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Teori Perkembangan

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Perkembangan Balita Usia 2-3 Tahun

Psikologi Hifizah Nur, S. Psi, M. Ed

Program Studi
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Perkembangan Balita Usia 2 Tahun
• The two-year-old faces demands that can be
overwhelming at times:
– new skills and behaviors to be learned and remembered,
needs and feelings that are difficult to express, learned
responses to be perfected, and puzzling adult expectations
with which to comply
• This can result in moment-to-moment struggles as they
try to resolve conflicting desires for independence
(autonomy) or dependence (Erikson, 1959).
• Most two-year-olds are able to identify themselves as
either being a girl or a boy.
– However, they don’t consider gender to be a permanent
– shaped continuously by media exposure, adult
expectations, and peer responses.
• Spontaneous outbursts of laughter and affection
• Ask seemingly endless questions
• New skills are learned quickly through trial and error,
self-discovery, play, and hands-on-activities.
• the use of computers, child-oriented software,
smart toys, electronic pads and game devices,
DVDs, and television programming does not
support this type of learning, nor does it give
children any educational advantage at this age
(Duch et al., 2013; Vaala & Lapierre, 2013;
Linebarger & Vaala, 2010).
Pertumbuhan Fisik dan Motorik
• Pertumbuhan fisik
– 11.8–14.5 kg or about four
times the weight at birth.
– (86.3–96.5 cm) tall
– The brain reaches about 80
percent of its adult size
– Eruption of teeth is nearly
• Perkembangan Motorik
– Walks with a more erect
– Runs with greater confidence; has fewer falls
– Climbs stairs unassisted
– Balances on one foot (for a few moments), jumps
up and down with both feet but might fall.
– Unbuttons large buttons; unzips large zippers.
– Grasps a large crayon with fist; scribbles
enthusiastically on a large piece of paper (Figure 5-
Perkembangan persepsi dan Kognisi
• Perkembangan persepsi dan Kognisi
– Follows simple requests and directions: “Find your
sweater,” “Come here.”
– Exhibits eye–hand movements that are better
– Begins to use objects for purposes other than the
intended ones
– Stares for long moments; seems fascinated by, or
engrossed in, figuring out a situation-- often has a short
attention span.
– Sits quietly and engages in self-selected activities for
longer periods
– Knows where familiar persons should be
– Recognizes and expresses pain; can point to its location
Perkembangan Bicara dan Bahasa
• Enjoys being read to if allowed to participate by
pointing, making relevant noises, and turning pages
• Realizes that language is effective for getting others to
respond to needs and preferences
• Uses 50 to 300 words; vocabulary continuously
• Has broken the linguistic code; that is, much of a two-
year-old’s talk has meaning to her, but not always to
adults (i.e., Lev Vygotsky’s “self-talk”).
• most two-year-olds’ have receptive language that is far more
advanced than their expressive language (Beuker et al.,
• Refers to self as “me” or sometimes “I” rather than by name
(“Me go bye-bye”); has no trouble verbalizing “mine.”
• Expresses negative statements by tacking on a negative word
such as “no” or “not” (“Not more milk,” “No bath”)
• Asks repeatedly, “What’s that?” “Why?”
• Experiences occasional stammering and other common
• Produces speech that is as much as 65–70 percent
Perkembangan Sosial-Emosi
• Shows signs of empathy and caring
• Continues to use physical aggression if frustrated or
• Often expresses frustration through temper tantrums
• Finds it difficult to wait or take turns; often impatient.
• Eager to “help” with household chores; imitates
everyday activities
• Is bossy at times
• Watches and imitates the play of other children but
seldom joins in; content to play alone
• Finds it difficult to make choices
• expects routines to be carried out
Aktifitas Belajar untuk Perkembangan
• Play games, such as large Lotto and picture
• Offer manipulative materials to foster problem
solving and hand–eye coordination
• Provide toy replicas of farm and zoo animals,
families, dishes and cooking
• Set out (and keep a close eye on) washable
paints, markers, chalk, large crayons, and large
paper for the toddler’s artistic expression.
• Provide wagons; large trucks and cars that can
be loaded, pushed, or sat upon
• Create opportunities for musical enjoyment
• Sorting simple objects: laundry (towels in one
pile, socks in another); colored blocks (red in
one stack, blue in the other).
• Let children help with household chores
• Go for walks; collect items to use for an art
Terima Kasih
Hifizah Nur, S. Psi, M. Ed

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