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Barack Obama

Parcours politique

Beginnings in politics United States Senator Presidential campaign

Barack Obama began his political From 2005 to 2008, Obama served In 2008, Obama entered the race
career in 1996 when he became a in the United States Senate where for the White House with a
senator from Illinois. He quickly he gained expertise on foreign message of change and hope. His
stood out for his eloquence and policy and national security campaign mobilizes many voters,
commitment. issues. particularly young people.
Biography of Barack Obama
Born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, Barack Obama grew up in a modest family. The son of a Kenyan father and an
American mother, he studied at Columbia University before obtaining his doctorate in law from Harvard. He
became a lawyer and began his political career in Illinois before being elected to the United States as a senator in
Parcours politique
Beginnings in politics 1
In 1996, Barack Obama was elected to the
Illinois Senate. He quickly became noted
for his eloquence and progressive vision. 2 United States Senate election
In 2004, he was elected to the United
States Senate, becoming the fifth African
American to serve in the Senate since
2008 presidential campaign 3 Reconstruction.
In 2008, Barack Obama aroused
enthusiasm with his campaign focused on
“change” and hope. He becomes the first
African-American president in history.
United States Presidency
Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States in 2008,
becoming the first African-American president in the country's history. He was
re-elected in 2012 and served two 4-year terms, focusing on major issues like
health reform, the economy and international relations.

During his presidency, Obama notably ordered the military operation that led to
the elimination of Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, in 2011. He also
played a key role in the climate accords of Paris in 2015.
Foreign politic
Under President Obama, the United States adopted a multilateral approach to foreign policy, strengthening
international alliances and seeking to resolve conflicts through diplomacy.

Obama notably restored relations with Cuba after decades of tensions, and led the negotiations which resulted in the
Iran nuclear agreement.

At the same time, his administration has toughened the fight against terrorism, particularly with the operation that
led to the death of Osama Bin Laden in 2011.
Reforms and initiatives
Health reform Economic Environment LGBT rights
Under President Obama has taken Under his presidency,
Obama, the Affordable Obama's economic ambitious steps to same-sex marriage
Care Act, commonly recovery plan helped combat climate was legalized
referred to as boost the US economy change, promoting nationwide, a major
“Obamacare,” was put after the 2008 renewable energy and step forward for the
in place to improve financial crisis, reducing greenhouse rights of the LGBTQ+
access to health care investing in gas emissions. community.
for all Americans. infrastructure and
saving the auto
Private life

Family and private life Passions and hobbies Style and public image
Barack Obama married Michelle Outside of politics, Obama enjoys With his charisma and natural
Obama in 1992. Together they various activities such as elegance, Obama was able to
have two daughters, Malia and basketball, reading and hiking. He create a strong public image. His
Sasha. Very attached to his family, seeks to preserve a balance casual clothing style and "cool"
Obama places great importance on between his public life and his look contributed to his political
family life and time spent with private life. success.
those close to him.
Legacy and impact
Social changes
First African-American presidency

Major reforms
The health care law, the nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia

Global inspiration
Symbol of hope and progress for minorities

Obama's legacy is marked by historic social change, with his presidency paving the way for a more inclusive
representation of America's diversity. His landmark reforms, such as the health care law and the nuclear
disarmament agreements, profoundly transformed the political landscape. Beyond borders, Obama has become a
global symbol of hope and progress for minorities.
After exploring the life and legacy of Barack Obama, it is clear that his lasting
impact on American and global politics will be far-reaching. Although his
presidential term was marked by many challenges, Obama left an indelible mark,
inspiring millions of people around the world.

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