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BY IMS Community 16 Group 2

Artificial intelligence (AI)

• Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of study focused on making
machines capable of performing tasks that typically require
human intelligence, such as decision-making, visual
perception, speech recognition, and language translation.
• AI systems can learn from experience, adapt to new inputs,
and perform tasks that usually require human intelligence.
• In summary, AI is a field of study focused on creating
machines that can think and act like humans
Type of AI
1. Narrow AI
Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, is designed to perform
a narrow task, such as facial recognition or internet

2. General AI
General AI, also known as strong AI or AGI (Artificial
General Intelligence), which aims to replicate human-level
intelligence across a broad range of tasks.
AI in Everyday Life
There are widespread applications which are growing rapidly across
various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation,
entertainment, and more.
Examples include
1. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa,
2. Recommendation systems like those used by Netflix and
3. Face Recognition,
4. Medical diagnosis systems,
5. Fraud detection algorithms,
Miracles of AI
1. Immersive Worlds: VR Transforms Reality
• VR headsets unlock simulated environments, revolutionizing
gaming, training, and even therapy.
2. Enhance Your World: AR's Digital Overlay
• AR superimposes digital information onto the real world,
transforming navigation, shopping, and design.
3. Flying Cars Take Off: The XPeng AeroHT X2
• This futuristic vehicle blurs the lines between cars and aircraft,
hinting at a revolution in personal transportation.

4. Neuralink: Where Mind Meets Machine

• Brain-computer interfaces promise revolutionary potential for
restoring movement, communication, and treating neurological
How AI Shapes Our
1. Inclination towards Laziness by AI.
• Doing every task through AI and not putting any effort, over
dependency on AI.
2. Overuse of AI inhibits Critical Thinking.
• Blindly following AI and not thinking about the content provided
by AI.
3. Fake Perfection: AI's Impact on Self-Image.
• AI-edited images on social media create unrealistic beauty
standards, making us feel bad about ourselves.
4. Hooking Users through Desirable Content.
• Blindly following AI and not thinking about the content provided
by AI.
Parenting Challenges in the
AI Era
1. The Dopamine Loop.
• AI-driven apps and games are designed to be addictive, with
constant rewards and notifications triggering dopamine release.
2. AI and Children's Misbehavior.
• Blue light from screens suppresses melatonin production, affecting
sleep, leading to irritability, and potentially affecting emotional
3. Exposure to Inappropriate Content.
• Expose children to violent, sexually explicit, can be harmful. This can
normalize or desensitize them to these types of content.
4. The Parent's Role.
• Emphasize parental guidance, open communication, and the use of
technological tools as aids, not replacements for engaged parenting.
The Invisible Battlefield: AI
in Intellectual Warfare
AI-powered disinformation and propaganda campaigns
targeting populations.
1. Micro-Targeted Propaganda
2. Deepfakes
3. Bot Armies
4. Biasness
Universal Rights Group. "Using digital technology to systematically violate the right to vote: How the Donald Trump’s 2016
campaign used AI to suppress the votes of Black Americans." Universal Rights Group, 29 Sept. 2020,
The Observers. (2019, October 8). Deepfake video of former Italian PM Matteo Renzi sparks debate in Italy.
France 24.
Bot Armies
Malicious bots are designed to spread fake news, propaganda,
or inflammatory content. They can manipulate trending topics,
amplify divisive opinions.
During elections: bots have been used to spread misinformation
about candidates or political issues to influence voters.
Spam: AI bots can be used to generate large amounts of spam
tweets, often containing irrelevant links or promotional
Impersonation: Sophisticated AI bots can mimic real people by
generating text, images, or even videos. These are used to
create fake accounts that spread misinformation or scam other
AI Biasness
Data Bias: AI systems learn from data, and if the training
data is biased, the AI model will reflect these biases.
Algorithmic Bias: Biases can also be introduced through
the algorithms used in AI systems.
Human Bias: The biases of the individuals involved in
creating, training, and deploying AI systems can influence
the technology. The way they design the AI can lead to
biased results.
Promoting LGBTQ Agenda
Manipulation of Opinion
Manipulation of Opinion
Learning Islam through
Training Bias: Large language models like ChatGPT may be trained
on a not comprehensive and biased set of Islamic sources. This can
lead to misinformation or disinformation about Islamic concepts.
Algorithmic Hallucination: AI models can sometimes generate
fabricated content, even if they appear confident in their response.
This can be particularly dangerous for users who lack the knowledge
to identify these inaccuracies.
Human Bias Embedded in AI: The developers and training data used
for AI models can introduce human biases, unintentionally shaping
the information the model provides about Islam. This highlights the
need for diverse perspectives and verified sources during model
Should Muslims Embrace
this new technology (AI)?
Muslims need people to be at the forefront of these skills.
People who have the right mentality and take their moral
values from the Quran and sunnah can direct the
technology in a way that brings more social good and less
social harm. Muslims need to be part of the technology
from the beginning because it's going to be the agent of
social change, we’d rather have it to play for us than
against us.
• AI: Powerful tools. Our choices determine their impact.
• Don't become overly dependent on AI for everyday tasks.
• AI-era parenting: Help children develop healthy tech habits.
• Stay informed about AI advancements and their impacts.
• Don't blindly trust AI or social media. In the era of 5G and
intellectual warfare, always seek information from verified,
reliable sources.
• Unity beyond sectarian divisions is crucial in the digital age.
• Urgent need for Muslim scholars to collaborate and address
AI challenges for youth.
Thank you
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