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Prof J. Noorul Ameen M.E,(Ph.D), EMCAA, MISTE, D.Acu.,
Assistant Professor/CSE
Member – Centre for Technology & Capability Development
E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam

9150132532 Noornilo Nafees 1
 At the end of this course students can able to
 Gain knowledge on the various flow of control in
Python language.
 Learn through the syntax how to use conditional

construct to improve the efficiency of the program

 To apply iteration structures to develop code to

repeat the program segment for specific number of

times or till the condition is satisfied.

Noornilo Nafees 2
 Statements in programs are executed sequentially,
that is the statements are executed one after
 There may be situations in our real life programming

where we need to skip a segment or set of

statements and execute another segment based on
the test of a condition. This is called alternative or
 Also, we may need to execute a set of statements

multiple times, called iteration or looping.

Noornilo Nafees 3
 A program statement that causes a jump of control from one part
of the program to another is called control structure or control
 There are three important control structures
 1. Sequential Statements
 2. Alternative or Branching Statements
 3. Iterative or Looping Statements
 1. Sequential Statements: A sequential statement is composed of
a sequence of statements which are executed one after another.
 # Program to print your name and address - example for
sequential statement
 print ("Hello! This is Noornilonafees")
 print ("9, Yahussain Palli Street, Nagapattinam, TN")
 Output
 Hello! This is Noornilonafees
 9, Yahussain Palli Street, Nagapattinam, TN
Noornilo Nafees 4
 2. Alternative or Branching Statement:
 In our day-to-day life we need to take various decisions

and choose an alternate path to achieve our goal.

 May be we would have taken an alternate route to

reach our destination when we find the usual road by

which we travel is blocked.
 This type of decision making is what we are going to

learn through branching statement.

 Ex: Checking whether the given number is positive or

negative, even or odd can all be done using alternative

or branching statement.

Noornilo Nafees 5
 Python provides the following types of alternative or
branching statements:
 (a) Simple if statement
 (b) if..else statement
 (c) Nested if..elif...else statement
 (a) Simple if statement:
 Simple if is the simplest of all decision making statements.
Condition should be in the form of relational or logical
 Syntax:
 if <condition>:
◦ statements-block1
 In the above syntax if the condition is true statements -
block 1 will be executed.

Noornilo Nafees 6
 # Program to check the age and print whether eligible
for voting
 x=int (input("Enter your age :"))
 if x>=18:

◦ print ("You are eligible for voting")

 Output 1:
 Enter your age :34
 You are eligible for voting
 Output 2:
 Enter your age :16
 >>>

Noornilo Nafees 7
 # Program to check whether the given number is
greater than 10
 a=int(input("Enter a number:"))
 if(a>10):

◦ print(a,"is greater than 10“) OUTPUT

Enter a number: 12
12 is greater than 10

Noornilo Nafees 8
 (b) if..else statement:
 The if .. else statement provides control to check the

true block as well as the false block.

 Following is the syntax of ‘if..else’ statement.
 Syntax:
 if <condition>:

◦ statements-block 1
 else:

◦ statements-block 2
 if..else statement thus provides two possibilities and

the condition determines which BLOCK is to be


Noornilo Nafees 9
 if..else statement execution

Noornilo Nafees 10
 #Program to check if the accepted number odd or
 a = int(input("Enter any number :"))
 if a%2==0:

◦ print (a, " is an even number")

 else:

◦ print (a, " is an odd number")

 Output 1:
 Enter any number :56
 56 is an even number
 Output 2:
 Enter any number :67
 67 is an odd number

Noornilo Nafees 11
 #Program to check whether given number is greater
than or lesser than 10
 a=int(input("Enter a number:"))
 if(a>10):

◦ print(a,"is greater than 10") OUTPUT

 else:

