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Subject: Biology

Topic: Nervous System

Grade: X

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There are two types of actions which occur in our body :

• Voluntary Performed consciously
• Involuntary

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Let us Define
Reflex Action

Reflex action is an automatic,

quick and involuntary action in
the body caused by a stimulus.

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Reflexes Voluntary Actions

You wish to watch some program on TV and you switch it on and press the
remote for a particular channel.

You pick up an apple and eat it.

To know the time, you raise your arm and look at the watch on your wrist.

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Reflexes Involuntary Actions

Some particle falls into your eye and there is immediate flushing of tears to
wash out the particle .

Instantaneous withdrawal of hand when it accidently touches a hot iron.

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Reflexes Involuntary Actions

Shivering when it is too cold (muscular contractions) or sweating when too

hot (glandular secretion).

Dilation of the eye pupil to look in the dark and vice versa (muscular movement)

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Reflexes Involuntary Actions

Pushing along of the swallowed food through the food canal.

(muscular movement).

Non-stop beating of the heart (muscular movement).

Thus all involuntary actions or reflexes

are initiated by some kind of sensory
stimulation resulting in either a muscular
action or a glandular secretion.

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Difference Between Reflexes and Voluntary Actions

Reflex Actions Voluntary Actions

Initiated by some stimulus Initiated by a willing thought.

(touch, pain, pressure, heat, light, etc.)

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Difference Between Reflexes and Voluntary Actions

Reflex Actions Voluntary Actions

Mainly self protective due to Fulfillment of a desired goal.


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Difference Between Reflexes and Voluntary Actions

Reflex Actions Voluntary Actions

Commands originate mostly in the Commands originate mostly

spinal cord & autonomic nervous in the brain.
system and a few in the brain as well

Involve muscles & glands. Involve only muscles.

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The Nervous System
• Types of Reflexes
• Pavlov’s Experiment

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Types of Reflexes

There are two types of Reflexes -

Natural (Inborn) Reflex

Conditional (Acquired) Reflex

Let us now
understand both
of them in detail…

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Types of Reflexes Natural (Inborn) Reflex

Natural (inborn) reflex is one in which no previous experience or learning is


These reflexes are inborn, i.e. inherited from the parents.

Example :
Blinking, sneezing, coughing these are protective.
Salivation, swallowing, peristalsis provide functional efficiency.

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Types of Reflexes Conditioned (Acquired) Reflex

It develops during lifetime due to experience or learning.

For Example :
What we experience simply at the sight or by
the smell of a familiar tasty food resulting in
watering (salivation) of your mouth.

This means that if we have not

eaten that food earlier, the
response would not occur.

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Types of Reflexes

To study conditioned
and natural reflexes,
there was an important
experiment conducted…

Let us know what that

experiment was….

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A Russian biologist named Ivan Pavlov conducted an
experiment on dogs to study Natural and Acquired Reflexes…

Ivan Pavlov

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Pavlov’s Experiment on a Dog

Presenting a dog with food would bring

about Salivation as its an innate response.


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Pavlov’s Experiment on a Dog

While ringing of bell wouldn’t initiate response.

No Salivation

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Pavlov’s Experiment on a Dog

Later, repeatedly for a few days, the dog was

presented with food only after ringing the bell.


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Pavlov’s Experiment on a Dog

After aPavlov
few days,
if only the
the two
was rungand
would trigger
that on
reflex,a as
the Dog
can be
would associate
it with
by afood
being served.


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The Nervous System
• Some Common Reflexes
• Differences between Innate and
Conditioned Reflexes

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Natural (Inborn) Reflex

Knee – jerk in which the leg is involuntarily extended as a result of a sharp tap
below the knee-cap in a relaxed leg rested on the other leg while sitting.

Quick closing of the eyelids when an object suddenly approaches the eye or
when a strong beam of light is flashed across.

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Natural (Inborn) Reflex

Withdrawal of the hand or any part of the body when suddenly pricked.

Peristaltic reflexes : Chyme (food) is propelled through the small intestine by

peristaltic waves.

When the portion of the intestine becomes

distended with chyme, the stretching of the
intestinal wall becomes a stimulus and it leads to
contraction pushing the food along is the response.

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Natural (Inborn) Reflex

Coughing reflex when the food swallowed enters the wind pipe.

Sneezing reflex when any irritant enters the nose.

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Conditioned Reflexes

Most of the daily habits and acts are conditioned reflexes.

Using keys on the key-board while working on the computer.

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Conditioned Reflexes

Most of the daily habits and acts are conditioned reflexes.

Giving a hand signal to our right automatically, when we are turning our
cycle or car to the right.

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Some Common Reflexes in Humans Conditioned Reflexes

Most of the daily habits and acts are conditioned reflexes.

Applying brakes in our vehicle (car or bicycle), if someone suddenly comes in

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Differences Between Natural & Conditioned reflex

Natural Reflex Conditioned Reflex

Inborn (inherited) requiring no Developed by experience or

previous experience. learning.

Directly related to the stimulus. Brought about by a condition

totally different from the direct
initial stimulus.

Similar in all humans Differs in different individuals,

(or similar among all individuals subject to learning and experience.
of any one species).

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