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Mental Health Analysis

Group -48
Mini Project
Presented By:

Under the Supervision of

1.Ananta Pratap Singh
Ms. Varsha Thakur
2.Tarun Kumar (Asst. Professor)
3.Akash Singh Department of CEA
GLA University , Mathura

• Introduction
• Problem Statement
• Objective
• Operations
• Hardware And Software Requirement
• Use Case Diagram
• ER Diagram
• Project Scope
• Tools and Technology
• Log In Page
• Test Page (Test Case Problems)
• Future Directions
• Conclusion

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 Mental health describes a level of psychological
well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder.
 The World Health Organization defines mental
health as "a state of well-being in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can
cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community".

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• A mechanism to provide automatic
feedback from conversation in order to
improve the future interaction.
• Mechanism with the app.
• Consult psychiatrist/therapist only when

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Operations that will be done by user on our product are:

A user can do registration if they are new users.

After successful registration, user will be able to login to our site any

All those registered users, if don’t have given any test then they will be
redirected to test page as soon as they will login

All those users who have successfully registered, if they have
responded to questionnaire earlier they will be redirected to their

On their dashboard they will find displayed stress level along with
three options: given a requestionnaire responses, remedies and statics.

He can go to any of the options.

All the users will get some remedies to follow and practice in their
daily life

After few days they can go through the retest.
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Hardware and Software Requirement
Software Requirement:-
1. Mongo DB 4.0
2. Visual Studio Code

Hardware Requirement :-
1. Operating System: Linux, Unix or Windows
2. Ram size: 8 GB
3. x86 - 64 processor

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Use Case Diagram

Mental Health
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Problem Statement
 A person suffering from mental health isolates
himself society rarely discloses problems with
 The person tends to ignore the illness.
 Consulting a therapist/psychiatrist is costly.
 During hard times, a person is more likely to get
depressed when alone.
 Currently, person doesn't get suggestions to
improve the interaction.

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Level 0:-

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Level 1:-

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ER Diagram

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Project Scope
• The model accuracies of both sentiment analysis and
chatbot can be improved with more and more
Interactive learning.
• The domains and intents of the chatbot can be increased
to cover a wide range of subjects.
• Besides capturing and providing feedback on negative
chats, there can be a mood detecting mechanism that
finds more specific emotions of a user at that time and
give feedback accordingly. Also, after mood detecting
emotion specific feedback and activity suggestions can
be given to the user through chatbot.
• After considering user privacy concerns, an effective
way of tracking user activity can be added.
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Tools And Technology

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Log In Page

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Test Page(Test Case Problem)

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Give suggestion of nearby hospitals or psychiatrists
by tacking GPS location of the

user’s device.

Send the result with the remedies to the user through

Make a team for doing survey among people in our
college and offices for getting

larger dataset so that we may increase the accuracy.

Conducting awareness camps for telling people to
use this type of application for

getting better stress free lifestyle.

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Through this application we wish to
provide as much virtual assistance as
possible to the user. Mental health is a
sensitive subject and is personal for every
individual and everyone might need a
different approach but assistance can
certainly help any person maintain his/her
health and lead a suffering person towards
correct treatment.

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Thank You 

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