Gestion y calidad ppt 2

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Notes for
Here is where your presentation begins

Le agradecemos a Dios, nuestro señor por

cuidarnos y protegernos en todo momento, por
todas las bendiciones que nos brinda, por darnos
la gran oportunidad de estar en esta etapa tan
importante de nuestras vidas, por haber puesto en
nuestros caminos a personas quienes nos alientan
para salir adelante con nuestros estudios
Gestión descentralizada y orientada a las personas para mejorar la educación:
La descentralización de la gestión educativa y la gestión educativa orientada a las personas y al logro
de resultados son claves para mejorar la calidad de la educación.
Descentralización: transferir poder y responsabilidad a las escuelas, permitiendo mayor autonomía en la
toma de decisiones a nivel local.
Gestión educativa orientada a las personas: se centra en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes,
considerando sus necesidades, habilidades y potencial. Busca medir y evaluar resultados, buscando la
mejora continua y la excelencia en los procesos educativos.
Es fundamental que los sistemas educativos promuevan:
Gestión descentralizada: mayor flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a las necesidades locales.
Enfoque en el desarrollo de las personas: obtención de resultados tangibles y significativos.
El artículo explora:
La importancia de la gestión descentralizada y orientada a las personas.
Ventajas, desafíos y estrategias para implementar estas prácticas de manera efectiva en los contextos
d i m e s i ón s o c
n ia
La realidad educativa inter sión se re l: esta
ac f
pluridimensional se es ciones y iere a las
tab l e
s i ó n i n d ividual: Desde una perspectiva e d u c cen e rel ac i o n e
Dimen a .. n s
d i m e n s i ón se pluridimensional, podemos prop tivo., tanto el contex que
en es t a i os e
l a s i n g u l ari d a d identificar varias dimensiones l o s s t u d i e n t re l o t o
co n s i d er a d o cen an t es s
u o , s u s c o t e s c o
d ivi d que influyen en la experiencia mu n i ,
dad e las famili o con
d e cad a i n s
t ic a n g en as y
cara ct er í s n i v e l d e educativa de las personas: e r a l .
n a l e s , s u
p ers o
a r r o l l o co g n i t i v o , Dime
d e s
a l y s o c i al esta sión c
em o ci o n d u
ó n al di imensión rricular:
i s
Dimens al: en esta de eño s
de lo e refiere
o n
s t i t uci d e ra n e s t ud s pl ane
... in ensión se consi as, c ont e
nidos i o, s
dim , n o r m m e , l
cturas t od os
l a s e s t r u p r á ct i c a s q u e ense olo..g. ías l as
sy ñ
p o l í t i c a n c i o n a mi e n t o ev al u a n z a, de
fu a
r i g e n el t u c i o n e s actua ción la
sti l
d e l as i n perm ización y
as a
e d u c at i v pr og ne nt e
rama de
Importancia de la gestion
D im e n s ió n tecnológic
lidad, la
descentralizada de la educación
en la actua el Partici
n o lo g ía ju eg a u n p ap pa
comun ción de la
tec i da Ma y o
l en la descent d: La gestión r
fundamenta eciendo ra l a da p f l e x i bi l i da
o fr
y a la com... izada involuc ta
d e s c e bi l i da d: A y
ramientas u ra
n u e v a s h er t om a de n i d ad en l a nt
e d u ca r a l i za r l a g
recursos l a e d u c e ci s i o n es s o b r ti e
i n s t i t u v a , s e p e rm s t i ó n
ació n d
e sus hi e c
ajusta educ te a las
j os r su s a t i v as
p ro g r po
Me j o a m a s l í t i c as y
r d e a cu
l a t ra a de l a e f n e ce s
i da d e e rd o a
n ic s
gestió sparenci iencia y l as
n a
perm descentr : La
ca : it a
i m e n s i ó n p o l í ti ef i ci e e u n a a s i g l i z a d a Fome
D n n n
n s i ón s e q u e l t e d e l o s r ac i ó n m á y l a c t o de l a i
es t a d i me d eci s i o n es y as e s reati n
l as a niv dec..i.sion cursos, ya d e s ce v i da d no v a c i ó n
re fi e re a el es n : Al
d e l os
a c c i o n e s n m a t e ri a d e
c e rc a l o c a l y d s e t o m a n
n e la edu tralizar la
c g
se re a l e a a l a s n e c f o rm a m á l a ex p a ci ó n , s e es t i ó n d e
g o b i e rn o s e s e .. e d
n, ed u c a d e l o s ce n s i d ad e s innov ri.m
n t aci ó lu g ar a
e d u c ac i ó t iv o s t ro s a n
d e en ci ó n en l o y l a
señ an s
za y a mét o d o s
i za

To buy Homework
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Venus has a beautiful name and is
Sun and the smallest one in the
the second planet from the Sun. It’s
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger
hot and has a poisonous atmosphere
than the Moon
Main subjects

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
Sun and the smallest in the and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s full
Solar System from the Sun of iron oxide dust
Main activities
Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second planet It’s the biggest planet in
from the Sun the Solar System

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is Saturn is a gas giant and
a cold place has several rings
Other activities
Mercury Venus Mars
It’s the closest planet to Venus is the second planet Mars is actually a very
the Sun from the Sun cold place

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest It’s composed of It’s the farthest planet
planet of them all hydrogen and helium from the Sun
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Organize your ideas
Do you know what helps you make your point clear?
Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the
point of your presentation
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader get

—Someone Famous
A picture
is worth a
Don't for
A picture
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Jupiter is the biggest


Venus is the second

planet from the Sun

Mars is actually a
very cold place
Favorite subjects
15% 20% 30% 35%

Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

Venus is the Mars is red but Jupiter is the It’s composed of
second planet actually a very biggest planet of hydrogen and
from the Sun cold place them all helium
Our team
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Our team

Jenna Doe Susan Bones
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consider important
Item A Item B

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Subject 1
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● Use this space to enter notes or something about the subject
● Use this space to enter notes or something about the subject

Subject 2
● Use this space to enter notes or something about the subject
● Use this space to enter notes or something about the subject
● Use this space to enter notes or something about the subject
04 You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
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Find our schools
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun

It’s composed of
hydrogen and helium
Our next courses
Mercury is the Despite being
closest planet to red, Mars is very
the Sun cold

Ma Ap Ma
Jan Feb
r r y
Venus is the Saturn is a gas
Earth is the place
second planet giant and has
where we live on
from the Sun several rings
How do we do our activities?

Activity 1 Activity 2
Mercury is the smallest Venus is the second
planet planet from the Sun

Activity 3 Activity 4
Jupiter is the biggest Earth is the place
planet of them all where we live on
This is a graph
12% 22%
Venus Mars
Venus is the second Mars is actually a very
planet from the Sun cold place

30% 36%
Saturn Neptune
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data
It’s composed of It’s the farthest planet and then paste the new one here.
hydrogen and helium from the Sun For more info, click here

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