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Analysls of muslc posLers

,aln lmage Lhe maln lmage

covers Lhe enLlre posLer lL ls a
very deLalled close up of Lhe
maln acL performlng (SLeve
Angello) 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe maln
lmage ls faded ouL ln order Lo
allow LexL Lo sLand ouL however
SLeve Angello's face ls exLremely
deLalled sLandlng ouL from Lhe
resL of Lhe posLer as hls pale skln
conLrasLs wlLh Lhe dark shadow
effecL around Lhe resL of Lhe
posLer 1hls Lherefore allows Lhe
maln arLlsL's face Lo be Lhe
hlghllghL of Lhe posLer and Lhose
fans who see Lhls wlll
lmmedlaLely noLlce hlm and hls
upcomlng performance
Coverllne 1hls coverllne sLaLes
some vlLal lnformaLlon of Lhe
upcomlng performance (venue and
daLe) lL ls poslLloned boLLom lefL of
Lhe page on Lhe dark background
allowlng lL Lo sLand ouL AnoLher
feaLure whlch makes Lhls coverllne
sLand ouL are Lhe small shapes
peallng away from 'uragonfly' 1hls
noL only relaLes Lo Lhe word
dragonfly as Lhe shapes look as
Lhough Lhey are flylng/hoverlng
buL lL lmmedlaLely makes Lhe
vlewer look Lowards Lhls parL of Lhe
LssenLlal lnformaLlon placed aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe posLer ln very
small fonL sLaLlng phone numbers
and webslLes for furLher
Logo's varlous logos placed ln boLLom
rlghL of Lhe posLer whlch are posslbly
relevanL Lo Lhls performance vlewers
may recognlse Lhem and be lnLeresLed
ln Lhls performance as Lhey see LhaL
whaL ever Lhe logo represenLs ls
assoclaLed wlLh Lhls promoLlon
,asLhead Lhe masLhead ls Lhe maln
arLlsL's name (SLeve Angello) placed
aL Lhe rlghL of Lhe posLer and roughly
half way up 1he LexL ls all ln caplLals
large fonL and ln a faded green colour
maklng lL Lhe mosL bold and eye
caLchlng plece on Lhe posLer lans
would Lherefore easlly see SLeve
Angello's name and lmmedlaLely be
lnLeresLed Also above hls name ls Lhe
muslc group he ls aparL of (Swedlsh
Pouse ,afla) a masslve worldwlde
known group of u!'s Lhls would boosL
Lhe amounL of people lnLeresLed ln
Lhls performance 1he 'swedlsh house
mafla' LexL ls Lhe same of whlch you
would on Lhelr album cover once
agaln fans wlll spoL Lhls Also below
Lhe masLhead ls more LexL abouL Lhe
maln arLlsL allowlng vlewers who are
unaware of hlm Lo learn more abouL
,asLhead 1he maln masLhead
'Lemon facLory' ls Lhe venue
where Lhe performance wlll Lake
place lL ls ln a cool rounded buL
sleek fonL wlLh a whlLe border
surroundlng Lhe LexL maklng lL
sLand ouL on Lhe black
background 'lemon' ls ln a brlghL
yellow relaLlng Lo Lhe word
lemon and allowlng lL Lo sLand
ouL very well also Lhe 'o' ln
lemon and facLory are Lhe
lnLersecLlons of a lemon llnklng
wlLh 'lemon' 8elow Lhls Lhe
name of Lhe performers ls sLaLed
'kasablan' Lhls ls ln Lhe same fonL
used for Lhelr album cover
allowlng fans Lo recognlse Lhem
easlly and ln whlLe lL sLands ouL
very well
Coverllnes oslLloned on
Lhe lefL lower secLlon of Lhe
posLer ls furLher lnformaLlon
on Lhe evenL 1hls lncludes
Lhe daLe hosLs/venue dress
code Llmes and prlce Cnce
agaln hlghllghLlng 'lemon' ln
yellow and all oLher LexL ln
whlLe allowlng lL also Lo
sLand ouL on Lhe black
background 1he wordlng
used ls very casual and
frlendly maklng lL obvlous
Lhls ls an lnformal evenL
,aln lmage 1he maln lmage ls
place ln Lhe rlghL Lhlrd of Lhe
posLer lL ls Lhe same lmage used
for kasablan's album cover
Lherefore all fans wlll recognlse
Lhls lconlc lmage llnklng Lo
kasablan 1he lmage ls also ln
yellow whlch flLs lnLo Lhe colour
scheme of yellow whlLe and
black 1hls makes Lhe posLer look
professlonal and well consLrucLed
uue Lo lL belng ln yellow lL sLands
ouL very well and ls probably Lhe
mosL eye caLchlng plece on Lhe
posLer lL may be used Lo geL Lhe
aLLenLlon of kasablan fans as
people unaware of kasablan wlll
noL know whaL Lhls lmage ls
,asLhead Lhe masLhead ls placed
aL Lhe cenLre of Lhe Lop of Lhe posLer
1he masLhead ls Lhe name of Lhe
arLlsL performlng 'Calvln Parrls' Lhls
LexL ls also ln Lhe same fonL used for
hls album cover and fans wlll
recognlse Lhls 1he LexL ls whlLe on a
black background maklng lL sLand
ouL really well also Lhe maln lmage
of Calvln Parrls ls ln whlLe llnklng Lhe
Lwo Also comlng off of Lhe
masLhead ls 'LlvL' ln a whlLe block
allowlng lL Lo sLand ouL and sLaLe Lhe
performance ls llve Above 'Calvln
Parrls' Lhe daLe of Lhe performance
ls sLaLed ln blg sleek plnk fonL
maklng lL eye caLchlng also llnklng
wlLh Lhe brlghL colour scheme 1hey
have placed Lhe daLe here Lo ensure
vlewers remember Lhe performance
Coverllne poslLloned below Lhe
maln lmage ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe
lower Lhlrd of Lhe posLer lncludes
lnformaLlon on oLher guesLs and
Lhe venue AlLernaLed whlLe and
plnk coloured fonL Lo show
separaLe lnformaLlon 1he fonL ls
sllm and sleek maLchlng Lhe
modern look Lhey have gone for
on Lhls posLer 1he 'AL ulglLal'
plece of LexL ls all ln bold maklng
Lhe offlclal name of Lhe venue
sLand ouL even furLher
LssenLlal lnformaLlon All LexL ln much
smaller fonL sLlll sLlcklng Lo Lhe colour
scheme of whlLe black and oLher brlghL
colours 1exL lncludes lnformaLlon such as
Llmes prlces webslLes and a phone
,aln lmage Lhe maln lmage ls of
Calvln Parrls' head lL ls Lhe same
lmage used for hls album cover (l
creaLed dlsco) 1herefore fans wlll
lmmedlaLely recognlse Lhls lmage 1he
lmage ls ln black and whlLe [usL as lL ls
on Lhe album cover Lhls also maLches
Lhe colour scheme used for Lhe fonL
on Lhls posLer Powever Lhe sunglasses
are ln all dlfferenL brlghL colours once
agaln maLchlng Lhe colour scheme
1here ls also varlous llnes shooLlng ouL
of Lhe maln lmage ln dlfferenL brlghL
colours maklng Lhe maln lmage(Calvln
Parrls' head) seem llke a dlsco ball
wlLh llghLs reflecLlng from Lhls Whlch
also llnks Lo hls album where Lhls
lmage orlglnaLed from (l creaLed

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