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9. Urban Anthropology
-Studies urban societies and the city life (Low,
-Urban anthropologists investigate issues like
urban poverty, community formation in the cities,
and urban housing policies.
-The study of informal economies in bustling,
crowded mega-cities like Mumbai or Lagos
epitomizes the scope of this sub-field.

The “Street Corner Society” study by William Foote Whyte

(2012/1943) explored the Italian-American slum of
“Cornerville” (a pseudonym for Boston’s North End) in the
1930s.Whyte lived among the community for four years,
observing and documenting, social interactions, informal
economies, and gang structures.
10. Environmental Anthropology
Environmental anthropology studies the relationships between
human societies and their environments (Dove, 2011). It views
culture as a tool which humans use to adapt to the complex
dynamics of their physical and sociocultural environments.
Investigations in this subfield include how indigenous people
interact and manage the Amazon rainforest.
Weston’s (2012)Political Ecology of acclaimed work “The Disease in
Tanzania” investigates how environmental and social conditions contribute
to significance of environment to the health of human communities. The
spread of disease demonstrating the significance of environment to the
health of human communities.
11. Visual Anthropology
Visual anthropology is a subfield dedicated to the study of the
production, use, and interpretation of images and their role in
representing social and cultural reality (Pink, 2011). It includes
study themes like indigenous media, art, and the anthropology of
the senses. For instance, one might study how photography was
used historically understand tribes.
Histories and analyses of representations from many cultures are
part of visual Anthropology: Sandpaintings, Tattoos, sculptures and
reliefs, cave paintings Scrimshaw, jewelry,.etc
12. Economic Anthropology

A subfiled that explores economic phenomena in a

comparative perspective, focusing on issues like consumption,
production, exchange and labor from ethnographic and
theoretical standpoints( Carrier, 2012).
Research might include how cultural perception of value
influence axchange practices among traditional societies
Mauss’s( 2011) groundbreaking work, “The Gift”:explires the gift-
giving practices among various cultures, demonstrating how
economic activities are deeply embedded in social relationships and
cultural values.
13. Political Anthropology
Is concerned with the politico-legal institutions, system of governance, and
power relationships in varuios societies (Vincent, 2010). Political
Anthropologists examined how power is distributed, contested, and used
with in societies. One could, for instance, analyze how traditional councils
operate in rural African societies.
In “ The art of Not being Governed” by Scott(2009), the study of
hill tribes in southeast Asia represents an enlightening exploration
of state resistance strategies, establishing how marginal
communities negotiate political landscapes
14. Cognitive Anthropology
Explores how mind, culture, and society interact (D’ Andrade, 2017). It
emphasizes that human cultural knowledge is organized, and such
organization influences how people perceive and interpret the world around
A practical example would be studying how the Tzeltal speakers of
Mexico perceive and verbalize special orientations differently due to their
In “The presentation of self in everyday life” Hoffman(2017)
delved in to the symbolic and communicative aspects of social
action, showing how people present themselves and their activities
to others
15. Feminist Anthropology
Links anthropological theory and practice to the history of feminism,
focused predominantly on issues of gender, construction of female identity,
and the roles of women and society( Moore, 2011). Feminist
Anthropologists study, for instance, how gender shape power relations and
behaviors within different cultures
Margaret Mead was a pioneering cultural anthropologist who significantly
contributed to the understanding of human behavior, particularly in
relation to cultural variation, through her extensive fieldwork in the south
pacific and Bali. Her work, most notably her book” coming of age in
Samoa”, challenged westerned societal norms and assumptions about
adolescence and gender roles, thereby influencing the cultural relativism
move ment in Anthropology(Mead, Sieben, and Straub, 1943)
16. Cyber Anthropology
A subfield that investigates the relationship between human beings and their
digital technologies, focusing on cultural and the globe-spanning of the
( Boellstorff, 2012). Cyber anthropologists might study how online
communities in social media platforms forge new cultural dynamics or
impact society.
BOELLSTORFF’s(2012) book “Coming of Age in Second Life: an
anthropologist Explores the virtually human” maps out the issues of
selfhood, identity, and society within the context of the digital word,
using the virtual world of Second Life as an ethnographic site.
17. Postcolonial Anthropology
Refers to an approach that critically examines the impact of colonialism
and imperialism on societies, cultures, and the discipline of Anthropology
itself( Asad, 2017). Postcolonial anthropologists might examine the
continuing effects of colonialism on indigenous societies or deconstruct
enduring stereotypes.
In “ Provincializing Europe”,Dipesh Chakraborty(2028) urged a
reconstruction of Eurocentric grand narratives of history and their
impact on societies, thereby questioning the universality of western
norms and concept.
1. Refers to an approach that critically examines the impact of acquiring
and diffusing power to influence societies about cultures and discipline.
2. It is an assumption and perception about someone that cannot be
3. The study of human cultures, beliefs, practices, values, ideas, and
4. The study of human.
5. They are the one who study and investigate human societies and their
6. A subfield that investigates the relationships of human and technologies.
7. This is the study of gender issues, construction of female identity band
the rules of women.
8. This is the study of how mind, cultures and societies interact.
9. The study of governance
10. The study of power relationships in various societies.
11. The study of consumption, production, exchange and labor.
12.This is a subfield that that is dedicated to study the production, use and
interpretation of images.
13. This is the study of human societies and their environment.
14. The study of informal societies, crowded mega-cities, city life and
urban societies.
15. It is an Anthropology that studies or investigate Human remains and
cause of death.
16. A subdiscipline that study human and primate evolution, as well as the
social and cultural changes that drove human development.
17. It is a method and a genre, that studies Peoples lives as shaped by
social relations, cultural meanings and historical forces.
18. The study of the evolution of humans, human variations, and the
relationship of human to ether primates.
19. This is the study of past societies by analyzing remain tools, pottery
and other artifacts.
20. The study of contemporary societies and cultures through ethnographic
fieldwork, and system of social structure.
21.It investigate language shape social identities, interact and worldviews.
22. The practice of acquiring full or partial political control of a country,
place and such.
23. It is the study of the origin and development of human societies and
24. It is a policy of extending or influencing Someone or something by
power, cultures, beliefs, etc.
25. The study of human biological and physiological characteristics and
their evolution.
26-28. On Forensic Anthropology, in analyzing bones of a corpse as an aid
method solve a crime there are factors that are needed. Enumerate at least 3
29. Anthropology is originated in which language.
A. Latin Word. B. Greek Word
30-31. What do we study in economic anthropology. Give
at least two.

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