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Laravel Framework

Directory Structure and Configuration file

What does MVC stand for in software

a) Model-View-Controller
b) Most Valuable Code
c) Managed View Components
d) Modular-Visual-Creation
What does MVC stand for in software

a) Model-View-Controller
b) Most Valuable Code
c) Managed View Components
d) Modular-Visual-Creation
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern that
provides a conceptual framework for organizing the
components and responsibilities of a software application. It
divides the application into three main components: Model,
View, and Controller, each with distinct responsibilities. The
main goals of MVC are to decouple components, promote
code reusability, and make the application easier to
understand and maintain.
Always Remember……
MVC is indeed a broader design pattern that
defines the high-level architecture of an
application, emphasizing the separation of
concerns. However, when implementing the MVC
pattern, the actual code is organized into
separate layers to achieve modularity,
maintainability, and scalability.
What is the primary purpose of
the Model in the MVC
a) Handles user interactions and presentation logic
b) Represents the data and business logic of the
c) Renders the user interface and displays data
d) Manages the communication between the Model
and View
What is the primary purpose of
the Model in the MVC
a) Handles user interactions and presentation logic
b) Represents the data and business logic of the
c) Renders the user interface and displays data
d) Manages the communication between the Model
and View
What is Laravel?
a) A programming language
b) A JavaScript library
c) A PHP web application framework
d) A database management system
What is Laravel?
a) A programming language
b) A JavaScript library
c) A PHP web application framework
d) A database management system
Do you know?
Originally, PHP stood for "Personal
Home Page," as it was created to
manage Rasmus Lerdorf's personal
website in 1994.
Which command is used to
create a new Laravel project
using Composer?
a) composer create-project laravel/app-name
b) composer new laravel/laravel
c) laravel new app-name
d) composer new-project laravel/laravel
Which command is used to
create a new Laravel project
using Composer?
a) composer create-project Laravel app-name
b) composer new laravel/laravel
c) laravel new app-name
d) composer new-project laravel/laravel
What is Eloquent in Laravel?

a) A templating engine
b) A database management system
c) A PHP extension for performance optimization
d) An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for
database interactions
What is Eloquent in Laravel?

a) A templating engine
b) A database management system
c) A PHP extension for performance optimization
d) An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for
database interactions
ORMs maps the objects to database tables, thereby
enabling developers to work with their preferred
object-oriented paradigm without worrying about the
underlying database structure.
Directory Structure
The default Laravel application structure
is intended to provide a great starting
point for both large and small
applications. But you are free to organize
your application however you like.
The App Directory
App -> Http
This directory houses the controllers,
middleware, and form requests. Controllers
handle HTTP requests and responses,
middleware provides a way to filter
incoming HTTP requests, and form requests
handle form validation logic.
App -> Console Directory
The Console directory contains the
command-line commands that you
can define for your application using
Laravel's Artisan CLI.
App -> Exceptions

This directory holds custom

exception classes to handle specific
exceptions in your application.
App -> Models

In this directory, you define the Eloquent

ORM models. Eloquent is Laravel's built-
in ORM that allows you to interact with
the database using an expressive syntax.
Do you know ?
Laravel drew inspiration from several
other frameworks, including Ruby on
Rails, ASP.NET MVC, and Sinatra. It
combines the best features from these
frameworks and adds its own unique
The Bootstrap Directory
The bootstrap directory contains files responsible for bootstrapping the
Laravel application.

• app.php: This file loads the basic application configuration and

creates an instance of the Laravel application.

• cache: The cache directory contains compiled service container and

configuration files. These files improve the application's performance
by reducing the bootstrapping time.
In a standard Laravel project, which
directory contains the main application
logic and business-specific code?
a) resources
b) public
c) app
d) database
In a standard Laravel project, which
directory contains the main application
logic and business-specific code?
a) resources
b) public
c) app
d) database
Config Directory
The config directory houses various
configuration files for different components
of the Laravel application. You can customize
settings like database connections,
application settings, cache configurations,
and more from these files.
Database Directory
The database directory contains
database-related files, including
migrations, seeds, and factories.
Database -> Factories

Factory classes are used to define

data blueprints that can be used to
create dummy data for testing.
Database -> Migration

Migrations are version control for your

database. They allow you to modify the
database schema and keep it in sync with
your application code.
Database -> Seeds

Seed classes allow you to populate your

database with sample data for testing or
initial setup.
In Laravel, where do you define the database schema and migrations for creating
and modifying database tables?

a) resources/views
b) app
c) database/migrations
d) config
Public Directory
The public directory is the web
server's document root. It contains
the index.php file, which is the
entry point for all HTTP requests.
Which directory is used for storing publicly accessible assets
such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files?

a) resources
b) public
c) storage
d) app
Which directory is used for storing publicly accessible assets
such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files?

a) resources
b) public
c) storage
d) app
Resource Directory
The resources directory contains the views, language files, and assets
(CSS, JavaScript, and images) for the application.

• Views: The views directory stores Blade templates that define the UI
of the application.

• Lang: The lang directory holds language files for localization and
internationalization purposes.

• Assets: The assets directory contains raw CSS, JavaScript, and other
assets. These assets are usually compiled and optimized using Laravel
Do you Know?

It takes less than a second (0.9

seconds to be precise) for users
to form their opinions on their
initial visit to a web page.
Routes Directory
The routes directory contains route definition files.

• web.php: This file contains routes that are typically

associated with web-based user interfaces.

• api.php: This file contains routes for API endpoints,

usually meant to return JSON responses.
Storage Directory
The storage directory holds various
files generated by the application,
such as logs, cache, sessions, and
uploaded files.
Test Directory

The tests directory contains

test cases for the application.
Vendor Directory
The vendor directory houses all the
third-party dependencies installed via
Composer, including Laravel itself.
.env file

The environment configuration

file for the application.
In every Laravel project, you will
have two files, composer.json
and composer.lock. What is the
difference between them?
In composer.json you specify what packages should be installed, and
with what versions.
Now, which exact version is installed at any
moment? Here comes the composer.lock file.
Do you know?

“Source code affects search

engine ranking”
Which directory contains the views (templates)
used for rendering HTML pages in Laravel?

a) resources
b) public
c) app
d) routes
Which directory contains the views (templates)
used for rendering HTML pages in Laravel?

a) resources
b) public
c) app
d) routes
Which directory is used for storing files generated by the
application, such as logs, cache, and session data?

a) resources
b) public
c) storage
d) config
Which directory is used for storing files generated by the
application, such as logs, cache, and session data?

a) resources
b) public
c) storage
d) config

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