◦ print(a,"is lesser than 10") Enter a number: 6

6 is lesser
than 10

Noornilo Nafees 12
 #Program to check if the accepted number is odd or
even using alternate method of if...else(Conditional
 a = int (input("Enter any number :"))
 x="even" if a%2==0 else "odd"
 print (a, " is ",x)
 Output 1:
 Enter any number :3
 3 is odd
 Output 2:
 Enter any number :22
 22 is even

Noornilo Nafees 13
 (c) Nested if..elif...else statement: When we need to
construct a chain of if statement(s) then ‘elif’ clause can be
used instead of ‘else if’.
 Syntax:
 if <condition-1>:
◦ statements-block 1
 elif <condition-2>:
◦ statements-block 2
 else:
◦ statements-block n
 In the syntax of if..elif..else mentioned above, condition-1 is
tested if it is true then statements-block1 is executed,
otherwise the control checks condition-2, if it is true
statements-block2 is executed and even if it fails
statements-block n mentioned in else part is executed.
Noornilo Nafees 14
 if..elif..else statement execution

Noornilo Nafees 15
 #Program to illustrate student grade calculation using
nested if statement
 name=input("Enter your name:")
 rno=int(input("Enter your Register number:"))
 m1=int(input("Enter mark 1:"))
 m2=int(input("Enter mark 2:"))
 m3=int(input("Enter mark 3:"))
 tot=m1+m2+m3
 avg=tot/3
 print("Name:",name)
 print("Register number:",rno)
 print("Total:",tot)
 print("Average",round(avg,1))

Noornilo Nafees 16
 if (avg>=60):
◦ print("First Class")
 elif(avg>=50): Output 1:
Enter your name:Ameen
◦ print("Second Class")
Enter your Register number:2012
 elif(avg>=60):
Enter mark 1:99
◦ print("Third Class") Enter mark 2:77
 else: Enter mark 3:88
Name: Ameen
◦ print("Fail") Register number: 2012
Total: 264
Average 88.0
First Class

Noornilo Nafees 17
 #Program to find leap year:
 y=int(input("Enter a year to check whether given year

is leap year or not:"))

 if (y%400==0):
Output 1:
Enter a year to check whether
◦ print(y,"is leap year") given year is leap year or not:2011
 elif(y%100==0): 2011 is not leap year

◦ print(y,"is not leap year")

 elif(y%4==0):

◦ print(y,"is leap year")

 else:

◦ print(y,"is not leap year")

Noornilo Nafees 18
 In most other programming languages, indentation is used
only to help make the code look pretty.
 But in Python, it is required to indicate to which block of
code the statement belongs to.
 #Program to illustrate the use of ‘in’ and ‘not in’ in if
Output 1:
Enter a character :e
 ch=input (“Enter a character :”) e is a vowel
 # to check if the letter is vowel Output 2:
 if ch in (‘a’, ‘A’, ‘e’, ‘E’, ‘i’, ‘I’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘u’, ‘U’): Enter a character :x
◦ print (ch,’ is a vowel’) x the letter is not a/b/c
 # to check if the letter typed is not ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’
 if ch not in (‘a’, ’b’, ’c’):
◦ print (ch,’ the letter is not a/b/c’)
Noornilo Nafees 19
 Iteration or Looping constructs: Iteration or loop are
used in situation when the user need to execute a
block of code several of times or till the condition is

Noornilo Nafees 20
 Python provides two types of looping constructs:
 (a)while loop
 (b)for loop
 (a)while loop: The while loop in Python has the

following syntax:
 Syntax:
 while <condition>:

◦ statements block 1

Noornilo Nafees 21
 Program to illustrate the use of while loop - to print
all numbers between 10 to 15:
 i=10 # intializing part of the control variable
 while (i<=15): # test condition

◦ print (i,end='\t') # statements - block 1

◦ i=i+1 # Updation of the control variable
 Output:

10 11 12 13 14 15
 That the control variable is i, which is initialized to 10,

the condition is tested i<=15, if true value of i gets

printed, then the control variable i gets updated as
 When i becomes 16, the condition is tested False and

this will terminate the loop.

