Lect.No.1 Econ-353

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Course No : Econ 353

Credit: 3(2+1)
Course Title: Agricultural Marketing,
Trade and Prices.
Course Teacher
Dr.Sulbha M.Sarap
Assistant Professor
Agril. Economics and Statistics Section
Shri Shivaji Agriculture College,
Agril Marketing:-
The term Agril. Marketing is composed
of two words
i.e. Agriculture and Marketing.
Agriculture:- Means activities of food and
fiber production at the use of natural resources
for human welfare i.e. it include all the primary
activities of production.
It is used to mean growing and/or raising crops
and livestock.
Markets and Marketing
Market –
Meaning:- The word market originated from the latin word
'marcatus' which means merchandise or trade or a place
where business is conducted.
Word 'market' has been widely used to mean:
(a) a place or a building where commodities are bought and
sold, e.g., super market;
(b) potential buyers and sellers of a product; e.g., wheat
market and cotton market;
(c) potential buyers and sellers of a country or region, e.g.,
Indian market and Asian market;
(d) an organization which provides facilities for exchange of
commodities, e.g., Bombay stock exchange.
(e) a phase or a course of commercial activity, e.g., a dull
market or bright market.
Marketing:- It is the business activities
in the flow of goods and services from
the point of initial production until they
reach the ultimate consumer.
Marketing is as a value added process
in which creation of
Form utility,
Place utility,
Time utility and
Possession utility take place.
Different Definations of Marketing:-
Philip Kotler has define marketing as a human
activity directed at satisfying the needs and wants
through exchange process.
Kohls and Uhl Define:- It is the performance of all
business activites involved in flow of food products
and services from the point of initial agricultutal
production until they are in the hands of consumers.
Thomsen :- It added all the operations and agencies
conducting them,involved in the movement of farm
prodced foods from the farms to the final consumers.
American Marketing assocication:- Marketing is the
performance of business activities that directs the
flow of goods and servies from producers to users.
Agril. Marketing System the main
1) Producer


3)Market Middlemen and Traders

Components of a Market:-
1) Place
2) Buyer and Seller
3) Commodity
4) Business Relationship
Conditions of a Market:-
For a market to exist, certain conditions must be
These conditions should be both necessary and
They may also be termed as the components of a
1. The existence of a good or commodity for
2. The existence of buyers and sellers.
3. Business relationship between buyers and
4. Demarcation/Limitations of area such as
place, region, country or the whole world.
Agricultural Marketing definition:-

It is the study of all the activities, agencies and policies

involved in the procurement of farm inputs by the farmers and

the movement of agricultural products from the farms to the


Agril. Marketing:- It added all activities involved in supply

of farm inputs to the farmes and movement of agricultural

products from the farms to the final consumers.

According to the National Commission on
Agriculture:- It is a process which starts with a
decision to produce a saleable farm commodity and it
involves all the aspects of market structure or system
both functional and institutional.
Marketing is one of those facilities needed for
over all economic development of nations.
Trade:- It means an art of buying and selling.
Prices:- Value expressed in terms of money.
Agriculture:- Means activities of food and fiber production at
the use of natural resources for human welfare i.e. it include
all the primary activities of production.
Marketing:- It is the business activities in the flow of goods
and services from the point of initial production until they
reach the ultimate consumer.
Agricultural Marketing definition:-
It is the study of all the activities, agencies and
policies involved in the procurement of farm inputs by the
farmers and the movement of agril. Products from the farms to
the consumers.
Trade:- It means an art of buying and selling.
Prices:- Value expressed in terms of money.
Scope of Agril. Marketing :- The scope of agricultural marketing
must include both input marketing and product marketing .
1) Input marketing:- means the farm inputs supply industry
provides such agricultural inputs as chemical, improved
seeds, machinery, fertilizers, feeds, capital, labour, credit,
Insecticides and pesticides, farm machinery, implements,
new agricultural Technology, HYV and land.
2) Product Marketing:- It has tremendous scope in
agricultural marketing several organizations provide
facilities for the storage and warehousing of the agril.
The subject Matter of agricultural marketing:-
It includes marketing functions, agencies,
channels, efficiency, costs, price spread and
market integration, producer's surplus, marketing
institutions, government policy and research,
imports/exports of agricultural commodities and
commodity future trading.
i.e. details from the theoretical and practical points
of view. It covers what the system is, how it
and how the given methods or techniques may be
modified to get the maximum benefits.
Agril. Marketing developed as a link
between the Farm and Non-Farm sectors.
Non-farm:- Transportation, Storage, Milling or
processing, packaging and retailing.
Agril. Marketing is one of those facilities
needed for over all economic development of
Role of Agricultural Marketing:-
1)Time of decision relating to what to produce.
2) which variety to produce.
3) How to prepare the product for marketing.
4) when, where and to whom to sell.
Role of Agril. Marketing includes the assessment of
demand for farm-inputs and their supply, post
harvest handling of farm products, performance of
various activities required in transferring farm
products from farm gate to processing industries or
to ultimate consumers,
assessment of demand for farm products and public
policies and programmers relating to the pricing,
handling and purchase and sale of farm inputs and
agricultural products.
The future trading in the domestic and international
markets also become the role of it.
Role of Agricultural Marketing system include
A. Assessment of Demand for farm input →
Supply →Post Harvest →Performance of
various activities → transporting farm
product →Processing or Consumers.

B. Assessment of Demand for farm product

→ Public polices → Relating pricing →
Handling →Purchase →Sale →trade
→International trade.
Importance of Agricultural Marketing
(i) Optimization of Resource use and Output
(ii) Increase in Farm Income
(iii) Widening of Markets
(iv) Growth of Agro-based Industries
(v) Price Signals
(vi) Adoption and Spread of New Technology
(vii) Employment Creation
(viii) Addition to National Income
(ix) Better Living
(x) Creation of Utility
The food grain marketing system is more important in India than
the marketing of other agricultural commodities because of the
following reasons:
(a) Food grains account for around two-thirds of the gross
cropped area and 40 per cent of the gross value of crop output
in the country. Food grain marketing, therefore, provides
income to most Indian farmers so that they may buy the
required inputs for the farm as well as purchase items of
domestic need.
(b) The food grain marketing business provides livelihood to lakhs
of traders, processors, commission agents and other persons
engaged in the food grain trade.
(c) The food grain marketing system helps in providing food for
consumers and fodder for livestock.
Q.1. Define Market. Explain in details the components of
Q.2. Define Agricultural marketing. Explain in brief the scope,
subject matters, role, importance and objectives of
Agricultural marketing.
Thank You

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