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UA Onshore Gas - Wells Early Learning Bulletin

Fountain #: 717200 Location: Groundbirch – CA Date: Sept 14, 2011

HIPO – Worker Struck in Face
What happened: During a drilling operation a supervisor and two workers were on the drilling floor breaking a connection
and attempting to rack back a stand of drill pipe. After breaking the connection the IP and another worker were attempting to
close the mud can. One worker was pulling on the mud can handle in an attempt to close it and the IP was helping by
pushing on the mud can handle. The IP lost balance and the other worker was not able to control the mud can handle. The
handle of the mud can sprung open and struck the IP in the face.

Mud Can Preliminary Learning Points:

• Equipment that the workers were

operating (Mud Can) was the
wrong tool for the job. The Mud
Can should be used only for
pulling wet stands where there is
a significant amount of fluid
above the connection. A Katch
Kan assembly provides greater
personal safety for breaking
routine connections.
• The latching mechanism on the
Mud Can should be redesigned
to eliminate the hazard of
uncontrolled stored energy.
• The JSA for operating the Mud
Position of the workers prior to the incident Can should be modified to
Katch Kan
address “line of fire” hazards.
This Early Learning Bulletin provides preliminary learnings; a detailed investigation is pending. For internal use only.
This document is provided for information purposes only and is not and must not be construed as providing technical advice. If such advice or assistance is necessary, the services of an appropriate qualified professional should be retained.
You must not rely on this document to address any general or specific questions that may apply to your operations or to a particular set of facts. Shell Exploration and Production Co. and its affiliates make no claim, representation or warranty,
express or implied, as to the completeness, correctness or usefulness of this document to produce any particular results with regard to the subject matter contained herein or that this document will satisfy the requirements of any applicable
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