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Public Speaking

It's a presentation that is given live

in front of an audience. Public
speaking can cover a wide variety
of different topics. The goal is to
educate, entertain, or influence
the listeners.
Use of Your Body
• Body Language is the process of non-verbal communication through
conscious and unconscious gestures and movements. When your actions
are wedded to your words, the impact of your speech will be
strengthened. Always remember that your body language conveys your
conviction and confidence about your ideas.
Five areas on which to focus
as you plan, practice, and
1. Rid Yourself of Distracting Mannerisms.
• Eliminate vocal and
visual impediments.
Some common faults of inexperienced or ineffective
speakers are:
Gripping or leaning on the lectern
Finger tapping
Lip biting or licking
Toying with a pen or jewelry
Adjusting hair or clothing
Chewing gum
Head wagging
Moving back and forth
Scratching parts of the body
Looking at the ceiling
2. Build Self-Confidence by Being Yourself.
• The most important rule for making your body
communicate effectively is to be yourself. The emphasis
should be on the sharing of ideas, not on the performance.
Strive to be as genuine and natural as you are when you
speak to family members and friends.
3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings.
• To become an effective speaker, it is essential that
you share your true feelings with your audience.
Your audience wants to know how you feel about
your subject. Speak from the heart and to the soul.
Your physical movements will come from within
you and will be appropriate to what you are saying.
4. Build Self-confidence through Preparation.
• As a speaker, nothing influences your mental attitude more
than the knowledge that you are thoroughly prepared.
This knowledge leads to self- confidence, which is a vital
ingredient of effective public speaking.
5. Use Your Everyday Speaking Situations.

• Plan everything including your gestures and

walking patterns.
Facial Expressions
A speaker realizes that appropriate facial expressions
are an important part of effective communication. In
fact, facial expressions are often the key determinant of
the meaning behind the message.
Eye Contact
• Eye contact is the cement that binds together speakers and
their audiences. Effective eye contact is an important
feedback device that makes the speaking situation a two-way
communication process. By looking at your audience, you
can determine how they are reacting.
The following supporting tips will help
you to be more confident and improve
your ability to make eye contact:
1. Know your material.
2. Prepare well and rehearse enough so that you do not have to
depend too heavily on notes.
3. Establish a personal bond with listeners. Begin by selecting one
person and talking to him/ her personally.
4. Monitor visual feedback.
• Voice modulation is one of the most powerful weapons that you can
have in your arsenal while delivering a speech. Not only does it reflect
confidence but it also helps in convincing your audience about your
beliefs or ideas. This is the power that voice modulation commands
over people! Therefore, to become a master public speaker one
must learn the art of voice modulation.
1. THE PITCH: While delivering a speech, the pitch of your
voice plays an important part. Try to lower your voice slightly
because due to microphones shrill voices can cause a bit of
2. SPEAK SLOWLY: Another thing to be kept in mind is to
speak slowly while delivering a speech! Speaking slowly helps
get your point across to your audience. So remember to speak
slowly and clearly.
3. STRESS ON CERTAIN WORDS: To add a bit of impact in your
speech, it’s advised to stress on certain powerful words. You can even
vary the intensity of your voice to add a powerful impact to your speech
and grab the attention of your audience.
Your Appearance Matters
• Multiple studies show that appearance influences everything
from employment to social status. Communicator
attractiveness influences how an audience perceives the
credibility of the speaker.
Transform Public
Speaking Fear into
Excitement and
1. It is important to breathe deeply and evenly before
your speech presentation.
2. Shift your focus from how you feel or look to the
message you want to share with your audience.
3. You should relax and visualize yourself confidently
speaking in the auditorium with your audience
attentively listening to you.
4. You should focus on facts and not on your fears. Instead of
focusing on negative thoughts as you may commit mistakes during
your presentation, focus your attention on positive thoughts like “I
have practiced very well for this task”, “I am an expert for this
topic”, and “I know I can do my best.”

5. Build your speech on clarity, not on complexity.

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