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Verbum in Ecclesia

Part 2 of Verbum Domini
• The Word Of God And The Church
– The Church receives the word [50]
– Christ’s constant presence in the life of the Church
The Word Of God And The Church
• The Church receives the word [50]
• Christ’s constant presence in the life of the
Church [51]
The Liturgy, Privileged Setting For The
Word Of God
• The word of God in the sacred liturgy [52]
• Sacred Scripture and the sacraments [53]
• The word of God and the Eucharist [54-55]
• The sacramentality of the word [56]
• Sacred Scripture and the Lectionary [57]
• Proclamation of the word and the ministry of Reader [58]
• The importance of the homily [59]
• The fittingness of a Directory on Homiletics [60]
• The word of God, Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick [61]
• The word of God and the Liturgy of the Hours [62]
• The word of God and the Book of Blessings [63]
• Suggestions and practical proposals for promoting fuller participation in
the liturgy [64]
Suggestions and practical proposals for
promoting fuller participation in the liturgy [64]
a) Celebrations of the word of God [65]
b) The word and silence [66]
c) The solemn proclamation of the word of God [67]
d) The word of God in Christian Churches [68]
e) The exclusive use of biblical texts in the liturgy [69]
f) Biblically-inspired liturgical song [70]
g) Particular concern for the visually and hearing
impaired [71]
The Word Of God In The Life Of The Church

• Encountering the word of God in sacred

Scripture [72]
• Letting the Bible inspire pastoral activity [73]
• The biblical dimension of catechesis [74]
• The biblical formation of Christians [75]
• Sacred Scripture in large ecclesial gatherings
• The word of God and vocations [77]
The word of God and vocations [77]
a) Ordained ministers and the word of God [78-81]
b) The word of God and candidates for Holy Orders
c) The word of God and the consecrated life [83]
d) The word of God and the lay faithful [84]
e) The word of God, marriage and the family [85]
• The prayerful reading of sacred Scripture and
“lectio divina” [86-87]
The word of God and Marian prayer [88]
The word of God and the Holy Land [89]

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