Noornilo Nafees 22
 Program to illustrate the use of while loop - to print
all even numbers between 1 to n:
 n=int(input("Enter the limit to find even numbers from 1 to n :"))
 i=1
 while(i<=n):
◦ if(i%2==0):
◦ print(i,end=' ')
 i=i+1
 Output:
 Enter the limit to find even numbers from 1 to n :10
 2 4 6 8 10

Noornilo Nafees 23
 #program to reverse a number and to check whether the
given number is palindrome or not:
 rev=0
 n=int(input("Enter number to reverse :"))
 t=n Output:
 while(t!=0): Enter number to
◦ rev=rev*10 reverse :452
◦ rev=rev+(t%10) Reversed number is 254
◦ t=t//10 452 is not Palindrome
 print("Reversed number is",rev)
 if(n==rev):
◦ print(n,"is Palindrome")
 else:
◦ print(n,"is not Palindrome")
Noornilo Nafees 24
 Program to illustrate the use of while loop - to find
factorial of given number:
 i=1
 fact=1
 n=int(input("Enter a number to find factorial :"))
 while(i<=n):

◦ fact=fact*i
◦ i=i+1
 print("Factorial value of",n,"is",fact)
 Output:
 Enter a number to find factorial :5
 Factorial value of 5 is 120

Noornilo Nafees 25
 Program to illustrate the use of while loop - to find
sum of given digits:
 r,sum=0,0
 n=int(input("Enter digits to find sum of digits : "))
 while(n>0):

◦ r=n%10
◦ sum=sum+r
◦ n=n//10
 print("Sum of given digits is",sum)
 Output:
 Enter digits to find sum of digits : 156
 Sum of given digits is 12

Noornilo Nafees 26
 Program to check whether the given number is an
Armstrong number or not:
 r,sum=0,0
 n=int(input("Enter a number to check whether given
number is an Armstrong number or not:"))
 a=n Output:
 while(n>0): Enter a number to check whether
◦ r=n%10 given number is an Armstrong number
◦ sum=sum+r*r*r or not:
◦ n=n//10 153
 if(a==sum): 153 is an Armstrong number
◦ print(a,"is an Armstrong number")
 else:
◦ print(a,"is not an Armstrong number")
Noornilo Nafees 27
 (b) for loop:
 for loop is the most comfortable loop. It is also an

entry check loop.

 The condition is checked in the beginning and the body

of the loop(statements-block 1) is executed if it is only

True otherwise the loop is not executed.
 Syntax:
 for counter_variable in sequence:

◦ statements-block 1

Noornilo Nafees 28
 for loop uses the range() function in the sequence to specify
the initial, final and increment values.
 range() generates a list of values starting from start till stop-1.
 The syntax of range() is as follows:
 range (start,stop,step)
 Where,
 start – refers to the initial value
 stop – refers to the final value
 step – refers to increment value(optional)
 Examples for range():
 range (1,30,1) will start the range of values from 1 and end at
 range (2,30,2) will start the range of values from 2 and end at
 range (20) will consider this value 20 as the end value(or upper
limit) and starts the range count from 0 to 19.
Noornilo Nafees 29
 for loop execution:

Noornilo Nafees 30
 #program to illustrate the use of for loop - to print
numbers from 1 to 10
 for i in range (1,11):

◦ print (i, end=' ')

 Output:
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 In Python, indentation is important in loop and other

control statements.
 Indentation only creates blocks and sub-blocks like

how we create blocks within a set of { } in languages

like C, C++ etc.

