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Modes of heat transfer -
ACTIVITY-1 (Do in fair copy)
AIM- To observe the method of heat transfer in solids.

MATERIALS REQUIRED- metal scale, wax,

buttons, candle

The buttons start falling down, one by one,
from the side being heated up.

When we heat one end of the metal rod, the heat energy is transferred from
one particle to the next particle.
Heat goes through quickly along a metal rod (good conductor of heat).

CONCLUSION-Heat is transferred in solids by the transferring the energy

from one particle to another by the process of CONDUCTION.
Transfer of heat by the process of

● Heat is transferred through a material by being passed

from one particle to the next.
● Particles at the warm end move fast and this then
causes the next particles to move faster and so on.
● In this way, heat in an object travels from:

the HOT end the cold

● Heat is transferred from one particle of the object to the
next and then to the next, without the particles leaving
their places. The particles just vibrate about their mean
positions and keep on passing heat energy.

● Occurs by the particles hitting each other and so energy

is transferred.

● Happens best in solids-particles as they are very close

Conductors and Insulators

● Materials that conduct heat quickly are called conductors.

● All metals are good conductors of heat. Eg- copper
● Materials that conduct heat slowly or poorly are called
● Glass, wood, ebonite, cork, plastic and rubber are poor
conductors (good insulators).
● Nearly all liquids including water are poor conductors
(good insulators).
● Gases, including air are poor conductors , e.g., wool-It
feels warm because it traps a lot of air.
Applications of conductors-
● Metals are used to make cooking utensils.

They are good conductors of heat.
They quickly transfer the heat of the flame to the food
items kept inside and the food gets heated up and cooked.
Applications of insulators-
⮚ Blankets and sweaters help us to stay warm in
winter. (
Air is a good insulator of heat. The spaces in the blanket/
sweater trap air between our body and itself. The air does
not let the body heat to escape out and we stay warm.
⮚ Ice boxes are made as double walled

Layer of air is trapped between the two walls. Air is a good
insulator of heat. The air does not let the outside heat to
reach the ice kept inside the box. So, the ice does not melt
Applications of insulators-
● Handles of the cooking utensils are made of wood or
Plastic or wood is a good insulator of heat.
They do not let the heat to get transferred to our hands
when we touch the hot utensil.
● Use of bricks and mud for making houses.
Bricks and mud are good insulators
of heat.
They do not let the outside heat to
reach easily inside the house.
Drag and Drop :

ACTIVITY-2 (Fair copy)

AIM- To observe the process of convection in water.

MATERIALS REQUIRED- Round bottom flask, burner, water,
potassium permanganate crystals.
Coloured streaks move up and then come down. The whole water
acquires pink colour and also get heated up.
The water at the bottom of the flask gets heated
up first. The water molecules become lighter and
move up. The cold and heavier molecules at the
top , move down and take the place vacated by
these molecules. This cyclic movement of water
molecules (coloured streaks) is called convection current.
Convection and its applications
• Takes place in material where particles can move around inside
the material, i.e. liquid or gas. The heat is carried by the moving
particles themselves. The cyclic movements of molecules in
liquids and gases is called Convection currents. Hot liquids
and gases expand and rise while the cooler liquid or gas falls.

• Definition- It is a mode of heat transfer in liquids and gases in

which molecules themselves move to carry heat.
• Use of windows and ventilators in room.
• Use of chimneys in factories.
• Use of radiators in cars.
• The sun can cause large convection currents - WINDS
• During daytime, the land warms up
more than the sea water. The warm
air above the land rises up and the
cool air, from above the sea, rushes
in to take its place. This is sea breeze.
• During night, water cools more
slowly than land. The air above the
water becomes warmer and rises up.
The cool air, from above the land,
rushes in to take its place. This is
land breeze.
The land and sea breeze help in
maintaining the temperature of air through the day and night.
Homework Time…..
QE2. Give reason for the following:
c) A new quilt is warmer than an old one.
Ans. The new quilt is fluffy and it has more air spaces. So
trapping of air between quilt and our body will be more in
new quilt as compared to an old one. As air is a bad
conductor of heat, so it will not allow our body heat to
escape out through this trapped layer and we feel more
(d) A brass tumbler feels much cooler than a wooden tray
on a chilly day.
Ans. Because brass tumbler is a conductor , it conducts
away the heat from our body when touched and we feel it
colder. But wooden tray is an insulator and heat will not
pass through it.
Homework continues….
(e) The bottoms of cooking utensils are often kept black.
Ans-This enables the utensils to better absorb the heat of
the flame as black color is a good absorber of heat.
Homework continues….
QE6. In the two set-ups X and Y _ _ _ _ _wax. Which of the
two pins, P1 or P2, will fall off later? Give reason for your

Ans . Draw the figure given in question on the left page

in copy.
Pin P2 will fall off later because the length of wire PQR is
more than that of wire AB.
So, transfer of heat by the process of conduction will take
more time in case of wire PQR as compared to wire AB.
Q.D6. What is meant by sea breeze? When does it occur?
Ans- Refer to slide number- 14
Draw a labelled figure also.
It occurs during daytime.

QE4. Explain briefly how winds are formed?

Ans. When air at a place gets heated up, it expands and
occupies more space. It becomes lighter and rises up .The
air pressure at that place gets lowered and air from the
surrounding places rushes in to take the vacated place . This
causes convection currents in air leading to winds.

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