P-1 Heat

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✓ Heat
✓ Effects of heat
✓ Temperature PART-1
✓ Thermometer
✓ Conduction PART-2
✓ Convection
✓ Radiation PART-3
What is HEAT?
• It is a form of energy which gives us the sensation of
hotness or coldness of an object.
• Heat is the energy of the body that is due to motion of its
constituent particles.
• Units of heat: Joule (J)-SI unit ,Calorie (Cal)

• It is also why substances change from:

solids liquids

when heated.
Heat and Temperature
● The temperature of an object tells us how HOT it is.
● Temperature is the indicator of energy.
● Even a cold object possesses heat energy due to the
motion of its particles.
● We use a thermometer to measure the temperature of
an object.
● Measured in degrees Celsius (°C) and degree Fahrenheit
Heating and Cooling
● If an object becomes hotter, it means that it has gained
heat energy.
● If an object cools down, it means it has lost energy.
Heating and Cooling cont…
• Heat is always transferred from one object to another ,
due to temperature difference between the two objects
and it always takes place from an object at higher
temperature to that at a lower temperature.

Heat energy always moves from:

HOT object COOLER object

e.g. Cup of water at 20°C in a room at 30°C gains heat

energy from the surroundings and its temperature rises.
Cup of water at 20 °C in a room at 10°C loses heat energy
and cools down, so its temperature will fall.

Effects of


Change in Change in Thermal

temperature state expansion
1) Physical Changes-
a) Change in temperature- Addition of heat to an object
raises its temperature and removal of heat from an
object lowers its temperature.
b) Change of State-Under appropriate conditions,
addition or removal of heat can cause change in state
of an object.
c) Thermal Expansion- Most of solids, liquids and gases
expand on heating.
For example-Metal rim, to be put on cart, is designed to
have smaller diameter than that of the wheel. When the
rim is heated, it becomes red-hot and expands and slips
into the wheel easily. It contracts on cooling and grips the
wheel firmly.
2) Chemical Changes –Many chemical changes take place
when reactants are heated.
Eg- oxygen can be prepared in lab by heating potassium
chlorate (with manganese oxide as catalyst) over a flame.

QUES. Water pipes sometimes burst at very cold places or

a soft drink glass bottle often cracks when left in the
freezer compartment for a long time. Give reason.

ANS- Cold water at 40C expands on cooling.

An instrument used to measure the
temperature of an object.
Mercury in Glass Thermometer
Basic Principle: It is based on thermal expansion of mercury.

Range of the thermometer- A thermometer has two fixed

reference points. The difference, in the temperature of the two
fixed reference points, is called the range of the thermometer.

Why only mercury???

● It expands in a uniform way.
● It remains in its liquid state over a wide temperature range.
● It does not stick to the walls of the glass capillary tube.
● It is a shining silver liquid which is clearly visible.
● It consists of a narrow capillary tube that is closed at its upper
end and has a bulb at its lower end.
● Bulb is filled with mercury inside it. Mercury expands on
● The length of mercury thread gives us measure of
temperature of object.
Types of thermometer
1. Clinical Thermometer or Doctor’s Thermometer.
2. Laboratory thermometer or Ordinary Thermometer .

Clinical Laboratory
Activity-1 (to be done in fair copy)
Aim –To record the range and calculate the least count
of the clinical thermometer .
• Range of the thermometer = 350 C to 420 C
• Least Count =
Difference between two marked readings/ Number of divisions
between them

Least count of Clinical thermometer= (37 - 36 ) 0 C / 10

= 0.10C
Q.D1.In which direction does the transfer of heat normally take
Ans- Heat is always transferred from one object to another ,
due to temperature difference between the two objects and it
always takes place from an object at higher temperature to that
at a lower temperature.

Q.D2. What is the cause of the heat generation in the following-

a) We apply brakes on our fast moving car.
Ans- Friction between tyre and road.
b) People often jump up and down to feel warmer in cold
Ans- Fast circulation of blood
Q.D3. State two types of physical changes that may take place when a
substance is heated.
Ans- Refer to slide 8 and 9.
Q.D4. Differentiate between Laboratory and Clinical Thermometer.
Laboratory Thermometer Clinical Thermometer

The range of laboratory The range of Clinical

thermometer -10o C to 110o C. thermometer is 35o C to 42o C.

There is no kink in its capillary It has a kink in its capillary

tube. tube.

It is used to measure room It is used to measure human

temperature and temperature body temperature.
of the solution.
Homework Time…..
QE2. Give reason for the following:
(a) Iron rim are heated red hot before ‘fixing’ them on cart
Ans. When the rim is heated, it becomes red-hot and
expands and slips into the wheel easily. It contracts on
cooling and grips the wheel firmly.
b) A clinical thermometer has a slight bend or kink in its
capillary tube.
Ans. The kink in the capillary tube of clinical thermometer
ensures that mercury does not fall back, by itself, after the
thermometer has been used to measure the temperature
of a person. So, we can take the reading conveniently.

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