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Presentación rutina diaria. AA1-EV03.

Lina Suleidy Garzon Giron

Docente: Sergio Esteban Ospina
My daily routine
I Wake up at 5 in the morning.

I thank God for another day of life, I get up, I drink a glass of water, I brush my
I wash my face and I prepare my children's breakfast, my daughter leaves at six in
the morning for school and I stay with the child, I organize the kitchen, I cinchen
give breakfast to child and organize for welfare home.
my favorite hours

At half past seven I take the child to the welfare home and
dedicate an hour for my breakfast I wash my face again I
apply ice and my daily routine creams, I bathe and go to the
gym I do my routine of approximately two hours, I return I
go home and prepare lunch and at the same time organize the
Lunch break and job search
We have lunch at 1 in the afternoon, I rest and since I am
unemployed I start looking for work in the different
employment platforms. I am an occupational health
professional. While I get a job, I spend part of my time taking
courses through Sena. I am currently in three courses, which
are English 1, quality auditing, and organization of work
groups. At 3:40 I pick up my baby from welfare and spend the
rest of the afternoon with my kids.
at night

In the evening I serve dinner at 7:00 p.m. I

organize the kitchen, I clean the child, I put on
his pajamas, from 8:30 to 9:00 at night I put him
to sleep, I put the clothes in the washing
machine if there is, I look at social networks for
a while, like 10:00 at night I put on to look at
the seine platform and do the pending work I
read the guide, around 12:00 a.m. I lie down to
When my husband is there, the routine
My husband works in another city, he comes
every 21 days, my routine changes because I
don't get up so early, I don't go to the gym, I
hardly cook at home, and we go out
everywhere together and on weekends we go
out dancing and We go for a walk together
with the children, it is my favorite week.

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