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Obat Herbal

Learning Outline
 Introduction
 Definition of Herbal Medicine
 Functions and Benefit of herbal Medicine
 Application Herbal Medicine in Aquaculture
 Research of Herbal Medicine in Aquaculture
 Conclusion

Intensive culture
AQUACULTURE methods for producing
higher yields

Fastest growing

Offer high quality

animal protein Diseases Herbal


World Fisheries and Aquaculture, Utilization and Trade

FAO, 2020
World Fisheries and Aquaculture, Utilization
and Trade

FAO, 2020
Production and Antibiotic use in Aquaculture

Aly and Albutty, 2014

Definition of Medicinal Herbs

Herbs is a plant whose plant parts are leaves, flowers,

fruit, seeds, stems, wood, roots, rhizomes or other plant
parts, which may all be fragmented

Herbal medicine is the use of drugs to reduce, eliminate

disease by using the parts of the plant such as seeds,
flowers, leaves, stems and roots which are then processed
into herbal medicinal plants
Medicinal plant standardization

• Efficacy Test
• Toxicity Test
• Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials
Tests the results laboratory research and use
medicine in practice.
Efficacy and Toxicity Test

• Efficacy test is Decisive pharmaceutical tests identity or

nutritious ingredients carefully until you can
standardized products.

Toxicity Test Is a test that describes the effect

toxic and researching safety limits relating to
the use of a ingredients in medicine.
Medicinal Plant Category

• Jamu
• herbal medicine
• Phytopharmaceuticals

• Jamu is a natural preparation of plants (in dried form,

steeping, or powder) whose efficacy and the safety is
only known empirically (hereditary, not scientifically
Scientific-based herbal medicine

• An herbal extract that efficacy and safety has been

tested preclinically (test) efficacy and toxicity) and
processed/packaged with standardized procedures on
pharmaceutical industry
Clinical-based herbal medicine

• Phytopharmaca is a traditional medicine from natural

ingredients that can be equated with modern medicine

• The manufacturing process has been standardized,

supported by scientific evidence to clinical trials on
humans who meet the criteria scientific, approved test
protocol, competent implementer, fulfill ethical
principles, where the test is carried out qualify
Common active ingredients in medicinal plants

• Tanin (antiseptic)
• Flavonoid (antiimflamation, inhibitor enzim)
• Saponin (antibacterial)
• Essential oil (antibacterial)
• Alkaloid (detoxification)
• Allicin (antibiotic)
Herbal Medicine in Aquaculture
Functions and Benefit of Herbal Medicine

• Fish immunostimulant
• Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal
• Disinfecting cultivation containers
• Fish anesthesia
Extraction of medicinal plants

Extraction Is a procedure performed for pulling organic

compounds from tissues plants/animals without include
other compounds that no need in bulk
Simplicia of medicinal plants

Simplicia is a medicinal ingredient dried plants and ready

to use, or stored in long period of time
Active substances and Inert substances

The active substance is the main substance that have a

pharmacological effect while an inert substance is a
substance which has no effect pharmacology

• Water solvent (hydraulic)

• Alcohol solvent
• Hydroalcoholic solvent
• Glycerin
• Ether ,
• Petroleum ether, and more
Extraction selection

• Solubility
Extraction is selected based on • Boiling point
ability in dissolving the maximum • Solvent toxicity
• Flameability
amount of substance active and • Corrosivity
a minimum of inert substances. • Price
Water Solvent

• Inexpensive
• Easy to get
• Dissolving gums, amylum, pigments, and tannins
• Easy to settle
• Not durable
• Easily contaminated with microbes
• Does not dissolve oil and some many other organic
Alcohol Solvent

• Prevents microbial contamination

• Dissolving essential oils
• Does not precipitate active compounds
• Not economical as a solvent single
Variation in Extraction Methods

• Length of extraction period

• Solvent use
• pH of the solvent
• Temperature
• Particle size of the plant tissue
• The solvent – to- sample ratio
Extraction Method

Maceration technique (Soaking)

• This is done by immersing the material and solvent in
the same vessel, can be combined with shaking and
warm-up technique

Percolation technique
• Material is compressed in a closed container, and The
solvent is flowed with a certain pressure repeatedly so
that the active substance is absorbed. Commonly used
in pharmaceutical industry
Extraction Method


• a combination of the previous 2

techniques, usually for materials the
clay. The plant tissue structure is
softened by maceration technique
and followed by flow and pressure
which attracts all the active
Extraction Method


• a combination of the previous 2

techniques, usually for materials the
clay. The plant tissue structure is
softened by maceration technique
and followed by flow and pressure
which attracts all the active
Research Herbal Medicine in
The important aquatic pathogens that was controlled by
many kinds of herbal medicines.
The important aquatic pathogens that was controlled by
many kinds of herbal medicines.
The important aquatic pathogens that was controlled by
many kinds of herbal medicines.
The important aquatic pathogens that was controlled by
many kinds of herbal medicines.
Bahan Aktif

1. Senyawa tanin yang memiliki kadar tinggi pada
suatu tanaman lebih bersifat sebagai zat
pertahanan dari serangan hama

2. Seluruh tanin nabati adalah jenis persenyawaan

fenolik yang memiliki bobot molekul besar, memiliki
daya antiseptic dan sudah dipakai dalam aplikasi
kesehatan sejak PD II

3. Tanin mampu membentuk ikatan yang kuat dengan

Bahan Aktif


1. bertindak sebagai inhibitor enzim dengan cara

menghambat produksi energi dan sintesis asamasam
nukleat atau protein, sehingga pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan parasit dapat ditekan.

