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Lecture No.

01 BSCS/SE/AI- 1 st

Course: Applied Physics

Instructor: Dr. Tahir Ejaz

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Who I am?
Dr. Tahir Ejaz (Ph. D in Electrical Engineering)
(Dean Academics, IQRA University, Chak Shahzad Campus, Islamabad)
Previous Employment
Lecturer/Assistant Professor (NUST College of EME)
HoD WTD and R&D (NUST College of EME)
Assistant Professor (HITEC University)
Convenor DQAC (HITEC University)
HoD and Associate Dean (Grafton College)
07/15/2024 2
Course Outlines
Course Name: Applied Physics
Contact Hours: Credit Hours:
Theory: 48 Theory: 3
Practical: 48 Practical: 1
Total: 96 Total: 4
Pre – Requisite: Nil

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Course Outlines
Course Description
 This is an introductory course, that is divided in three portions. First portion will
cover mechanics, second portion will cover electromagnetism, and third will cover
circuit analysis.
 Topics include: General Principles of Mechanics, Force vectors in 2 dimensions,
Force vectors in 3 dimensions, Moment of a force, Moment of a couple, Electric
charge and Coulomb’s law, Problems of Coulomb’s law, Electric field/problems,
Gauss’s Law, Applications of Gauss’s Law, Electric potential energy and potential,
Electric potential applications, Magnetic fields, Sources of the Magnetic fields,
Faraday’s Law of Induction, Equilibrium of a Rigid body/friction.

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Course Outlines
Course Objectives
 Develop basic knowledge of
o mechanics (kinematics and dynamics),
o electricity, and
o magnetism
 Goal will be
o Develop insight knowledge as to how physics connects cause and effect for
simple processes in nature
o Develop knowledge of value for other fields of the natural sciences
o Train in systematic manner to analyze complex problems
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Course Outlines
Assessment Instruments with Weights
 Homework, Quizzes, Midterms, Final, Programming Assignments, Lab
Work, etc.)
 Theory  Lab
o Quizzes 10 o Lab Reports
o Assignment 10 o Lab Viva
o Midterm 30 o Lab Mid
o Presentation/Other Activities 10 o Lab Final
o Final 40 o Lab Projects
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Course Outlines
Text & Reference Books
 Focus will be on topics rather Chapters of any
 Many Textbooks are available in market
o Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th
by Douglas C Giancoli - Prentice Hall

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Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Sr. Taxonomy
Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Statements SOs
No. Level
1 Analyze different physical problems using the laws of physics from
different areas like mechanics C4 1
2 Apply knowledge of basic physical laws to solve various problems of
applied nature. C3 1
3 Interpret basic electric circuits used in science and engineering. C3 1
Calculate and measure Voltage, Current and Resistance, connectivity
4 etc. using digital multimeter and express knowledge of handling Power P2 1
Trainer, Function Generator and Oscilloscope

8 07/15/2024

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Student Outcomes
1. Academic Education: To prepare graduates as computing professionals.

2. Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems: An ability to identify, formulate,

research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences
and engineering sciences.

3. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex

computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental
principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain

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Student Outcomes
4. Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex
computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or
processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public
health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental consideration.

5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with
an understanding of the limitations.

6. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a

member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

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Student Outcomes
7. Communication: Communicate effectively with the computing community and
with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to
comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.

8. Computing Professionalism and Society: Understand and assess societal,

health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the
consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice.

9. Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and

norms of professional computing practice.

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Student Outcomes
10. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in
independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.

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Taxonomy Levels
Cognitive Domain: Involves
 Knowledge, and
 Development of intellectual skills.
Six levels of cognitive processes.
Simplest to most complex.