Noornilo Nafees 31
 #program to illustrate the use of for loop - to print even
number from 1 to n
 n=int(input("Enter the limit to find even numbers from 1 to n :"))
 for i in range(1,n+1):
◦ if(i%2==0):
 print(i,end=' ')
 Output:
 Enter the limit to find even numbers from 1 to n :10
 2 4 6 8 10

Noornilo Nafees 32
 # program to calculate the sum of numbers 1 to 100:
 for loop uses the range() function in the sequence to specify the
initial initial, final and increment values. range() generates a list of
values starting from start till stop-1.
 n=100
 sum=0
 for i in range (1,n+1,1):
◦ sum=sum+i
 print ("sum = ",sum,end=' ')
 Output:
 sum = 5050
 In the above code, n is initialized to 100, sum is initialized to 0, the
for loop starts executing from 1, for every iteration the value of
sum is added with the value of variable i and stored in sum.
 Note that the for loop will iterate from 1 till the upper limit -1 (ie.
Value of n is set as 100, so this loop will iterate for values from 1 to
99 only, that is the reason why we have set the upper limit as n+1)
Noornilo Nafees 33
 #Program to illustrate the use of string in range() of
for loop
 for word in 'Computer':

◦ print (word,end=' ')

 Output
 Computer

Noornilo Nafees 34
 Program to illustrate the use of for loop - to find
factorial of given number:
 i=1
 fact=1
 n=int(input("Enter a number to find factorial :"))
 for i in range(1,n+1):

◦ fact=fact*i
 print("Factorial value of",n,"is",fact)
 Output:
 Enter a number to find factorial :5
 Factorial value of 5 is 120

Noornilo Nafees 35
 Program to generate nth multiplication table to given limit:
 tab=int(input("Enter the multiplication table: "))
 n=int(input("Enter the limit of the multiplication table: "))
 for i in range(1,n+1):
◦ res=i*tab
◦ print(i,"*",tab,":",res)
 Output:
 Enter the multiplication table:
 5
 Enter the limit of the multiplication table:
 5
 1*5:5
 2 * 5 : 10
 3 * 5 : 15
 4 * 5 : 20
 5 * 5 : 25 Noornilo Nafees 36
 Program to calculate students mark list using for loop:
 n=int(input("Enter number of students :"))
 print("Enter marks of 3 subjects") Output:
 for i in range(1,n+1): Enter number of students : 2
Enter marks of 3 subjects
◦ print("Enter student",i,"marks") Enter student 1 marks
◦ m1=int(input("Enter mark 1 :")) Enter mark 1 : 78
◦ m2=int(input("Enter mark 2 :")) Enter mark 2 : 89
◦ m3=int(input("Enter mark 3 :")) Enter mark 3 :79
Total : 246 Average : 82.0
◦ tot=m1+m2+m3 Enter student 2 marks
◦ avg=tot/3 Enter mark 1 :
◦ print("Total :",tot,"Average :",avg) 99
Enter mark 2 :
Enter mark 3 :
Total : 279 Average : 93.0
Noornilo Nafees 37
 Definition of prime number:
◦ A natural number greater than one has not any other
divisors except 1 and itself. In other word we can say which
has only two divisors 1 and number itself.
◦ For example: 5. Their divisors are 1 and 5.
 n=int(input("Enter a number to check whether it is a prime
number or not:"))
 c=0
Enter a number to check whether it is a
 for i in range(1,n+1): prime number or not:
◦ if(n%i==0): 7
◦ c=c+1 7 is a prime number
 if(c==2):
◦ print(n,"is a prime number")
 else:
◦ print(n,"is not a prime number")
Noornilo Nafees 38
 Nested for loop:
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use

of nested for loop to print the following pattern

 1
 12
 123
 1234
 12345
 123456
 for i in range(1,7):
◦ k=i+1
◦ for j in range(1,k):
 print(j,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 39
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use
of nested for loop to print the following pattern
 11111
 2222
 333
 44
 5
 for i in range(1,7):
◦ k=i+1
◦ for j in range(k,7):
 print(i,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 40
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use
of nested for loop to print the following pattern
 1
 22
 333
 4444
 55555
 666666
 for i in range(1,7):
◦ k=i+1
◦ for j in range(1,k):
 print(i,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 41
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use
of nested for loop to print the following pattern
 666666
 55555
 4444
 333
 22
 1
 for i in range(6,0,-1):
◦ for j in range(i,0,-1):
 print(i,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 42
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use
of nested for loop to print the following pattern
 *
 **
 ***
 ****
 *****
 ******
 for i in range(1,7):
◦ k=i+1
◦ for j in range(1,k):
 print(“*”,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 43
 Following is an example program to illustrate the use
of nested for loop to print the following pattern
 ******
 *****
 ****
 ***
 **
 *
 for i in range(6,0,-1):
◦ for j in range(i,0,-1):
 print(“*”,end=‘\t’)

