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ISYS6619 – UX for Digital

Topik – 4
Discovering Requirement
 LO2: Apply techniques for designing the user experience
• What, how and why?
• What are Requirements?
• Data Gathering for Requirements
• Personas and scenario
• Use case
What, how and why
• Discovering requirements focuses on exploring the problem space and defining
what will be developed
• this includes:
• understanding the target users and their capabilities;
• how a new product might support users in their daily lives;
• users’ current tasks, goals, and contexts;
• constraints on the product’s performance
• It may seem artificial to distinguish
• in an iterative development cycle, between requirements, design, and evaluation
activities are all intertwined, with some design taking place while requirements
are being discovered and the design evolving through a series of evaluation—
redesign cycles.
What, how and why?

• What is the purpose of the requirements activity?

• Explore the problem space
• Establish a description of what will be developed

• How to capture requirements once discovered

• In prototypes or operational product
• Through structured or rigorous notations
• Different capturing mechanisms emphasize and de-emphasize different aspects

• Why Bother? Avoiding Miscommunication

• Miscommunication is more likely if requirements are not clearly articulated.
Misunderstanding or Miscommunication

What are Requirements?
What are requirements?

• A statement about an intended product that specifies what it is expected to do

or how it will perform
• Different forms and different levels of abstraction
• User stories (most prevalent in agile development contexts)
• Format:
As a <role>, I want <behavior> so that <benefit>
• Example user stories for a travel organizer might be:
As a <traveler>, I want <to save my favorite airline for all my flights>
so that <I will be able to collect air miles>
As a <travel agent>, I want <my special discount rates to be displayed to me> so
that <I can offer my clients competitive rates>
Volere shell
Different kinds of requirements (1/3)
• Functional:
• What the product will do
• Functional requirement for a new video game. This requirement might
then be decomposed into more specific requirements detailing the
structure of challenges in the game, for instance, levels of mastery,
hidden tips and tricks, magical objects.
• Non-functional:
• describe the characteristics (sometimes called constraints) of the product.
• Game might be that it can run on a variety of platforms, such as the
Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch game systems.
• Data:
 What kinds of data need to be stored?
 How will they be stored (for example, database)?
Different kinds of requirements (2/3)
• comprehensive categorized set of requirements types (Suzanne and James
Robertson, 2013)
Different kinds of requirements (3/3)

The seven product dimensions

Source: Gottesdiener and Gorman (2012), p.58. Used courtesy of Ellen Gottesdiener
six of the most common types of

1. Functional
2. Data
3. Environment
4. User
5. Usability
6. User experience.
Functional requirement

• capture what the product will do.

• For example, a functional requirement for a robot working
in a car assembly plant might be that it is able to place and
weld together the correct pieces of metal accurately
Data requirement

• capture the type, volatility, size/amount, persistence, accuracy,

and value of the required data. All interactive products have to
handle some data.
• For example, if an application for buying and selling stocks and
shares is being developed, then the data must be up-to-date
and accurate, and it is likely to change many times a day
Environment Requirement

Environment or context of use

• Physical: dusty? noisy? vibration? light? heat? humidity? …. (for
example, in a hospital)
• Social: collaboration and co-ordination, data sharing, distributed,
synchronous or asynchronous, privacy
• Organizational: user support, communications structure and
infrastructure, availability of training
• Technical: On what technologies will it run or need to be compatible?
User characteristics

Users — Who are they?

• Characteristics: nationality, educational background, attitude to
• System use: novice, expert, casual, frequent
Novice: prompted, constrained, clear
Expert: flexibility, access/power
Frequent: shortcuts
Casual/infrequent: clear menu paths
• User profile
Usability goals user experience goals

