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Age: 18+

Level: A2 Social Network

• Do you use any social networks? Which ones?

• What do you like to do on social networks?

• How do you stay safe when using social networks?

The popularity of social network
Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin

2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?

3. Who started Facebook and in which year?

4. What's the name of a popular site where users can post videos?

5. Why do people like social networking sites?

Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In
Latin America?
Line 2, 3

Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin
-> Mixi and Orkut
2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?
Line 3,4: In the US, the top
site is Facebook

Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin
-> Mixi and Orkut
2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?
-> Facebook
3. Who started Facebook and in which year?
A Harvard….in 2004

Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin
-> Mixi and Orkut
2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?
-> Facebook
3. Who started Facebook and in which year?
-> A Harvard University student started Facebook in 2004
4. What's the name of a popular site where users can post videos?
Line 18: Youtube 12
Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin
-> Mixi and Orkut
2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?
-> Facebook
3. Who started Facebook and in which year?
-> A Harvard University student started Facebook in 2004
4. What's the name of a popular site where users can post videos?
-> Youtube
5. Why do people like social networking sites?
Line 8,9,10

Read & Answer
1. What's the most popular social networking site in Japan? In Latin America?
-> Mixi and Orkut
2. Which social networking site is most popular in the United States?
-> Facebook
3. Who started Facebook and in which year?
-> A Harvard University student started Facebook in 2004
4. What's the name of a popular site where users can post videos?
-> Youtube
5. Why do people like social networking sites?
-> Because people are social and like to communicate and stay connected with
friends and family.
Deep reading
Puppies for sale
Social networking sites become more and more popular every
day, and they are popular all around the world. In Japan, the top
site is Mixi. In Europe, it is Bebo. The most popular site in
Latin America is Orkut.

In the United States, the top site is Facebook. In fact, Facebook

is one of the most popular social networking sites in the world.
A Harvard University student started Facebook in 2004, and it
spread to more than 400 million users in just a few years.

Puppies for sale
Why is the social networking trend spreading so rapidly? One reason that these
websites are popular is because people are social. We like to communicate with
other people. We make friends with people in school, at work, and online.

Most people like to stay closely connected to their friends and family. We use cell
phones, email, instant messaging, and websites to learn what our friends are doing.
The Internet is a good way to socialize and communicate, and social networking
sites allow people to do this in many ways.

Puppies for sale
Social networking sites are interactive and personal. People can share photographs
of themselves and of others. They can tell people what they are doing at any
moment and keep in touch. They can post a link to a site with their favorite song or

They can join groups with others who share their interests. Many people post
videos of themselves on sites like YouTube. Other users can comment on these
photos and videos. This interaction makes these websites become more popular.

1. What do you like to do with your friends after school?

2. Do you prefer to meet friends in person or talk online? Why?

3. How do you stay in touch with your friends and family?

1. What do you like to do with your friends after school?

2. Do you prefer to meet friends in person or talk online?


3. How do you stay in touch with your friends and

1. What do you like to do with your friends after school?

2. Do you prefer to meet friends in person or talk online?


3. How do you stay in touch with your friends and family?

- Summarize this story in 150 words
- Send it to me before Sunday

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