Noornilo Nafees 44
 Jump Statements in Python:
 The jump statement in Python, is used to
unconditionally transfer the control from one part of
the program to another.
 There are three keywords to achieve jump statements

in Python
 (i)break statement,
 (ii)continue statement,
 (iii)pass statement.

Noornilo Nafees 45
 (i)break statement: The break statement terminates
the loop containing it.
 Control of the program flows to the statement

immediately after the body of the loop.

 A loop will iterate till the condition is tested false, but

one can even transfer the control out of the loop

(terminate) with help of break statement.
 When the break statement is executed, the control

flow of the program comes out of the loop and starts

executing the segment of code after the loop structure.
 If break statement is inside a nested loop (loop inside

another loop), break will terminate the innermost


Noornilo Nafees 46
 # Program to illustrate the use of break statement
inside for loop:
 for i in “Jump Statement”:

◦ if i = = “e”:
 break
 print (i, end= ' ')
 Output:
 Jump Stat

Noornilo Nafees 47
 (b) continue statement: Continue statement
terminates the current loop iteration & persist the loop
with next iteration.
 # Program to illustrate the use of continue statement

inside for loop

 for word in “Jump Statement”:

◦ if word = = “e”:
◦ continue
◦ print (word, end = ' '
 Output:
 Jump Statmnt

Noornilo Nafees 48
 (c) pass statement:
 pass statement in Python programming is a null

 pass statement when executed by the interpreter it is

completely ignored.
 Nothing happens when pass is executed, it results in

no operation.

Noornilo Nafees 49
 #Program to illustrate the use of pass statement
 a=int (input(“Enter any number :”))

◦ if (a==0):
 pass
◦ else:
 print (“non zero value is accepted”)
 Output:
 Enter any number :3
 non zero value is accepted

Noornilo Nafees 50
 #Program to illustrate the use of pass statement
 for val in “Computer”:

◦ pass
 print (“End of the loop, loop structure will be built in

 Output:
 End of the loop, loop structure will be built in future.

Noornilo Nafees 51
 Points to remember:
 Programs consists of statements which are executed in
sequence, to alter the
 flow we use control statements.
 • A program statement that causes a jump of control from
one part of the program to another is called control
structure or control statement.
 • Three types of flow of control are
 o Sequencing
 o Branching or Alternative
 o Iteration
 • In Python, branching is done using various forms of ‘if ’
 • Indentation plays a vital role in Python programming, it is
the indentation that group statements no need to use {}.
Noornilo Nafees 52
 Python Interpreter will throw error for all indentation
 • To accept input at runtime, earlier versions of Python

supported raw_input(), latest versions support input().

 • print() supports the use of escape sequence to

format the output to the user’s choice.

 • range() is used to supply a range of values in for loop.
 • break, continue, pass act as jump statements in

 • pass statement is a null statement, it is generally

used as a place holder.

