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Muluken Gebre
Child Neglect Among MKCRDA Beneficiaries:
Impact of Training Intervention
Child neglect is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA)
Dictionary of Psychology as "the failure of a parent or caregiver to provide for
the child's basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and
supervision, to the extent that the child's health, safety, and well-being are
endangered" (American Psychological Association, 2020).
● Critical Issue: Child neglect is a serious concern affecting children's
● Focus: This report analyzes neglect among beneficiaries of (MKCRDA),
● Chiro Children and Youth Development Association.

● Target Population: Vulnerable children and youth in Chiro MKC.

● Challenge: Despite their efforts, child neglect persists.
● Intervention Needed: Targeted strategies are crucial to address neglect and
● promote positive outcomes for children.
Understanding Child Neglect

● Forms: Physical, emotional, educational neglect, and lack of resources.

● Impact: Detrimental effects on children's overall development.


● Training Programs: Equip parents with the knowledge and skills to prevent neglect.
● Addressing Root Causes: Foster a supportive environment for children and youth.

Report Focus

● Contributing Factors: Analyze what leads to neglect among MKCRDA beneficiaries.

● Training Effectiveness: Evaluate the impact of the parent training program on reducing neglect.
● Data-Driven Insights: Showcase progress made post-intervention.
Future Strategies
● Informed Approach: Use findings to develop effective strategies to combat child
● Collaboration: Work together to create a nurturing environment for children.
● Empowerment: Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive and reach their full

Social Psychology Practicum at Chiro MKC: A Perfect Match

Why Chiro MKC is Ideal for My Practicum
● Aligned Mission: My social psychology background directly supports Chiro MKC's
mission to address social problems harming children and youth.
● Understanding Neglect: I can provide insights into the psychological reasons behind
child neglect, aiding in intervention development.
Creating Positive Change Together
● Shared Vision: My goal aligns with Chiro MKC's vision of a safe and healthy
environment for all children.
● Evidence-Based Solutions: I can leverage social psychology to develop effective
interventions for child well-being and prevent future neglect.
Child Neglect: Impact on Development
What is Child Neglect?

● Failure to meet a child's basic needs (food, shelter, medical care)

● Different forms: physical, emotional, educational, medical
● Long-term consequences for well-being

Learning Theory and Neglect

● Operant Conditioning: Neglect withholds positive reinforcement (attention, affection)

● Extinction: Desired behaviors (seeking attention) disappear
● Negative Reinforcement: Negative behaviors may be reinforced to get a response
● Social Learning: Lack of positive role models hinders development

Social-Psychological Consequences

● Internalizing Disorders: Anxiety, depression, low self-esteem

● Externalizing Disorders: Aggression, delinquency, substance abuse
● Social Difficulties: Trouble with social interaction and relationships
Social Learning Theory: Addressing Child Neglect
Focus: Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

Idea: We learn by observing and imitating others.

Child Neglect & Social Learning:

● Parents with negative upbringing might model poor parenting.

● Interventions use positive modeling to change caregiver behavior.

Parent Management Training (PMT):

● Based on Social Learning Theory

● Improves family dynamics and child well-being

Key PMT Components:

1. Positive Reinforcement: Reward desired behaviors to strengthen parent-child bond.

2. Modeling: Learn effective parenting techniques through observation.
3. Behavior Management: Set clear expectations and manage challenging behaviors positively.
4. Communication Skills: Improve understanding and reduce conflict.
5. Problem-Solving Skills: Address family challenges constructively.

PMT helps parents develop the skills they need to create a nurturing environment and prevent child neglect.
Baseline Data: Understanding Child Neglect in Chiro MKC
Who Participated?

● 8 parents from MKC Child and Youth Development Association

● Age range: 23-48 (diverse group)
● Gender: all female (highlights need for gender-specific approach)
● Marital Status: varied (married, divorced, single, widowed) - consider impact of family structure
● Number of Children: 1-6 (tailor intervention to family size)
● Education Level: illiterate to Grade 10 (address needs of varying educational backgrounds)
● Income Level: 1350-4200 Birr/month (consider challenges of low income)

What Does This Tell Us?

● Baseline data provides insights into child neglect before intervention.

● Understanding these factors helps tailor interventions to specific needs.

Next Steps:

● Analyze data to identify root causes and prevalence of child neglect.

● Use findings to design effective intervention strategies.
Addressing Neglect: Parent Management Training
Method: Training program based on learning theory


1. Needs Assessment:
○ Identify specific child neglect issues parents face.
○ Use surveys and observations to understand challenges.
2. Training Development:
○ Design curriculum based on learning theory principles.
○ Focus on parenting skills, child development, communication, discipline, and stress management.
○ Use evidence-based practices to improve parenting behaviors and reduce neglect.
3. Training Delivery:
○ Create an interactive environment encouraging participation.
○ Use diverse teaching methods (lectures, discussions, role-playing) to cater to different learning styles.
4. Monitoring & Evaluation:
○ Track progress in implementing positive parenting practices.
○ Use pre- and post-training assessments to measure impact on behavior and child well-being.
Impact of Training on Child Neglect
Before Intervention:

● Lack of effective parenting skills

● Limited knowledge of child development
● Unfamiliarity with neglect impact
● Difficulty creating a nurturing environment

After Intervention:

● Improved understanding of child development

● Learned effective parenting strategies
● Increased awareness of neglect effects
● Positive changes in parenting practices
● Reduced instances of child neglect
● Enhanced child well-being


● Increased parental confidence and competence

● More positive family environment
● Prevention of child neglect
Intervention Outcomes: Short & Long Term
Short-Term (Objectives):

● Community Awareness: Raise awareness about signs of child neglect and reporting.
● Parental Training: Equip parents with skills to identify and address neglect.
● Stakeholder Coordination: Improve collaboration to address neglect cases.