C1 – Knowledge, C2 – Comprehension
C3 – Application, C4 – Analysis
C5 – Synthesis, C6 - Evaluation
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Lecture Contents
Introduction to Physics
Fields of Physics
Kinematics and Dynamics

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Key Learning Objectives
Upon Completion of this lecture, you will be able to understand:
Difference between Classical Physics and Advanced Physics
Why significant numbers are important
What are common SI Units used
How can we check equations by Dimensional Analysis


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Key Terms
Significant Figures
Scientific Notation
Accuracy vs Precision
System International
Dimensional Analysis


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Top 10 most influential People
1. Johann Gutenberg
2. Isaac Newton
3. Martin Luther
4. Charles Darwin
5. Shakespeare
6. Christopher Columbus
7. Maxwell
8. Albert Einstein
9. Nicolaus Copernicus
10. Galileo Galilei
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The most basic of all sciences!
The “Parent” of all sciences!
The study of the behavior &
structure of matter & energy & the interaction
between them.
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Physics & Its Relation to Other Fields
The “Parent” of all Sciences!
The foundation for & connected to ALL branches of science
& engineering.
Also useful in everyday life & in MANY professions
 Chemistry
 Life Sciences (Medicine also!!)
 Architecture
 Engineering
 Various technological fields

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The Purpose of Physics
What does the word physics mean?
A connection with natural philosophy.
It is organized around a collection of natural laws
It tries to predict how “the world works.”
It tries to understand why “the world works the way it

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Sir Isaac Newton
Mechanics is one the main physics
area studied in this course.
The Laws of Mechanics
were developed by
Sir Isaac Newton
1642 - 1727
Newton’s Laws of Motion
 Apply to a wide variety of macroscopic objects

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“Classical” Mechanics
The physics in this course will be limited to macroscopic objects
moving at speeds v much, much smaller than the speed of light c = 3  108
m/s. As long as v << c, our discussion will be valid.
So, we will work
exclusively in
the gray region
in the figure.

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The science of HOW objects move (behave) under
given forces.
(Usually) Does not deal with the sources of forces.
Answers the question:
“Given the forces, how
do objects move”?
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Measurement & Uncertainty
No measurement is exact; there is always some
uncertainty due to limited instrument accuracy &
difficulty reading the results.
The photograph
illustrates this – it would
be difficult to measure
the width of this board to
better than a millimeter.

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Measurement & Uncertainty
Physics is an EXPERIMENTAL science!
 It finds relations between physical quantities.
 It expresses those relations in the language of mathematics. (LAWS &
Experiments are NEVER 100% accurate.
There is always an uncertainty
in the final result.
This is known as Experimental Error.
It is common to state this precision (when it is known).

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Consider a simple measurement of the width of a
board. Find 23.2 cm.
However, measurement is only accurate to 0.1 cm
Write the width as (23.2  0.1) cm
 0.1 cm  Experimental uncertainty
Percent Uncertainty:
 (0.1/23.2)  100   0.4%

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Significant Figures
Significant Figures (“sig figs”) 
The number of reliably
known digits in a number.
Its usually possible to tell the number of significant
figures by how the number is written:
23.21 cm has 4 significant figures
0.062 cm has 2 significant figures
(initial zeroes don’t count)
80 km have 2 significant figures. If it has 3, it should be written
80.0 km

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Sig Figs in Calculations With Numbers
Multiplying or dividing numbers:
The number of sig figs in the result  the same number of sig
figs as the number with the fewest sig figs that is used in
the calculation.
Adding or subtracting numbers:
The answer is no more accurate than the least accurate
number used.

07/15/2024 30
(Not to scale!)
Area of a board:
dimensions 11.3 cm  6.8 cm
Area = (11.3)  (6.8) = 76.84 cm2
11.3 has 3 sig figs , 6.8 has 2 sig figs
76.84 has too many sig figs!
Proper number of sig figs in the answer = 2
So, round off 76.84 & keep only 2 sig figs
Reliable answer for area = 77 cm2

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Sig Figs

General Rule: The final result of multiplication or

division should have only as many sig figs as the number
with least sig figs in the calculation.
All digits on your calculator are NOT significant!!

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•Calculators will not give you the
right number of sig figs. They
usually give too many, but
sometimes give too few
(especially if there are trailing
zeroes after a decimal point).
•The top calculator shows the
result of
2.0 / 3.0
•The bottom calculator shows the
result of
2.5  3.2.