Noornilo Nafees 53
 Module 2 Quiz:
 1. How many important control structures are there in

 A) 3 B) 4
 C) 5 D) 6
 2. elif can be considered to be abbreviation of
 A) nested if B) if..else
 C) else if D) if..elif
 3. What plays a vital role in Python programming?
 A) Statements B) Control
 C) Structure D) Indentation
 4. Which statement is generally used as a placeholder?
 A) continue B) break
 C) pass D) goto
Noornilo Nafees 54
 5. The condition in the if statement should be in the form of
 A) Arithmetic or Relational expression
 B) Arithmetic or Logical expression
 C) Relational or Logical expression
 D) Arithmetic
 6. Which is the most comfortable loop?
 A) do..while B) while
 C) for D) if..elif
 7. What is the output of the following snippet?
 i=1
 while True:
◦ if i%3 ==0:
 break
◦ print(i,end='')
◦ i +=1
 A) 12 B) 123
 C) 1234 D) 124
Noornilo Nafees 55
 8. What is the output of the following snippet?
 T=1
 while T:
◦ print(True)
◦ break
 A) False B) True
 C) 0 D) 1
 9. Which amongst this is not a jump statement ?
 A) for B) pass
 C) continue D) break
 10. Which punctuation should be used in the blank?
 if <condition>_
◦ statements-block 1
 else:
◦ statements-block 2
 A) ; B) :
 C) :: D) !
Noornilo Nafees 56
 Hands on:
 1. Write a program to check whether the given

character is a vowel or not.

 ch=input (“Enter a character :”)
 # to check if the letter is vowel
 if ch in (‘a’, ‘A’, ‘e’, ‘E’, ‘i’, ‘I’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘u’, ‘U’):
◦ print (ch,’ is a vowel’)
 else:
◦ print(ch,’ is not a vowel’) Enter a character :e
e is a vowel

Noornilo Nafees 57
 2. Using if..else..elif statement check smallest of three
 print("Enter 3 number to find smallest of them :")
 a=int(input()) Output:
 b=int(input()) Enter 3 number to find
 c=int(input()) smallest of them :
 if((a<b)and(a<c)):
◦ print(a,"is smallest number") 6
 elif(b<c): 3 is smallest number
◦ print(b,"is smallest number")
 else:

◦ print(c,"is smallest number")

Noornilo Nafees 58
 Hands on:
 3. Write a program to check if a number is Positive,
Negative or zero.
 a=int(input("Enter a number to check whether it is positive
or negative or zero :"))
 if(a>0):
◦ print(a,"is positive number")
 elif(a<0):
◦ print(a,"is negative number")
 elif(a==0):
◦ print(a,"is Zero")
 Output:
 Enter a number to check whether it is positive or negative
or zero :-3
 -3 is negative number
Noornilo Nafees 59
 4. Write a program to display
 A
 AB

# Note that Ascii codes of A =65 and E=69, F=70

for i in range (65,70):
for j in range(65,i+1):

Noornilo Nafees 60
 5. Fibonacci series using for loop
 a=int(input("Enter the terms:"))
 f=0 #first element of series
 s=1 #second element of series
 if (a<=0): Output :
◦ print("The requested series is",f) Please Enter the terms:
 else:
◦ print(f,s,end=" ") 1
for x in range(2,a): 1
 next=f+s 2
 print(next,end=" ")
 f=s
 s=next
Noornilo Nafees 61
 Number = int(input("\nPlease Enter the Range Number: "))
 # Initializing First and Second Values of a Series
 i=0 5. Fibonacci series using while loop
 First_Value = 0
 Second_Value = 1
Output :
 # Find & Displaying Fibonacci series
Please Enter the Range
 while(i < Number): Number: 5
◦ if(i <= 1): 0
 Next = i 1
else: 1
Next = First_Value + Second_Value 2
First_Value = Second_Value
Second_Value = Next
Noornilo Nafees 62
 6. Write a Python program TO ACCEPT A PERSON'S AGE AND CHECK

 7. Write a Python program TO ACCEPT A PERSON'S AGE AND CHECK

ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE USING if else statement.

 8. Write a Python program TO ASK THE USER TO GIVE A NUMBER


Noornilo Nafees 63
 9. Write a Python program FOR THE FOLLOWING LOGIC.
 10. Write a Python program TO FIND GREATEST OF THREE
 11. Write a Python program TO FIND GREATEST OF THREE
 12. Write a C program to display even numbers from 80 to
70 using while loop
Noornilo Nafees 64

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