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Lecture 1

Introduction to

• Sociology
• Sociological Imagination
• Founding fathers of
• Glossary
What is sociology?

● Sociology is the scientific study of human life,

social groups, whole societies and the human
world as such.

● Sociology, a social science that studies human

societies, their interactions, and the processes that
preserve and change them.
Comte introduced the term “Sociology” for the
first time in his famous work “Positive
Philosophy” at about 1839.
1.Emile Durkheim defines sociology as the “science of
social institutions”.
2. Small defines sociology as the “science of social
3. Kingsley Davis says that “sociology is a general
science of society”.
4. Park regards sociology as the “science of collective
5. Jones defines sociology as the “study of man in
relationship to men”.
• Sociology demonstrates the need to take a much broader view of our own
lives in order to explain why we act as we do.
• Its major concern is society, and hence it is popularly known as the “science
of society”.
• Study social relationships, their specific forms, varieties and patterning. We
study how the relations combine, how they build up smaller or greater
systems, and how they respond to changes and changing demands or needs.
Do you love to drink
The sociological

rights and environmental interaction

5. contemporary debates
about globalization,
-symbolic value
international fair trade,

4. social and economic

-the simple act

worldwide social
2.why these differences
influences and

3. complicated set of
social and economic -tolerate the consumption
G. Bajoit has gathered the human conceptions that form the basis of
sociological theories in 4 main groups:

Human is a needy creature by nature. Therefore, he tries to feel safe by living in

solidarity with his peers.

Human is a opportunistic, calculating, egoistic, trying to maximize their


Human is a structure that can be exploited, alienated, and blinded by a false


Human is a solidarist, insistent, selfless being, trying to get rid of the yoke of
domination, capable of being effective on society and reproducing it by acting
together, even if he is crushed under the "sacred weights".
•Social structure is not like a physical structure, such as a building, which exists
independently of human actions.
Emergence of Sociology

Sociology has had a fourfold origin:

• political philosophy,
• philosophy of history,
• biological theories of evolution
• and the movements for social and political reforms
•During the middle ages and early modern
times the teachings of the church
dominated the human mind
•Intellectuals became more active since
the 16th century onwards.
•Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations”,
•Rousseau’s “Social Contract”
•Sir Thomas Moore’s “Utopia”
•From the Renaissance on, Western
European societies acquired modern
characteristics, but enlightenment ideas
and the American, French and Industrial
revolutions ushered in some of the definite
characteristics of modern Capitalist
How can sociology help us in our lives? Or Uses of

The significant aspects of sociology:

1.Sociology studies society in a scientific way.
2. Sociological research provides practical help in assessing the results of policy
3. Sociology has drawn our attention to the intrinsic worth and dignity of man.
4. Sociology gives us an awareness of cultural difference that allows us to see the
social world from many perspectives.
5.Sociology can provide us with self enlightenment – increased self understanding.
6.Sociologists concern themselves directly with practical matters as professionals.
7. The study of society is of paramount importance in solving social problems
Giddens has pointed out

“Sociology tells us how to become

what we want to be”
Special sociological theories and directions
are the sociology

sociology of sociology of sociology of sociology of sociology of

the family, labor, free time, culture, science,

sociology of sociology of
sociology of sociology of sociology of
social-class national
education, politics, religion,
relations, relations,

sociology of sociology of sociology of

morality, organizations, conflict, etc.
Glossary terms:

Sociology, object of sociology, functions of sociology,

social institutions, social relations, collective behavior,
sociological imagination, symbolic value, social
interaction, sociological study, social structure, physical

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