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Example: Significant Figures
Using a protractor, you measure an angle of 30°.
(a) How many significant figures should you quote
in this measurement?
(b) Use a calculator to find the cosine of the angle you
(a) Precision ~ 1° (not 0.1°).
So 2 sig figs & angle is
30° (not 30.0°).
(b) Calculator: cos(30°) =
0.866025403. But angle
precision is 2 sig figs so
answer should also be 2
sig figs. So cos(30°) = 0.87
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Powers of 10 (Scientific Notation)
READ Appendix B.3
It is common to express very large or very small
numbers using powers of 10 notation.
39,600 = 3.96  104 (moved the decimal 4 places
to the left)
0.0021 = 2.1  10-3 (moved the decimal 3 places to
the right)

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This is more than a request!! I’m making it a
When appropriate, I want to see powers of 10
notation on exams!!
For large numbers, like 39,600,
I want to see 3.96  104 & NOT 39,600!!
For small numbers, like 0.0021,
I want to see 2.1  10-3 & NOT 0.0021!!
On exams, you will lose points if you don’t do

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Much of physics involves approximations, often because we
do not have the means to solve a problem precisely.
In doing Problems, we should be aware of what
approximations we are making, and be aware that the
precision of our answer may not be nearly as good as the
number of significant figures given in the result.

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Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy is how close a measurement comes to the
accepted (true) value.
Precision is the repeatability of the measurement
using the same instrument & getting the same result!
It is possible to be accurate without being precise
and to be precise without being accurate!

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Accuracy vs. Precision
Imagine a basketball player shooting baskets.
If the player shoots with accuracy, his aim will always take
the ball close to or into the basket.
If the player shoots with precision, his aim will always take
the ball to the same location which may or may not be close
to the basket.
A good player will be both accurate and precise by shooting
the ball the same way each time and each time making it in
the basket.
07/15/2024 39
Units, Standards, SI System
All measured physical quantities have units.
Units are VITAL in physics!!
In this course (& in most of the modern world, except the USA!)
we’ll use (almost) exclusively the SI system of units.
SI = “Systéme International”
More commonly called the “MKS system” (Meter-Kilogram-Second)
or more simply,
“The Metric System”
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SI or MKS System
Standards for
Length, Mass, & Time
Length Unit:
Meter (m) (kilometer = km = 1,000 m)
Standard Meter: Modern definition in terms of the speed of
light (c = 3  108 m/s)
1 meter  Length of path traveled by light in vacuum in [1/(3 
108)]* of a second!
(more precisely, [1/299,792,458]!)
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SI or MKS System
Standards for
Length, Mass, & Time
Time Unit:
Second (s)
Standard Second: Modern definition in terms of nuclear decay:
1 Second  Time required for
[9.19  109]* oscillations of radiation emitted by cesium
(more precisely, [9,192,631,770]!)

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SI or MKS System
Standards for
Length, Mass, & Time
Mass Unit:
Kilogram (kg)
Standard Kilogram  Mass of a specific platinum-
iridium alloy cylinder kept at the International
Bureau of Weights & Measures in France.

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• Larger & Smaller units are
defined from the SI standards
by using powers of 10 &
Greek prefixes. __
• The table gives the
standard SI prefixes for  __
 __
indicating powers of 10.  __
• Many (k, c, m, μ) are familiar;
Y, Z, E, h, da, a, z, & y are
rarely used.
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Typical Lengths (approximate)



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Typical Lengths (approximate)


 

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Typical Times (approximate)



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Typical Masses (approximate)



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Other Systems of Units
We will work
only in the SI
in which the base
units are
& seconds.
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Other Systems of Units

1. The CGS or “Lesser Metric System”

•Base Quantities are defined in
terms of The SI Base Quantities:
Mass Unit = gram (g)  10-3 kg
Length Unit = centimeter (cm)  10-2 m
Time Unit = second (s)
(unchanged from the SI system)

