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Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution-EE550


B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

Associate Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering
JSS Science and Technology University
Inductance of single phase two wire lines

Inductance of three phase, three wire lines with symmetrical and

unsymmetrical spacing

Inductance of composite conductor lines

Capacitance for three phase three wire lines with symmetrical and
unsymmetrical spacing
 To find the inductance of a coil, the determination of flux linkages is of primary importance.

The two important cases of flux linkages are,

 Flux linkages due to a single current carrying conductor
(i) Flux Linkage due to internal flux.
(ii) Flux linkage due to external flux.
Flux linkage in parallel current-carrying conductor
Flux Linkages Due To A Single Current Carrying Conductor
 Consider a long straight cylindrical conductor of radius ‘r’ meters and carrying a current ‘I’ amperes (r.m.s)
as shown in Fig. (i). This current will set up magnetic field. The magnetic lines of force will exist inside the
conductor as well as outside the conductor. Both these fluxes will contribute to the inductance of the
(i) Flux Linkage due to internal flux:
Refer to Fig.(ii) where the cross-section of the conductor
is shown magnified for clarity.
The magnetic field intensity at a point ‘x’ metre from
the center is given by;
(ii) Flux linkage due to external flux
 Let us calculate the flux linkages of the conductor due to external flux. The external flux extends from the
surface of the conductor to infinity. Referring to Fig. the field intensity at a distance ‘x’ metre (from center)
outside the conductor is given by;
Flux Linkage In Parallel Current-carrying Conductor

 To determine the flux linkages in a group of parallel current carrying conductors, Fig. shows the
conductors A,B, C etc. carrying currents , etc.
 Let us consider the flux linkages with one conductor, say conductor A.
 There will be flux linkages with conductor A due to its own current.
 Also there will be flux linkages with this conductor due to the mutual inductance effects of and .
The total flux linkages with conductor A, is given by
Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line

 Consider a single phase overhead line consisting of two parallel conductors A and B spaced ‘d’ meters

 Conductors A and B carry the same amount of current (i.e. = ), but in the opposite direction because one
forms the return circuit of the other.

 ∴ + =0 (Balanced load condition)

Eq. (i) is the inductance per conductor and is equal to half the loop inductance.
Eq. (ii) is the inductance of the two-wire line (loop inductance).
 For Solid round conductor,
Inductance Of Three Phase Overhead Line

 ConsiderThree conductors A, B and C of a Three-phase line carrying currents , and respectively.

 Let spacing between the conductors be d1, d2 and d3 respectively.

 + + = 0 (Balanced load condition)

Symmetrical Spacing

 If the three conductors A, B and C are placed symmetrically at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side
‘d’ then, d1 = d2 = d3 = d.

 The flux linkages with conductor A

The flux linkages with conductor A,

The expressions for Inductance are the same for conductors B and C.
Unsymmetrical Spacing

 The figure above shows a 3-phase transposed line having unsymmetrical spacing.

 If the three conductors A, B and C are placed Unsymmetrically then d1,d2 and d3 are not

 The Flux linkages and Inductance of each phase are not the same and there will be unequal voltage
drop across at each phase.

 To make equal voltage drop across at each phase, Interchange the positions of the conductor at
regular interval along the line so that each conductor occupies the original position of every other
conductor over an equal distance.

 Such an exchange position is called Transposition.

 The phase conductors are designated as A, B and C and the positions occupied are numbered 1, 2 and 3.

 The effect of transposition is that each conductor has the same average inductance.

 Fig. 9.9 shows a 3-phase transposed line having unsymmetrical spacing.

 + += 0 (Balanced Condition)

 Let the line currents be : = I (1+ j 0), IB = I (− 0·5 − j 0·866) and IC = I (−0·5 + j 0·866) ,then
Inductance Of Composite Conductor Lines
Consider a single phase two wire
system. It consists of two conductors
say P and Q which are composite
Conductor P is consisting of ‘x’
identical, parallel filaments. Each of
the filaments carries a current of .
Conductor Q is consists of ‘y’
filament with each filament carrying
a current of I/y.
The conductor ‘y’ carries a current of IA in opposite direction
to the current in conductor ‘x’ as is forming return path.
The flux linkages of filament say ‘a’ due to all currents in all the
filaments is given by

Capacitance Of Transmission Lines

When any conductors are separated by an insulating material it will

form a capacitor. In case of overhead transmission line air acts as an
insulating medium between two conductors.
So there will be capacitance between two conductors which is defined
as charge per unit potential difference
Capacitance , C= farad
Potential at a charged single conductor.

Consider a long straight cylindrical conductor A of radius r metres. It is desired to

find the expression for . The electric intensity E at a distance x from the centre of
the conductor in air is given by;
E = QA v/m
QA= charge per metre length
= permittivity of free space
As x approaches infinity, the value of E approaches zero. Therefore, the potential
difference between conductor A and infinity distance is given by ;
Potential at a conductor in a group of
charged conductors
 Consider a group of long straight conductors A, B, C etc.
operating at potentials such that charges QA, QB, QC etc.
coulomb per metre length exist on the respective

 Let us find the potential at A in this arrangement.

Potential at A due to its own charge (i.e. QA )
Capacitance of a Single Phase Two-wire Line

 Consider a single phase overhead transmission line consisting of two parallel conductors A and B
spaced d metres apart in air. Suppose that radius of each conductor is r metres.

 Let their respective charge be + Q and − Q coulombs per metre.

The total p.d. between conductor A and neutral ‘infinite’ plane is given by
Capacitance of a three phase overhead line
Symmetrical Spacing : Three conductors A, B and C of the 3-phase overhead
transmission line having charges QA, QB and QC per meter length respectively. Thus
Unsymmetrical Spacing : Let us assume balanced conditions i.e. QA + QB + QC = 0

Similarly equation can be written for v2 and v3

Capacitance from conductor to neutral is
Thanks !?

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