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Submitted to: Subash Chandra Swain

Submitted by: Rajanandini Mohanty
Course Title: Mushroom cultivation
Course no: PTAg-226
Adm no: 223550004


 Two methods of unit structure of mushroom cultivation
 1. Open condition
2. Indoor condition
Distance between two rack = 2 ft
In each rank distance between two bamboo strip = 10
Total length = 25 ft inch(20 inch)
Width = 8ft (8 inch)

Length of straw = 1.5 ft

Distance between bed to bed= 6 inch

Date =11.05.24
Paddy straw cutting in paddy straw.
Length of the bundle =1.5ft
14 bundle for 1 bed
• In 1st trail We are putting 56 straw bundle in 280 lit of water with
5kg lime solution. We put the straw in water for 12hrs.
Form 6pm(14.5.24) to 6am(15.5.24) soak the straw.
• Then we remove the wet straw for remove the excess water .

Before preparing the bed it is important to check the proper

Moisture ( Moisture content be like wet but have no water
content )
The straw were taken to the mushroom house.

200gm wheat bran is divide into 3 equal parts .

Break the seed glass bottle and then divide it into

3 parts for 3 layer .
In 1 st layer 4 straw bundle in the direction of East of wast .

It is done at 11:00 am , 1 st layer of bed 1 st spread 1 part

of seed and after spreading seed spread 1 part of bran
through over the seed , spread the seed leaving at 4 Inch
distance from each side .

Then put another layer of straw in the direction North and

South and spread other part of seed and bran over the
layer .

Then 3rd layer of straw bundle and spreed 3rd part of seed
and other part of bran over the layer of the bed .

In 3rd layer we can spread some seed in middle part .

After this spread two bundle to straw removeing the net
and spread completely .

After prapering the bed cover the bed with a polythene

wrapper to maintain proper moisture content .

Leave this bed for 7 days , after 8 days removing the

polythene from the bed and leave the bed in open
condition in 23rd may .

24th may I m checking my bed and sprinkling some water drop

on the straw bed . And I found slightly growth of these
mycelium .
In the period mycelium growth I found some infection in my bed .The
infection looks like initially that cylindrical white in colour, after
infected growth the part of cap is black in colour ,and stalk in white and
thick .

On 26th may I found some small bud of mushroom and again spray water in
it to maintain moisture level .

After leaving 2 days morning 29 th may again spraying of water in the straw
and found small buds on the surface area destroyed and large no. Of
mushroom bund on side of the bed which are black in colour .

Harvesting (30.5.24)
On 1st harvest i got 300gm of mushroom 🍄
1.high temprature
2.less moisture content
3.some other fungal infection
4.high humidity
5.old straw

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