• Usability goals
• User experience goals
• Different products have different requirements and
may be implemented in different ways, for example,
Usable security
How to make security robust without detracting from user
• If the usability of security is ignored, then security mechanisms will
be circumvented
• Passwords as an example
 Users are now bombarded with advice about how to choose a password, but
most users interact with so many systems and have to maintain a wide variety
of login details and passwords.
 This can lead to users developing coping strategies to manage their passwords,
which may end up compromising rather than strengthening security
Data Gathering for Requirements
Data gathering for requirements
• Data gathering for requirements, including who are the intended users, the activities in which
they are currently engaged and their associated goals, the context in which the activities are
performed, and the rationale for the current situation.
• The three data gathering techniques; Interviews, observation, and questionnaires are
commonly used
• Others approach, studying documentation:
 manuals, standards, or activity logs.
 Procedures and rules are often written down in manuals
 Good source of data about the steps involved in an activity and any regulations governing
a task
• It is common for more than one data gathering technique.
• observation to understand the context of the activity.
• interviews to target specific user groups
• questionnaires to reach a wider population
• focus groups to build a consensus view
Combining data gathering
• Victoria Hollis et al. (2017) performed a
study to inform the design of reflective
systems that promote emotional well-being.
• They performed two direct observation
studies in the field with 165 participants.
• The first study also performed interviews. In
the first study (60 participants, over 3
• In the second study (105 participants, over
28 days), they using a smartphone diary
application to perform diary study

Source: Hollis et al (2017), Figure 1. Used courtesy of Taylor and Francis

Using probes to engage with users
• Many types of probe:
 Designed to prompt users into action
 For researchers to learn about users
• Cultural probe:
 Wallet containing postcards, maps, camera, photo album, and diary
 Participants asked to answer questions using wallet contents
• Design probe:
 objects whose form relates specifically to a particular question and context.

Top Trumps probe; the participant was given six cards and
asked to describe objects which were powerful to them and to
rate the object’s powers using numerical values out of 100

Source: Wallace et al. (2013) Reproduced with permission of ACM Publications.

Using probes to engage with users
• Technology probe:
 Toolkits, mobile phone apps,
sensor-based monitoring, for
example, M-Kulinda to alert
participants about unexpected
movement at home.
• Provocative probe:
 Technology probe designed to
challenge norms and attitudes, for
example, “the Box” to challenge Source: Raptis et al. (2017). Reproduced with
domestic laundry practices permission of ACM Publications.
Contextual Inquiry (1/2)
• To suit different technologies and the different ways in which technology fits
into daily life. Contextual inquiry is the core field research process for
Contextual Design
• One-on-one field interviews (contextual interviews)
 1.5 to 2 hours long
 Focus on daily life at home or work relevant to the project
 Uses a model of master (participant) and apprentice (researcher)
• Four main principles:
Context: Going to the user, wherever they are, and seeing what they do as they do it
Partnership: User and interviewer explore user’s life together
Interpretation: Observations interpreted by user and interviewer together
Focus: Project focus to understand to what should be paid attention
Contextual Inquiry (2/2)
• Contextual Interview guided by “cool concepts” divided into two groups
• Joy of life concepts:
 How products make our lives richer and more fulfilling
 Accomplish, connection, identity, and sensation
• Joy of use concepts:
 Describe impact of using the product
 Direct in action, the hassle factor, and the learning delta
• Interview in four parts
 Overview, transition, main interview, and wrap-up
• Following interview, interpretation session
 Contextual design models are created or consolidated
 Most relevant models are chosen by team, out of 10 suggested
Brainstorming for innovation
• Brainstorming is a generic technique used to generate, refine, and develop
ideas. It is widely used in interaction design specifically for generating
alternative designs or for suggesting new and better ideas to support users.
• Rules for brainstorming:
1. Include participants from a wide range of disciplines, with a broad range of
2. Don't ban silly stuff
3. Use catalysts for further inspiration
4. Keep records. Capture every idea, without censoring
5. Sharpen the focus
6. Use warm-up exercises and make the session fun
Bringing requirements to life

• Augmenting the basic requirements expressed as stories, in

Volere template, or in other form
• Personas
 Rich descriptions of typical users, not specific people
• Scenarios
 An informal narrative story, simple, ‘natural’, personal, and
not generalizable
Personas and scenario
• Personas are rich descriptions of typical users of the product under development on
which the designers can focus and for which they can design products
• Capture a set of user characteristics (user profile)
• Synthesized from real people based on user research
• Bring to life with name, characteristics, goals, and personal behavior, attitudes,
activities, and environment.
• Good persona helps designer with design decisions and reminds team about who will
use the product
• Develop a small set of personas with one primary persona (who represent a large
section of the intended user group).
• A good persona is one that supports the kind of reasoning that says, “What would Bill
(persona 1) do in this situation with the product?” and “How would Clara (persona 2)
respond if the product behaved this way?”
Example Persona #1
(group traveller)

