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Nived Mahalunkar
Viraj Shelake
Yash Bagkar
Part 1 MSc
• Introduction
• Tectonic Setting of Alpine type intrusion
• Composition
• Sierra Nevada batholith
• Ophiolite Sequence
• Tectonic Settings & Distribution in world
• Emplacement of Ophiolites
• Types of Ophiolites
• Summary
• Alpine type intrusion type of igneous intrusion that is associated
with mountain-building processes in convergent plate boundaries.
• Found in areas where tectonic forces cause the Earth's crust to
thicken and uplift, such as in the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt.
• Ophiolite as first described from the alps in the early 20th century
and were later discovered from almost every orogenic belt on the
• In total there are 150 ophiolites identified in the world.
Tectonic setting of Alpine type intrusion
• These intrusions are associated
with compressional tectonic
forces, where one tectonic plate
is being pushed beneath another,
leading to crustal thickening and
the uplift of mountain ranges.
• Alpine-type intrusions generally
occur at relatively shallow depths
in the Earth's crust, typically
within the upper crust. They are
emplaced during the continental
collision process. World map of Alpide mountain belt
• The composition of the intrusions
can vary but often includes granitic
or felsic rocks.
• These rocks can be generated from
the partial melting of continental
crust, as heat and pressure
increase during the tectonic
• S- type granitoid derived due to Schematic cross section of the Himalayas showing the
partial melting of sedimentary dehydration and partial melting zones that provided the
rocks. After France- Lannord and Le Fort (1988) Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 79,183-195. from Winter (2011)
Sierra Nevada batholith
• In the Western United States, spanning
parts of California and Nevada a mountain
• Formation of the Sierra Nevada batholith
is closely linked to the subduction of the
Farallon Plate beneath the North
American Plate during the Cenozoic Era.
• Composed of granitic rocks, including Sierra Nevada Batholith
granite and granodiorite. These rocks are

felsic in composition and are typical of alpine type intrusions.

• Host for valuable mineral deposits, including gold, silver, and other
Ophiolite Sequence
• Tectonically emplaced successions of mafic and ultramafic rocks that
are considered to represent fragments of oceanic or back arc basin
• An ideal ophiolite include from bottom to top:
i. Ultramafic tectonite (Harzburgite or Lherzolite)
ii. Layered Cumulate Gabbro's and Ultramafic rocks
iii. Non-Cumulate plagiogranites gabbros and diorites
iv. Sheeted diabase dykes
v. Pillow basalts
vi. Marine sediments
Ophiolite succession and seismic layer of oceanic
Tectonic Settings & Distribution in world
Ophiolites have been described from three oceanic tectonic settings:
i. Mid ocean ridges
ii. Back arc basin
iii. Immature island arc
• Oman (Semail), Sudan (Nubba mountains), Cyprus (Troodos island),
Albania (Mirdita ), Northern California, Trinity (California).
• In India Naga hill ophiolite at the India-Burma plate boundary.
Emplacement of Ophiolites
• Ophiolites are emplaced in arcs or collisional orogens by three major
i. Obduction or thrusting of oceanic lithosphere onto a passive
continental margin during continental collision.
ii. Splitting on the upper part of a descending slab and obduction of a
thrust sheet onto a former arc.
iii. An addition of a slab of oceanic crust to accretionary prisms in an
arc setting.

Three mechanisms of ophiolite emplacement (a) obduction at a passive continental margin. (b)
obduction of oceanic lithosphere. (c) transfer of a slab of oceanic lithosphere to an accretionary prism.
Types of Ophiolites
• Includes suprasubduction zone • It includes continental margin
and volcanic arc types. mid-ocean ridge and plume type
• Whose evolution is governed by ophiolites.
slab dehydration and • That generally have MORB
accompanying metasomatism of composition.
the mantle. • Its developed during the closure
• Melting of the subducting of the ocean basin whereas
sediments repeated episodes of involved during rift drift and sea
partial melting of floor spreading.
metasomatised peridotites.
• Alpine type intrusions the rocks are exposed overtime due to erosion
these rocks are plutonic rocks like granite, diorite, granodiorite.
• The process of crustal thickening can create conditions conducive to
the formation of granitic intrusions and other igneous rocks within
the upper crust.
• Ophiolites suites are slabs of ancient oceanic crust and they have
similarity with oceanic crust.
• Deep ultramafic rock associations of the Penrose sequence are
economically important for the presence of chromite and Platinum
• Philpotts, A., & Ague, J. (2022). Principles of igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
• Ronald B Parker; Petrology and Structural Geometry of Pre-Granitic
Rocks in the Sierra Nevada, Alpine County, California. GSA Bulletin
1961;; 72 (12): 1789–1805. doi:[1789:PASGOP]2.0.CO;2
• Yildirim Dilek, Harald Furnes; Ophiolites and Their Origins. Elements
2014;; 10 (2): 93–100. doi:
• S-i-A-M classification S-type granites - university at Buffalo.

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