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Cannabis Indica

Cannabis indica
Cannabis indica also known as----
Cannabis sativa or, Indian hemp (in India) or Dagga (in south
and central Africa) or Hashis (in Egypt) Marijuana (in
The plant usually grows at Noagaon of rajshahi district. All parts of the
plants are poisonous
The active principle is
1. Cannabinol
2. Cannabidiol
3. Tetra hydro cannabinols (THC)
The poison is absorbed both from the digestive and respiratory tract
The following are the four forms in which the drug is used------
1. Bhang
2. Majun
3. Ganja
4. Charas
It is also known as siddhi, pati or sabji. It is prepared from the dried
leaves and fruits and is used as an infusion in the form of beverage. It
contains the active principle in a concentration of 15% and is the least
potent. The person sings, dances, eats his food with relish and seeks
sexual enjoyment after its intake. The effect lasts for about 3 hours and
is followed by deep sleep
This is a sweetmeat made with bhang, flower, milk and butter. Dhatura
seeds may be added to increase the effect. It produces grandiose
delusions, in addition to all the effects of bhang. It increases appetite
and sexual desire. Commonly used by road poisoners to stupefy to
facilitate robbery.
This consists of the dried flowering tops of the female plant. It has a
rusty green color and a characteristic odour. It is mixed and smoked
with tobacco in a pipe or hukka. It contains 15 to 20% of active
principle. Ganja also known as marihuana or marijuana is used in
western countries for smoking in cigarettes, which contain 0.3-0.6 gm.
Cannabis and are known as reefer.
It is a resinous exudate from the leaves and stems of the plant. It is dark
green or brown color and also known Hasish. It is smoked with tobacco
in a pipe or hukka and is most powerful of all cannabis preparations,
containing the active principle in a concentration of 25-40%
Fatal dose:
The minimum lethal dose of charas is about 2 gm. Of ganja about 8 gm.
And of bhang about 10gm. per kilo body weight
Fatal period: about 12 hours in acute poisoning
[By cannabis indica it is not done suicide]
Medico legal aspects:
1. It is commonly used as an aphrodisiac agent
2. Most cases of poisoning are accidental or due to over indulgence
3. Majun and charas sometimes used as stupefying poisons prior to
robbery, kidnapping and rape
4. It is stated to build nerves before performing act of violence or
crime like homicide
Signs-symptoms of cannabis indica poisoning
In acute poisoning----
A. Stage of initial excitement
B. Stage of narcosis
S/S of Cannabis Indica
A. Stage of initial excitement B. Stage of narcosis

a) Feeling cheerfulness and well a) Giddiness and ataxia

being b) Tingling and numbness of the skin
b) Excitement c) Muscular weakness
c) Visual hallucination d) Dilated pupil
d) Talkativeness e) Unpleasant hallucinations leading
e) Marked increased in appetite to homicidal attempt
f) Purposeless muscular movement f) Drowsiness and deep sleep
g) Loss of perception of time and g) Death may occur due to
place respiratory failure
1. Stomach washes or emesis, activated charcoal.
2. 100ml of 50% glucose, 2mg naloxone, & 100mg thiamine i.v.
3. 5 to 10 mg. diazepam if patient is violent or aggressive.
4. Strong tea or coffee by mouth or per rectum
5. Artificial respiration
6. Oxygen inhalation
7. Symptomatic treatment (treatment on need)
8. anti psychotic & psychotherapy.
Post mortem findings
There are no characteristic finding
The usual appearances of asphyxia are found
Running amok
It may be defined as psychological disturbance marked by a period of
depression, followed by violent attempts to kill people ( impulse to
murder) occur in a person after continued use of cannabis indica.

Mechanism : Continued use of cannabis indica marked

depression followed by violent attempts first kill a person against
whom he has real or imaginary enmity then kills anyone that
comes in his way ultimately they commit suicide or surrender
Ganja psychosis
It is a condition resulting from excessive consumption of cannabis indica in any form
(e.g. ganja) for a prolonged period may give rise to a psychological condition known
as ganja psychosis
Marked congestion of conjunctiva
Invariably red line transversely across the bulbar conjunctiva of each eye
due to deposition of blood pigments in the congested horizontal vessels.
Hasish Insanity:
It is a psychological condition occurred continuous use of cannabis in
form of hasish resulting-
a) Lowered incoodrdination
b) Impair judgements
c) Slow speech
d) Reduced appetite
e) Persecutive delusion
f) Impulse to murder

Medium sized clear glass bottle with stopper containing dried fruits,
flower, leaves, seeds & stalks of cannabis indica.

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