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Other Systems of Units
2. The British System: Also known as
The Engineering System &
The (US) Customary System
•Base Quantities: Foot, Pound, Second (fps)
•In this system, Force in Pounds is a base unit,
instead of mass as used in the SI system.
•Obviously, there are conversion factors to convert between the
British & the SI Systems. These are well known & can be looked
up if they are needed.
•Unit Conversions like this are NOT physics & we will
NOT be doing them!
We will work exclusively in the SI System!
07/15/2024 51
Fundamental Quantities & Their Units
Quantity SI Unit
Length meter
Mass kilogram
Time second
Temperature Kelvin
Electric Current Ampere
Luminous Intensity Candela
Amount of Substance mole
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Units Summary
Unit Summary

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Basic & Derived Quantities
Basic Quantity  Must be defined in
terms of a standard:
Meter, Kilogram, Second.
Derived Quantity  Defined in terms of
combinations of basic quantities
 Unit of speed (v = distance/time)
= meter/second = m/s
 Unit of density (ρ = m/V) = kg/m3
07/15/2024 54
Units and Equations
In dealing with equations, remember that the units
must be the same on both sides of an equation
(otherwise, it is not an equation)!
Example: You go 90 km/hr for 40 minutes.
How far did you go?
A Ch. 2 equation: x = vt. v = 90 km/hr, t = 40 min.
To use this equation, first convert t to hours:
t = (⅔)hr so, x = (90 km/hr)  [(⅔)hr] = 60 km
The hour unit (hr) has (literally!) cancelled out in
the numerator & denominator!
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Converting Units
As in the example, units in the numerator & the
denominator can cancel out (as in algebra)
Illustration: Convert 80 km/hr to m/s
Conversions: 1 km = 1000 m; 1hr = 3600 s
 80 km/hr =
(80 km/hr) (1000 m/km) (1hr/3600 s)
(Cancel units!)
80 km/hr  22 m/s
Some useful conversions:
1 m/s  3.6 km/hr; 1 km/hr  (1/3.6) m/s
07/15/2024 56
Dimensions & Dimensional Analysis
•The dimensions of a quantity are the base
units that make it up.
•Generaly they are written using square brackets.
•Example: Speed = distance/time
•Dimensions of Speed: [L/T]
•Quantities that are being added or subtracted
must have the same dimensions.
• In addition, a quantity calculated as the
solution to a problem should have the correct
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Dimensional Analysis
If the formula for a physical quantity is known
 The correct units can easily be found!
Example: Volume:
V = L3  Volume unit = m3
A cube with L =1 mm
 V = 1 mm3 = 10-9 m3
Example: Density:
ρ = m/V Density unit = kg/m3
ρ = 5.3 kg/m3 = 5.3 10-6 g/mm3
07/15/2024 58
Dimensional Analysis
If the units of a physical quantity are known
 The correct formula can be “guessed”!
Velocity: A car’s velocity is 60 km/h
Velocity unit = km/h
 Formula: v = d/t
(d = distance, t = time)
Acceleration: A car’s acceleration is 5 m/s2
Acceleration unit = m/s2
 Formula: a = v/t
(v = velocity, t = time)
07/15/2024 59
•Dimensional Analysis = Checking dimensions
of all quantities in an equation to ensure that
those which are added, subtracted, or equated
have the same dimensions.
Example: Is this the correct equation for

07/15/2024 60
•Dimensional Analysis = Checking dimensions
of all quantities in an equation to ensure that
those which are added, subtracted, or equated
have the same dimensions.
Example: Is this the correct equation for

Check the dimensions:

07/15/2024 61
•Dimensional Analysis = Checking dimensions
of all quantities in an equation to ensure that
those which are added, subtracted, or equated
have the same dimensions.
Example: Is this the correct equation for velocity?

Check the dimensions:

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Dimensional Analysis

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Lecture Summary
Classical Physics Vs Advanced Physics

Significant numbers Importance

Common SI Units

Dimensinal Analysis


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Group QR Code

Every student must join the

WhatsApp group pertaining to
this course

07/15/2024 65
Thank You - Questions?

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