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LAN – EAP – 111

Study Skills

| January, 2024

Year One - Semester One

Romeo Katanga
(+265) 995 621 224

1 Effective Study Skills

2 Time Management
Effective Study Skills

These are
» These habits can help you:
♦ make more efficient use of your

study time
♦ make your learning easier

♦ retain what you have learnt.

♦ feel the work and effort involved is

Key Points about Study Skills

» Develop your own personal approach

to study and learning
» Study skills are not subject specific
» You need to practice and develop your
study skills
» Study skills are not just for students
Some Study Skills

1. Getting organised to study

♦ Consider your study environment

♦ Organise your materials

♦ Decide when to study

♦ Develop support network for study

2. Sources of Info for study
♦ Research and use materials which

back up your study

♦ Know where to look for info, how

to access it and how to use it.

♦ Scrutinize your sources
3. Styles of writing
♦ Academic

♦ Fiction

♦ Nonfiction

♦ Journalistic
4. Effective reading
♦ Academic reading is an active

process: make links, understand

opinions, research and apply what
you learn to your studies.
♦ Know the goal of reading
5. Critical reading and reading strategies
♦ Involves reflecting on what the text

describes, and analysing what the

text actually means, in the context
of your studies.
Note: to be covered in the next chapter
Time Management Skills

» The process of arranging and

controlling how you spend time over
workload to be accomplished.
» Can make the difference between
graduating and dropout.
» Consider the following situations:
A doctor who is operating on a patient.
The operation was supposed to last 2
hours and it has now taken 8 hours.
How will the relations of the patient
A lecturer who was supposed to attend a
7:30am class on a Monday. The lecturer
wakes up at 8:15am on that Monday and
must use public transport to the lecture
room. How will students in the class
A politician planned to open a referral
hospital as part of the campaign
promises. The contractor who is
constructing the hospital fails to finish
the project in time due to other factors
and people refuse to vote for the
politician because of an unfulfilled
promise. How will the politician feel?
» Failure to manage time causes
inconveniences not only to one person
but to other people too.
End of Presentation
Thank you!!!!!
Romeo Katanga | | (+265) 995 621

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