Source: sharp, Preece and

Rogers (2019)
Example Persona #2
(group traveller)

Source: sharp, Preece and

Rogers (2019)
• A scenario is an “informal narrative description” (Carroll, 2000). It
describes human activities or tasks in a story that allows exploration
and discussion of contexts, needs, and requirements.
• Telling stories is a natural way for people to explain what they are
• The focus of such stories is also naturally likely to be about what the
users are trying to achieve,their goals.
• Understanding why people do things as they do and what they are
trying to achieve in the process focuses the study on human activity
rather than interaction with technology.
Scenario for group travel organizer (1/2)

“The Thomson family enjoy outdoor activities and want to try their hand at sailing this year. There are four family
members: Sky (8 years old), Eamonn (12 years old), Claire (32), and Will (35). One evening after dinner they decide to
start exploring the possibilities. They want to discuss the options together but Claire has to visit her elderly mother
so will be joining the conversation from her mother’s house down the road. As a starting point, Will enters an idea
they had been discussing over dinner – a sailing trip for four novices in the Mediterranean. The system supports
users to log on from different locations and use different devices so that all members of the family can interact
easily and comfortably with it wherever they are. The system's initial suggestion is a flotilla, where several crews
(with various levels of experience) sail together on separate boats. Sky and Eamonn aren't very happy at the idea of
going on vacation with a group of other people, even though the Thomson’s would have their own boat. The travel
organizer shows them descriptions of flotillas from other children their ages and they are all very positive, so
eventually, everyone agrees to explore flotilla opportunities. Will confirms this recommendation and asks for
detailed options. As it's getting late, he asks for the details to be saved so everyone can consider them tomorrow.
The travel organizer emails them a summary of the different options available.”
Scenario for group travel organizer (2/2)
• The scenario about Group traveller incorporates information about the
two personas (example #1 and #2) This is the kind of story that you might
glean from a requirements interview.
• Developing this type of scenario, which focuses on how a new product
may be used, helps to uncover implicit assumptions, expectations, and
situations in which the users might find themselves, such as the need to
plan travel when participants are situated in different locations.
• These in turn translate into requirements, in this case an environment
requirement, which may be expressed as follows:
• As a <group traveler>, I want <to be able to share vacation discussions when I am not co-located> so that <the
whole group can discuss their choices together under a wide range of circumstances>.
Scenarios and personas
Use case
Capturing Interaction with Use Cases

• Use case Focus on functional requirements and capture

• Can be used in design or to capture requirements
• Use cases define a specific process because they are a step-by-
step description. This is in contrast to a user story, which focuses
on outcomes and user goals.
• Two styles of use case:
 Essential use cases: division of tasks, no implementation detail
 Use case with normal and alternative courses, more detail
Example essential use case for travel organizer
(retrieve visa)


• Find visa requirements • Request destination and

• Supply required information nationality
• Obtain copy of visa • Obtain appropriate visa info
information • Offer info in different
• Choose suitable format formats
• Provide info in chosen

Note: The user intention and system responsibility are

offset vertically, showing a sequence of interactions
Use case for travel organizer

1. The product asks for the name of the destination country

2. The user provides the country’s name
3. The product checks that the country is valid
4. The product asks the user for their nationality
5. The user provides their nationality
6. The product checks the visa requirements of that country for a
passport holder of the user’s nationality
7. The product provides the visa requirements
8. The product asks whether the user wants to share the visa
requirements on social media
9. The user provides appropriate social media information
Alternative courses for travel organizer

Some alternative courses:

4. If the country name is invalid:
4.1: The product provides an error message
4.2: The product returns to step 1
6. If the nationality is invalid:
6.1: The product provides an error message
6.2: The product returns to step 4
7. If no information about visa requirements is found:
7.1: The product provides a suitable message
7.2: The product returns to step 1
• Sharp, H., Preece, J., & Rogers, Y. (2019). Interaction design: Beyond
human-computer interaction. 5th E. Chichester: Wiley. Chapter 11

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