2. Antiinflamasi dan membantu mengurangi rasa

sakit bila terjadi pendarahan atau pembengkakkan,
mencegah penggumpalan darah (antitrombosis) dan
mampu menghancurkan penggumpalan darah (trombolisis).
Selain itu, flavonoid juga memacu sistem imun
Tea Seed


1. berasal dari kata sapo (bahasa latin = sabun) merupakan senyawa

permukaan kuat yang menimbulkan busa jika dikocok dalam air.

2. bersifat racun untuk ikan, dan tumbuhan yang mengandung

saponin telah digunakan sebagai racun ikan.

3. bersifat antibakteri, sehingga sering digunakan untuk desinfeksi

media budidaya.
Minyak Cengkeh

Minyak Atsiri

1. memiliki daya antibakteri yang disebabkan oleh

adanya senyawa fenol dan turunannya.

2. Salah satu senyawa turunannya adalah kavikol yang

memiliki daya bakterisidal 5 kali lebih kuat
dibandingkan fenol.

3. Minyak cengkeh digunakan untuk pembiusan

Bawang Putih

1. Allisin, yang memiliki manfaat sebagai antibakteri dan
memiliki daya anti radang.

2. Dalam keadaan normal allicin tidak ditemukan pada

bawang putih. Keberadaan allicin terjadi sebagai akibat
dari perusakan struktur bawang putih.

3. Rusaknya struktur bawang putih menyebabkan enzim

alinase aktif, sehingga enzim tersebut dapat
mengkatalis reaksi dua molekul aliin.
Reaksi tersebut menghasilkan allicin yang bersifat
sebagai antibiotic.
Bawang Putih


1. Allicin bekerja dengan memblok aktivitas beberapa enzim

yang penting dalam proses respirasi sel bakteri

2. Allicin juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menghambat

pertumbuhan jamur. Aktivitas antijamur dari allisin sangat
aktif untuk Aspergillus parasiticus, Cryptococcus neoformans
dapat dihambat dengan MIC 6-12 µg/ml

3. Bawang putih juga mengandung antivirus, bawang putih

dapat meningkatkan SR ikan yang terinfeksi virus KHV
Bahan Aktif Lainnya

1. Gurwithrays, yang merangsang pertumbuhan sel tubuh dan

mempunyai daya peremajaan pada semua fungsi tubuh.

2. Scordinin, yang mempercepat pertumbuhan tubuh,

meyebabkan penyakit kardiovaskuler dan antioksidan.

3. Metil alin trisulfida,

yang memiliki manfaat mencegah
pengentalan darah yang dapat menyumbat pembuluh darah.

4. Saltivine, yang memiliki manfaat mempercepat pertumbuhan

sel dan jaringan.

5. Minyak Atsiri, yang memiliki manfaat sebagai antibakteri dan

Aplikasi di Lapangan

1. Ekstrak kering dihaluskan dan dicampur ke pakan

dengan dosis 10 ppt.

2. Ekstrak dapat direbus kemudian hasil rebusannya

dicampur ke pakan. Pakan dijemur dulu sampai kering
dan baru diberikan pada ikan
Daun Sirih (Piper betle)

1. Ciri khas aroma yang tercium dari daun sirih adalah karena daun
sirih mengandung minyak atsiri yang kadarnya 0,7 – 2,6% dari
bobot kering daun.

2. Minyak atsiri dari beberapa tanaman dapat bersifat

antibiotic dan antifungi

3. Kandungan lain daun sirih antara lain adalah chavicol, chavibetol,

allylprocatechol, carvacrol, eugenol, cineole, eugenol methyl
eter, caryophillene, cadinene, dan sesquiterpen.

4. Selain itu daun sirih juga mengandung flavonoid, tannin, berbagai

jenis asam amino, asam ascorbic (vitamin C), asam malic, asam
oxalic, glucose, fructose, maltose, dan glucoronic.
Research Herbal Medicine in

Devi et al., 2016

Research Herbal Medicine in

Devi et al., 2016

Herbal medicine resources are not only abundant, cheap,
and easy to obtain, but also show minimal toxicity and few
adverse effects, leave relatively little residue, and almost
no pollution.

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