6 CPM411 lec lens

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All photographic lenses do the

same basic job
they collect light emanating from a scene in front of
the camera and project it it as an image onto a piece
of film or onto image sensor.
A lens is often described in terms of its focal length :
normal , long and short focal length.
The focal length of a lens is defined as the distance in
mm from the optical center of the lens to the focal
point, which is located on the sensor or film if the
subject (at infinity) is "in focus.
Focal Length control magnification, the size of the image
formed by the lens : the longer the lens, the greater the
size of objects in the size. (see diagram)
Focal length
also control
angle of view
28 mm

50 mm

135 mm
A normal –focal length lens, also called a standard
focal lens, approximates the impression human vision
A long Focal length lens provides greater image
magnification and narrower angle of view than a
normal lens.
A short focal length lens increase the angle of view
and shows more of a scene than a normal lens used
from the same position.
Two types of lens: single (primes lens ) and zoom lens
Single Lens : lens that have fixed focal length :
categorized based on their focal length
1. Normal (43-50 mm)
2. Wide angle of lens (35 mm and below that it)
3. Tele photo lens (70 and more than it..)
Zoom lens : lens that have variable focal length.ex : 17-
55mm, 70-200mm)
Special purpose lens
Special purpose lens

Fish eye lens

Macro / micro lens
Super telephoto
Shift lens
Mirror lens
For DSLR Camera
Normal Lens : 50mm focal length
Tele photo lens : 70 and more than it..as 80mm, 100,
120, 200, 300,..
Wide angle lens : 35 mm and below than it…as 28, 24,
20, 18…

Different format of camera : different focal length of

Equivalent lens Focal lengths
35 mm 6x6 6x7 4x5 8 x 10
cm cm inches inches
wide 28 mm 54 mm 60 mm 105 210
mm mm

normal 43 mm 75 mm 85 mm 150 300

mm mm

tele 105 190 210m 370 740

mm mm m mm mm
How Lens opening is calculated
Focal length and working distance
Focal length and depth of field
Tele photo
Wide angle lens
Fast lens : the lens that has a very
wide opening as F 1.2
Fish eye lens
M. Shahrizal M. Hussin

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