Intro to IPMV

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Introduction to IPMV

ECC 603 IPMV 2024

Course Coordinator : Anita Jadhav
• Title explanation
• Images and their digital avatars
• What can we do with images?
• What is an image?
• What are characteristics of an image?
• Types of images
• Need for processing an image
• Both are Disruptive technologies
• Both used in AI
• Both have seen lot of advances after VLSI growth allowed GPUs

Title explanation
• So, on a holiday you decide to click photos of your two dog pets
“Shimmy” and “Pluto” training for a ball fetching competition in your
beautiful garden . Where “Shimmy” must take the left track after
fetching the ball and “Pluto” should take the right track to finish line.”
The IP part

• You clicked hundred of pictures and soon you are done with the photo
shoot and now you desire to upload a perfect shot on a social media.

• But before posting the image you want the image to look more
thoughtful and you also wish to tell your friends that the image was
taken on Sunday at 7:00 am and print the lovely names of your pets as
hashtags on the image.

Title explanation
Title explanation
The MV part
• Now, you wish to reward your pets “Shimmy” and “Pluto” as winners and runners-up based on who
caught the red apple or the yellow disk maximum number of times in their mouth and returned
them back to you moving on their respective tracks, “Shimmy” on the left and “Pluto” on the right
(Game rule).

• You can very easily decide by looking at the above image that Shimmy is the winner but what if you
played the game 50 times in a day and 7 days a week.

• Then deciding by just looking at the images where the count of images has now increased to 350 per
week becomes a tough task.
So, now you must build a computer vision system to automate your work.
So the first step to a CV(Computer Vision) system should do a detailed analysis of each and every
Title explanation
image of 350.
So what is MV/CV
• computer vision is all about two major things first, analysis and second, image
processing algorithms you choose to club together to come on a conclusion like this, of
who is the winner out of the two pets.

• The image processing algorithms when clubbed intelligently after a detailed analysis of
huge data to give a correct result like the number of times ball caught by each pet, who
played fair, when and why does a pet fail to catch a ball, maximum or minimum height of
the ball to catch, if given any input image defines a computer vision system.

• It is about generalizing or giving a scalable solution combining many image processing

Title explanation
What is an image?
• Function of two variables f(x,y)

• Instanteneous power density of energy incident at each

location on a 2-d plane
• Usually, energy integrated over a small imaging element (pixel
sensor) over a small interval of time (shutter open)
• Often involves a focusing mechanism for one- to-one correspondence
with a single ray (direction)
Images and their digital avatars
What is a digital Image?

Images and their digital avatars

Image as a matrix==wonders

Images and their digital avatars

Digital avatar

Images and their digital avatars

Can images be created?

Images and their digital avatars

Images and their digital avatars
Desirable operations on images
• Improve display quality
• Restoration
• Edge detection and segmentation
• Image representation
• Information extraction and distillation at
various levels

What can we do with images?

Societal application: Crack detection in
Railway track

What can we do with images?

Health application: Tumor detection

What can we do with images?

Enhancement: Increase contrast

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Central Press
Enhancement: Sharpen

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Central Press
Enhancement: Remove noise

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Central Press
Enhancement: Increase color saturation

What can we do with images?

Image Source:
Restoration: Increase resolution

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Central Press
Restoration: Increase resolution

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Central Press
Image compression : File size vs.

What can we do with images?

Image Source: Mark Whitekar
Semantic segmentation

What can we do with images?

Image source:
Object classification, detection,

What can we do with images?

1. Gonzales and Woods, “Digital Image Processing”,
Pearson Education, India, Third Edition
2.Digital image processing – Ramesh Jayraman
3.Digital Image processing - Sreedhar

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