DTN3063 Manajemen System File

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Introducti on to File Management

Management is the part of the operating system that organizes and

keeps track of files . File management is important because it can
reduce the risk of losing files due to being accidentally deleted ,
overwritten by new files, stored in unknown locations and other
undesirable things .

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
File and Folder Concept
Files can be defined as abstract storage of information on disk.
With the file concept, users do not need to think about how
information is stored and stored, as well as the working
mechanism of data storage devices. Folders are actually files
too, which contain information about files. Folders are owned
by the operating system and can be accessed using program
routines contained in the operating system

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
File Types in Operating Systems
There are three types of files in the operating system, namely:
1. Regular files
Files that contain information consist of text files and binary files . Text files
contain lines of text (.txt). There are executable binary files (.exe) and
binary files resulting from application programs. The internal structure of
the executable binary file is only known by the operating system , while
the internal structure of the binary file resulting from the application
program is only known by the application program that uses the file.

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
2. File folders
Folder files are files owned by the operating system
containing information regarding the list of files included
in that folder .

3. Special files
File which is the logical name of the input-output device

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
File Management System
File system or file management is the method and data structure
used by the operating system to manage and organize files on a
disk or partition. A file system can also be interpreted as a
partition or disk that is used to store files in a certain way. How to
add a file system to a disk or partition by formatting it

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
Benefits of File Management
Can reduce the risk of losing files due to: being accidentally deleted
, being overwritten by new files, being stored anywhere, and other
things that we don't want. For most users, the file system is the
most visible part of the operating system . The file system provides
online file access and storage of data and programs. The file system
contains two separate parts, namely a collection of files, each file
stores data and/or programs and a directory structure that
organizes and provides information about files in the system.

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
Computers can store files on various storage media such as optical disks ,
magnetic tape and magnetic disks. So that a computer can be used
comfortably , the computer must provide a logically uniform view in terms
of storing information or data. Information systems hide the physical
properties of physical storage by defining logical storage units called files.
Files are mapped to physical devices by the operating system. This physical
device is nonvolatile, so its contents persist after the computer system is
turned off, ending a computer system service session . Files are named
collections of information recorded on secondary storage

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
The file has the following properties:
a. Persistence
Information can persist even if the process that created it ends
or the power supply is removed . With properties like this, files
obtained as a result of the process can be protected
and used in the future.
b. Size
Each file has a size, sometimes files have a very large size so
that it may require a very large storage space.
c. Sharability
Files can be used in various processes that access information
concurrently .

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
Some of the functions expected from file management management:
a. Creation, modification and deletion of files
b. Mechanism for sharing files
Provides various types of controlled access such as:
- Read access (control over reading access)
- Write access (control over modification access)
- Execute access (control over access to run the program)
- And various other combinations
c. Back up and recovery capabilities to prevent loss due to accidents or
attempts to destroy information .

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i
d. Users can refer to files with symbolic names instead
use names that refer to physical devices. In sensitive environments, information is
desired to be stored safely and confidentially , such as electronic fund transfer
systems, criminal record systems, medical record systems, etc.
The file system provides data encryption (changing data into certain symbols) and
decryption (opening files with secret codes) to ensure that data can only be used
by authorized users .

f. The file system must provide a user-friendly interface

The file system must provide: a logical view, right?
physical view of the data, functions can be performed on the data .

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i

D r. S a t r i a A b a d i

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