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Chapter 1

Managing training and

development in organisations
Play Ball
• Introduce yourself:
(1) Name
(2) Study
(3) Fun fact about themselves
Managing Training and Development
Learning Outcomes
• discuss the concepts of education, training and development
• describe the training function as a subsystem in an
• illustrate the training and development function using a
• give a brief description of a training and development model
• define the various management elements of a training and
development programme
• define the respective development phases of a strategic
training plan
• describe the various functions of a training and development
• discuss the importance of a training and development policy
and an annual training plan
The World of Training
Training benefits
Group Activity

Define and discuss the difference

between Training, Education and
Education Development
Activities providing knowledge, Contains elements of both
skills and values that promote training and education within
an understanding of social the context of specific
traditions so that individuals organisational objectives
can contribute to society

Training Integrated Approach

A systematic process to modify Aim is to achieve
knowledge, skills and organisational T&D objectives
behaviour of employees to – holistic, conscious, proactive
achieve organisational
Team Activity

• In teams of 4 to 6 people
• Match the definitions to the list of
Generalised approaches to training
interventions in enterprises

• Learning by exposure
• Educational approach
• Systems approach
• Problem-centred approach
• Action learning approach
• Analytical approach
• Competence approach
• Procedural approach
• Knowledge management system
Role of training function in the
structure of the organisation
The place of the training function
in the organisation
Key functions that should be present
in all HRD departments
• Management of the HRD function
• Training and development needs analysis
• Design and development of curricula and programmes
• Development and obtaining of training resources
• Ensure the delivery of education, training and
• Evaluation of training and development and the total
HRD effort
• Quality assurance of training and development initiatives
• Administrative management
• Career development
• Organisation development
Team Activity
In groups present the model assigned to your
team. Make sure to highlight the key steps of
the model.
•Group 1: Nadler’s model
•Group 2: Camp, Blanchard Husco’s model
•Group 3: High impact training model.
Nadler’s critical events training
Group Activity
Discuss why it is important to have a
managerial approach to training and


TEST 1 10 April 2024 Engineering Basement and all Regional centres 17h30

TEST 2 24 April 2024 Engineering Basement and all Regional centres 17h30

Supplementary Test 08 May 2024 Engineering Basement and all Regional centres 17h30

ASSIGNMENT 1 30 April 2024 electronic submission 15h00

Determines the direction an organisation
must follow to accomplish goals.

Planning process:
• Goal setting
• Develop plans
• Implementation of plans
Linking planning to training
Organising is the second fundamental
element of the management process.
Management must deploy people,
equipment, finances, and other resources
to achieve its goals. An organisational
structure indicates the work to be done and
the connection between various positions
and tasks.
Linking organising to training

Coordinate, lead and motivate students

and training practitioners to achieve
Linking leading to training
Monitor short and medium term goals to ensure
implementation of strategic plan.

Have the outcomes/objectives been achieved?

You may continue....

If not, take actions to achieve the objectives!
Linking control to training
Strategic training management
Due to its importance and the costs involved,
training in an organisation must be effectively
managed. Within the context of HRM, the
training manager today faces a wide range of
• The training manager must ensure that all
training programmes are presented in a
purposeful and effective manner
• The existing imbalance between skilled
managers from the different population groups
has to be rectified as soon as possible.
Business strategy, HRM strategy and training
and development strategy

Strategic planning may be described as a process in

which an organisation states its overall purposes
and objectives and how these will be achieved.

Types of plans
•Strategic planning
•Functional planning
•Short-term planning
Strategic Planning Process
Group Activity
As a group discuss what strategic training
management and strategic human resources
Strategic training management and
strategic human resource development
Strategic human resource development is geared to the
strategic business plan and to help implement the human
resource strategy by improving the knowledge and skills of
employees of the organisation or interest groups outside
the organisation.

•Approach of Rothwell and Kazanas

•Strategic training and development is the process of
change through planned learning with the aim of acquiring
knowledge and skills needed in the future
•Assumptions of strategic HRD
Strategic training management and
strategic human resource development
• Needs assessment
• Environmental scanning
• Considering present strengths, weaknesses,
future threats and opportunities
• Choosing and implementing organisational
• Evaluation
The need for a training and
development policy
Policies are based on assumptions and principles
which manifest themselves in the form of a

Reasons for a training and development policy:

•To define the relationship between the objectives of
the organisation and its commit­ment to the HRD
•To provide operational guidelines for management
•To provide information for employees
•To enhance public relations
Team Activity
In your team discuss the benefits of an
annual training plan. Include the following
points in your discussion:
– What an annual training and development
plan is
– Elements of an annual training plan
– Importance of annual training plan
Annual training plan
• Detailed statement of training that will be
implemented over a specific period of time
(e.g. Workplace Skills Plan)
• Integral part of the strategic training process
• Formats differ according to enterprise needs
• Workplace Skills Plan can serve as a basic
Team Activity
• In your team discuss the role of the training
practitioner your have been assigned.
• Team:
1. Manager
2. Consultant
3. Instructor / Trainer / Facilitator
4. Evaluator
5. Marketer
6. Strategic facilitator
7. Application agent
Role of training professional
• Manager

• Consultant

• Instructor / Trainer / Facilitator

• Evaluator

• Marketer

• Strategic facilitator

• Application agent

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