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Match each word with its corresponding definition or synonym:

1. discuss a. To examine closely or systematically

2. involve b. To carry out or perform
3. investigate c. To explore or delve into a subject or problem
4. conduct d. To present or explain with examples or visual aids
5. illustrate e. To take into account or contemplate
6. assume f. To take for granted without proof
7. calculate g. To determine through mathematical or logical means
8. demonstrate h. To show clearly or prove conclusively
Discuss, Investigate, Conduct, Analyze, Illustrate, Examine, Challenge, Consider

1. The research aims to __________ the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

2. Scientists plan to __________ experiments to test their hypotheses.
3. Students are required to __________ the cultural significance of the novel.
4. It is important to __________ alternative solutions before making a decision.
5. The data collected will be used to __________ trends in consumer behavior.
6. Can you __________ how this theory applies to real-world scenarios?
7. The professor asked us to __________ the factors influencing economic growth.
8. The new findings __________ previous assumptions about the topic.
Consider the following scenario and answer the questions that follow:

Scenario: A group of researchers conducted a study on the effects of social media usage on
mental health among adolescents. They found a correlation between excessive social media
use and increased feelings of anxiety and depression.

• What steps would you take to further investigate the relationship between social media
usage and mental health?
• How would you conduct a study to determine causation rather than just correlation?
• What factors should be considered when interpreting the findings of such a study?
• How would you challenge or critique the research findings?
• What potential implications do these findings have for society, particularly in terms of
adolescent mental health?
Match each word with its corresponding definition or synonym:

1. characteristic of a. Pertaining to or in relation to something else

2. relative to b. Pertinent or applicable to a particular subject or
3. complex c. Showing typical qualities or features
4. specific to d. Unique or exclusive to a particular thing or group
5. common to e. Shared or widespread among a group or category
6. appropriate to f. Suitable or fitting for a particular purpose or situation
g. Existing in thought or as an idea but not tangible or
7. abstract concrete
8. concrete h. Tangible or perceptible; not abstract
9. relevant to i. Easy to understand or uncomplicated
10. simple j. Intricate, not simple
relative to, relevant to, characteristic of, specific to, common, complex, appropriate,

• The study examined trends __________ income inequality.

• The new regulations are ___________ safety standards.
• The behavior is ___________ the species.
• This problem is ___________ our department.
• Basic arithmetic is ___________ mathematics.
• The researchers used ___________ methods to gather data.
• The instructions were not ___________; they were too vague.
• The artist's work is highly ___________.
Decide whether the statements are true or false based on the meanings of the given words:

• The concept of relative to refers to something that is unique or exclusive to a

particular thing or group.
• Relevant to means pertaining to or in relation to something else.
• Abstract refers to tangible or perceptible things.
• Characteristics of are typical qualities or features shared among a group or
• Simple refers to intricate or complex concepts.
Comparatively, relatively, especially, particularly, specifically, somewhat, considerably, mostly,

1. The impact of climate change varies __________ across different regions.

2. The results of the study were __________ consistent with previous findings.
3. He was __________ concerned about the welfare of endangered species.
4. The new policy is designed __________ for improving public health.
5. The data suggests a __________ positive correlation between income and education
6. The instructions were __________ written, leaving room for interpretation.
7. The project will __________ lead to advancements in medical research.
8. The company's profits have __________ increased over the past year.
9. We can __________ estimate the number of attendees at the even
• "Considerably" means "to a small extent."
• "Primarily" and "mostly" are synonyms.
• "Explicitly" means "indirectly."
• "Eventually" and "ultimately" are interchangeable.
• "Approximately" and "precisely" have similar meanings.
precisely, eventually, especially, primarily, eventually

Despite initial setbacks, the research team persevered and __________ made
groundbreaking discoveries. They focused __________ on the impact of technology on
communication patterns, especially in urban environments. Through a series of
experiments and surveys, they were able to demonstrate __________ how social media
usage affects interpersonal relationships. Their findings, __________ published in a
prestigious journal, shed light on the complex dynamics of modern communication. The
implications of their work are __________ significant, particularly in terms of
understanding the role of technology in society.
Decide whether the given word is a synonym or antonym of the provided word:

• Rough - Precise
• Significant - Insignificant
• Common to - Specific to
• Abstract - Concrete
• Potential - Principle
1. primarily a. largely
2. somewhat b. roughly
3. approximately c. to small extent
4. generally d. broadly
5. eventually e. ultimately

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