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Digital Marketing for Manager

Delivering The Digital Customer Experience

Week 7

Digital Marketing For Manager

1. Planning websites, app design and redesign projects

2. Initiation of a digital experience project
3. Online retail merchandising
4. Site promotion or ‘traffic building’
5. The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

The Digital Customer Experience

Planning websites, app design and
redesign projects
The main development tasks that need to be scheduled as part of
the planning process for any digital experience are as follows:
Pre-development tasks
Discovery, analysis and design
Content creation, coding or development and testing
Publishing or launching the site or improvement
Pre-launch promotion or communications
Ongoing promotion
Ongoing development

Planning websites, app design and
redesign projects

Site sponsors
Site owner
Project manager
Who should be involved in a Site designer.
digital experience project? Content developer
Digital experience analyst or CRO expert

Initiation of a digital experience project

The initiation of the website project provides a framework for the project that ensures:
• there is management and staff commitment to the project;
• objectives are clearly defined;
• the costs and benefits are reviewed in order that the appropriate amount of investment in the site
• the project will follow a structured path, with clearly identified responsibilities for different aspects
such as project management, analysis, promotion and maintenance;
• the implementation phase will ensure that important aspects of the project, such as testing and
promotion, are not skimped.
Initiation of the website project
This phase of the project should involve a structured review of the costs and
benefits of developing a website (or making a major revision to an existing
website). A successful outcome to initiation will be a decision to proceed
with the site development phase, with an agreed budget and target
completion date.
Online retail merchandising

For online retail site owners, merchandising is a crucial activity, in the same way it is for physical retail
store owners. In both cases, the aims are similar – to maximise sales potential for each store visitor.
Online, this means presenting relevant products and promotions to site visitors, which should help
boost key measures of site performance such as conversion rate and average order value. You will see
that many of these approaches are related to the concept of findability. Some of the most common
approaches used are:
1. Expanding navigation through synonyms
2. Applying faceted navigation or search approaches
3. Featuring the best-selling products prominently.
4. Use of bundling
5. Use of customer ratings and reviews

Site promotion or ‘traffic building’

Promotion of a site in order to boost visitors is a significant topic that is part of the strategy of
developing a website.

Particularly important issues that must be considered during the course of site design are search
engine optimisation and the experience delivered on landing pages where the visitor arrives not on
the home page, but deeper within the site.

The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

Tangibles: the physical appearance of facilities and communications

Reliability: the ability to perform the service dependably and accurately

SERVQUAL Responsiveness: a willingness to help customers and provide prompt service

Assurance:the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to

convey trust and confidence
Empathy: providing caring, individualised attention

The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

Information quality
Functional fit to task
Tailored communications.
Response time.
Ease of understanding.
The dimensions of WEBQUAL Intuitive operations.
Visual appeal.
Emotional appeal.
Consistent image.
Online completeness.
Relative advantage.

The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

Tailored communications.
The dimensions of E-SERVQUAL


Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick (2019), Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation,
and Practice. Seven Edition, Person, ISBN: 1292241624

Thank You


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