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Assesmnet of conflict management

A case study on gonde food complete factory

Background of the study
So to better understand conflict and conflict management, it is imperative to study
what relationship is and how conflicts occur in a relationship within an organization
and institution.
•It is difficult to quantify the costs associated with organisational conflict.
•However, if conflicts are managed effectively, there may be benefits, such as
increased connections, better problem identification and solutions, increased
knowledge and ability, and peacekeeping (Bano et al.,
• Negative effect of conflict create hurdles for organization growth so to resolve this
problem conflict management is a tool for increase the performance of organization
and help to reach the organization to its desire position.

•In general this study will show that how conflict affect on organization and how
conflict management strategies work for organization growth.
Statement of the problem

• Conflict is inevitable among humans and other additional realities prevailing in

an organizational environment made in organization a battel in which conflict is
common .regardless of the quality of a managers leadership style of management
and regardless of how well planned the organizational structure is conflict will
occasionally arise within an organization
• Disagreement or conflicts arise when two or more individual hold different
opinions engage in competition perceive each other negatively have unclear role
expectation or experience whenever conflict is not properly managed it leads to
strained relationships.
• Awan and Ibrahim (2015) contend that if the individuals do not have the
communication to skills to resolve their dispute, the conflict can grow and spread
to others eventually affect their job performance, which in turn affects their job
satisfaction of others , as well in addition to the staff not having the
communication skill to address their dispute their leaders often lack the necessary
skills to be effective in conflict resolutions.

• These problem made conflict management an issue at Gonde food complex

• This proposed study will try to assess conflict management practices in Gonde
food complex factory in order to identify the causes for the problem and suggest
possible solution.
Research Questions

•The research will attempt to address the following question on assessment of

conflict management practices

1. What type of conflict exist in the GFCF?

2. What are the major cause of conflict in GFCF?

3. What are the conflict management techniques in GFCF?

4. What are the outcomes of the conflict in GFCF?

Objective of the study

The general objective of the study

•The general objective of the study will be assess conflict management practices in
Gonde food complex factory

Specific objective of the Study

1. To assess the type of conflict that exist in the GFCF

2. To assess the major cause of conflict in GFCF

3. To assess the current conflict management techniques in GFCF

4. To examine the outcome of the conflict in GFCF

Significance of the study

• The research will a helping the Gonde food complex factory take corrective
measures to improve its weakness based on recommendation of the study to
achieve objectives.
• It will also important in expanding the knowledge of the readers around areas of
conflict management and it also helps the readers to develop experience in
conflict management.
Scope of the study

• . This research will conducted on conflict management practice used in Gonde

food complex factory

Organization of the study

• The study paper will be organized in to five chapter. Chapter one presents the
introduction of the study. background of the study,statement of problem, research
question, the objective of the study, significant of the study, the scope and
delimitation of the study. Chapter two present Literature Review where the
theoretical, empirical literature.

• Chapter three presents research methodology, research methodology detail

discussion on research design, type and source of data, data collection
method/instruments, target population, sampling size, data analysis and
presentation. chapter four discusses about time and budget schedule detail
discussion on bibliography. chapter five present recommendation and conclusion
of the study.
Chapter Three
Research Methodology

Study area
•The study will be conduct in eastern Oromia region Adama town which is found on
95km from the capital city of Addis Ababa This study will assess conflict
management practice in case of Gonde food complex factory.
Research design
• The data will be organized in quantitative and qualitative methods. The term
mixed method refers to an emergent methodology of research that advances the
systematic integration or sustained programme of inquiry.
Research Design

• This study will be design to see the contribution of conflict management practice
of the Gonde food complex factory. The research is descriptive. Because the
researcher is interested to get information on the current condition of conflict
management and describe the existing condition, the researcher preferred to use
descriptive research design.
Target population
The target population of the study will be use sample (66 from 550) employee of the
company to study conflict management practice and their managers in Gonde food
complex factory.
Sample Design
• The researcher will be use Sample method for collect data to study. Sampling can
save time and money.
Sample size

•The population was known and finite, the sample size determined based on
•n=N/1+N (e) ²

•n= Desired number of sample Size

•N = target number of population=550

•e = level of error or degree of precision =0.3


n=N/ 1+N (e) ²






•Sample proportion (%) =368/550 =66%

•Based on identified, the sample size estimated was 66 from 550 employee
Sampling Technique
•The researcher will be used probability sampling specifically Stratified sampling
technique. The reason for using stratified sampling is because it is impossible to
contact all employee of the organization enough and we save to cost and money.
Source of data
• The proposed researcher will use the primary and secondary data. The primary data
will be obtained from who work in the organization through Interview and
questionnaire. The questionnaire it will be close ended questionnaire method. The
secondary data sources, will be collect or obtain from review of selected materials
which are related to the conflict management practice .
Method of data analysis presentation

• After the necessary data will be collect from both primary and secondary sources,
the next assignment had data processing and analyzing. Thus, the research will be
use tabulation and percentage which helps the researcher to present all the
collected information in the simplest form to arrive at effective conclusion and
possible recommendation.
The end

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