Long-Term (Objectives):

● Reduced Neglect: Prevent and decrease reported cases of neglect.

● Stronger Protection Systems: Build strong systems to prevent and respond to neglect effectively.
● Community Support: Increase community involvement in protecting children's well-being.
● Sustainable Solutions: Develop long-term, scalable solutions to address child neglect in Chiro.
My Practicum Journey: A Multifaceted Experience
This practicum was more than just applying knowledge. I played three key roles:

The Practitioner:

● Designed and delivered child neglect training for 8 parents.

● Applied learning theory to create effective training materials and activities.
● Tailored the program to the specific needs of participating families.
● Provided guidance and support to improve parenting skills.

The Worker:

● Collaborated with Association staff to coordinate logistics.

● Liaised with community partners to promote the intervention.
● Demonstrated professionalism, communication skills, and teamwork.
● Upheld Association's values and mission to support families and children.

The Learner:

● Actively sought feedback to improve my performance.

● Remained open to new ideas, perspectives, and challenges.
● Valued the opportunity to learn from participants, supervisors, and colleagues.
● Engaged in self-reflection and sought out resources for further growth.

This experience allowed me to apply my knowledge, contribute to the community, and grow as a professional.
Practicum Experience: Empowering Parents, Building
Location: Meserete Kristos Child and Youth Relief and Development Association
(MKCYRDA) : Child Neglect Intervention Training for Parents

My Roles:

● Curriculum Co-development: Defined child neglect, signs, consequences, and

positive parenting strategies.
● Interactive Training Delivery: Presentations, discussions, role-playing activities
(culturally sensitive)
● Resource Creation: Handouts with key information and local resources

Lessons Learned & Skills Gained:

● Content Expertise: Deeper understanding of child neglect in the local context.

● Culturally Sensitive Facilitation: Tailored communication and activities for inclusivity.
● Active Listening & Empathy: Understanding challenges and providing support.
● Adaptability & Collaboration: Navigating situations and working effectively with
Challenges & Solutions:

● Limited Resources: Prioritized information and used creative, low-cost activities.

● Varied Learning Styles: Used written matteriala alongside verbal presentations.
● Emotional Sensitivity: Created a safe space, offered support, encouraged open communication.

My Contributions:

● Empowered Parents: Equipped 8 parents with knowledge and skills for nurturing environments.
● Strengthened Community Services: Bolstered MKCYRDA's capacity to address child neglect.
● Personal & Professional Development: Applied knowledge, developed skills, contributed to social change.


● Enhanced support for families in the community.

● Deeper understanding of child neglect and culturally sensitive interventions.
● Eagerness to apply skills to support vulnerable children and families
Strengthening Interventions: Recommendations for the
1. Expanding Parental Training:

● Continue offering parental management training based on learning theory.

● Increase Accessibility: Offer online courses, community workshops to reach more

2. Trauma-Informed Care:

● Address the impact of child neglect through trauma-informed care.

● Train social workers, educators, and other professionals who work with vulnerable

3. Collaboration for Impact:

● Adopt a multi-disciplinary approach.

● Collaborate with mental health professionals, child welfare agencies, and community
● Provide holistic interventions that address the root causes of child neglect.
Moving Forward: Addressing New Challenges
Beyond Child Neglect:

The success of the child neglect intervention opens doors to tackle other critical issues:

1. Domestic Violence:

● Often coexists with child neglect.

● Interventions could involve:
○ Supporting survivors of domestic violence.
○ Implementing prevention programs to address the root causes of family

2. Mental Health Support for Children:

● Neglect negatively impacts children's mental well-being.

● Services could include:
○ Counseling services.
○ Psychoeducation.
○ Early intervention programs.
3. Substance Abuse Prevention:

● Substance abuse within families can contribute to neglect.

● Programs could focus on:
○ Preventing substance abuse.
○ Supporting families affected by addiction through:
■ Education.
■ Counseling.
■ Access to treatment resources.

By addressing these interconnected issues, the organization can create a more

comprehensive support system for vulnerable children and families.
Enhancing Social Intervention: Recommendations
Moving Beyond Child Neglect:

The organization can broaden its impact by tackling interconnected issues:

● Domestic Violence: Offer support to survivors and implement prevention

● Mental Health for Children: Provide counseling, psychoeducation, and early
intervention programs.
● Substance Abuse Prevention: Educate families, offer counseling, and connect
them to treatment resources.

Social Psychology in Action:

Incorporate these theories to improve interventions:

1. Empowerment: Give individuals a voice in shaping interventions and decision-

making processes.
2. Strengths-Based Approach: Focus on building resilience by highlighting family
strengths and resources.
3. Cultural Competency: Hire diverse staff, provide culturally relevant materials, and
adapt interventions to respect cultural norms.
Thank you !

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