do the washing-up B do the laundry C vacuum the rugs
4 What does Mark usually do in summer?
A He goes on a picnic. B He visits a museum. C He visits his cousin.
5 What time do Mark and Nancy agree to meet?
A 7:00 B 10:00 C 11:30

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Post - Listening Scripts

Listen and write the missing words.
Nancy: Hey, Mark! That was fun! Do you want to play basketball1 again on Saturday?
Mark: Sorry Nancy! But on Saturdays, I usually go shopping with my mum.
Nancy: Do you go to the mall?
Mark: No way! I help her do the shopping at the supermarket.
2 My sister always goes to the
mall, but I hate shopping for clothes!
Nancy: Me too. I hate all kinds of shopping! I never even go to the supermarket. But I still
help my parents at the weekends. I do the laundry 3 and vacuum the rugs. I never do the
washing-up, though – I always break things! So how about Sunday? Are you free then?
Mark: Well, in summer I usually go on a picnic with my family on Sundays, but my parents
have got tickets to visit a museum,
4 so I guess I’m free!
Nancy: Great! Let’s meet at 10 o’clock.
Mark: Hang on, sorry, I always chat to my cousin5 online on Sunday mornings. He lives in
Australia, so it’s 7:00 in the evening when it’s 10 o’clock here! Let’s meet at 11:30 instead.
Nancy: OK. See you at the basketball court on Sunday!
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Audio scripts Practise the dialogue with a partner.

Nancy: Hey, Mark! That was fun! Do you want to play basketball again
on Saturday?
Mark: Sorry Nancy! But on Saturdays, I usually go shopping with my
Nancy : Do you go to the mall?
Mark : No way! I help her do the shopping at the supermarket. My
sister always goes to the mall, but I hate shopping for clothes!
Nancy : Me too. I hate all kinds of shopping! I never even go to the
supermarket. But I still help my parents at the weekends. I do the
laundry and vacuum the rugs. I never do the washing-up, though – I
always break things! So how about Sunday? Are you free then?
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Audio scripts

Mark : Well, in summer I usually go on a picnic with my family on

Sundays, but my parents have got tickets to visit a museum, so I
guess I’m free!
Nancy: Great! Let’s meet at 10 o’clock.
Mark : Hang on, sorry, I always chat to my cousin online on
Sunday mornings. He lives in Australia, so it’s 7:00 in the evening
when it’s 10 o’clock here! Let’s meet at 11:30 instead.
Nancy: OK. See you at the basketball court on Sunday!

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

More Practice
Task analysis: Workbook p. 11

1 Listen to Mark and Sarah talking about sharing the

household chores. Fill in the gaps (1–5) in the chore chart.
What is the recording about?
 Sharing the household chores
How many gaps are there?
 5 gaps

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1
1 Listen to Mark and Sarah talking about sharing the household
More Practice chores. Fill in the gaps (1–5) in the chore chart.
Workbook p. 11

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

More Practice
Task analysis: Workbook p. 11
2 Listen to Jack and Jill talking about their hobbies. For questions
(1–4), choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

What are we going to listen to?

 A dialogue between Jack and Jill
talking about their hobbies

What should we do?

 Listen and choose the best answer
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

More Practice
2 Listen to Jack and Jill talking about their hobbies. For questions Workbook p. 11
(1–4), choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 How often does Jill work on her art?

A every Monday B twice a week C most days
2 When does the Robotics Club meet?
A Mondays B Tuesdays and Thursdays C Saturdays
3 What does Jill usually do on Saturday
A She does chores. B She goes to the park. C She goes to the café.
4 What time do the Robot Wars start?
A 10:00 B 11:00 C 12:30

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

3 Put the words with the underlined letters

in the correct column. Then listen and check.

/ai/ /ei/

great, always, plane, eight,

ironing, buy, exciting, why
they, painting
Now say the words, record yourself and
check if you pronounce them correctly.
Tiếng Anh 10 Bright
Unit 1

Post - Listening

Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

Do you like to have a robot like Stephen?

Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Because it helps me with the household chores...

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Write a paragraph about 80-100 words about the advantages

of having a robot at home.

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Today’s lesson

• Phrasal Verbs: look after and look forward to

• Listening: Gap filling and multiple choice

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1


- Do exercises in workbook on page 11.

- Prepare the next lesson: Speaking 1d (page 21).
- Complete the listening notes in TA 10 Bright Notebook (page 7).
- Do the exercises in Bài Tập Bổ Trợ TA 10 Bright (questions 1 – 15)

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

Unit 1

Stay positive and have a happy day!

Tiếng Anh 10 Bright

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