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Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs

Objectives : Communicated the DepEd Vision, Mission

and Core Values to the wider school community to
ensure shared understanding and alignment of school
policies, programs, projects and activities
OUTCOMES/MFOs: School policies,

programs, projects and Quality: Disseminated DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values using 5

activities aligned with DepEd VMG or more platforms/activities

1. SMEA –(School Memo, ACR, Pictures ,Program,Attendance)

2. PTA Meeting (Program, Memo, ACR, Pictures, Attendance)

3. Faculty/Teachers' Meeting (School Memo, Minutes of
the Meeting, Pictures, Attendance) 4.
Symposia/radio program (Letter of intent, Pictures)
5. SRC presentation –
(School Memo, ACR, Pictures ,Program,attendance)

1.1 Vision, 6. SOSA-–(School Memo, ACR, Pictures ,Program, Attendance )

and others

Mission Efficiency: with 5 evidences (with internal and external stakeholders,

invitation/letter request, program, feedback/ ME, accomplishment
report, etc)

MKVillaluz 1
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Developed and implemented
with the planning team, school plans
aligned with institutional goals and policies

PPMP aligned with institutional goals and Quality:
policies Crafted/prepared the SIP/AIP/PPMP with 5 or more of the ff (School
Planning Team, Project Team, School Community Data, SRC, doable
projects/activities/objectives, presented to stakeholders, others)

Efficiency :
Implemented the SIP/AIP/APP with 5 or more of the ff (regular
M&E, review/revisitation of the accomplishment, discussions on the
CIGPS, provided Calendar of Annual Proposed Activities CAPA,

1.2 School Planning & catch-up plan, ACR)

PPMP aligned with With approved eSIP

institutional goals and

policies MKVillaluz 2
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Undertook policy implementation
and review in the school to ensure that
operations are consistent with National and
Local laws, regulations and issuances
OUTCOMES/MFOs : School operations

are consistent with National and Local Quality:
laws, regulations and issuances
issued/disseminated 5 or more memoranda
consistent with the National/Regional/Division
Efficiency :

Conducted review of 5 or more policies that affected

school operations for recommendation on any of the
following (Child Protection Policy, Anti-Bullying, School-
1.3 Policy Implementation Based Feeding Program, AWA, MOOE utilization and

and Review liquidation, Assessment of Learners, etc)

MKVillaluz 3
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives: Utilized relevant research
findings from reliable sources in facilitating
data-driven and evidence-based information
to improve school performance

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Improved
school performance Quality:

5 or more activities/special interest groups that involved

learners (member of the SPT, YES-O, SSLG/SELG, BKD,
Scouting, Sports, etc)

Efficiency :

with 5 or more evidences

(list of officers & members ,

letter request to conduct organization ,

1.4 Research and Innovation memorandum ,

attendance of the meeting,
minutes of the
meeting, , pictures , accomplishment report

MKVillaluz 4
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Implemented programs in the
school that support the development of

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Available

5 or more PAPs implemented (from SIP ,

Programs for learners Innovation,National Program-ex.Catch up

development Fridays,Remedial Class,Lend-C/NLC 2023)

Efficiency :

5 documents presented within the school year

1. Proposal
1.5 Program Design & 2.approval
Implementation 3.memo to conduct the activities

4.Approved training Design

MKVillaluz 5. attendance 5
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Utilized learners voice, such as
feelings, views and/or opinions to inform
policy development and decision-making
towards school improvement

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Membership Quality:

of SSG to Crafting of 5 or more activities/special interest groups that involved

SIP/AIP/ PPMP learners (member of the SPT, YES-O, SSLG/SELG, BKD,

Scouting, Sports, etc)

Efficiency :

5 documents presented within the school year

1.6 Learners voice 5- with 5 or more evidences (list of officers & members ,
letter request to conduct
organization , memorandum ,
attendance of the
MKVillaluz minutes of the meeting,
Domain 1: Strategic Leadership (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Utilized available monitoring
and evaluation processes and tools to
promote learner achievement

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Learners Quality:

achievement/ awards/ 5 or more M & E tools

citations Efficiency :

5 or more evidences to show utilization of tools (minutes,

QAR report, analysis, intervention, ILP)

1.7 M & E Processes and


MKVillaluz 7
Domain 2: Managing School Operations
and Resources (20%) Objectives : Managed school data and
information using technology, including ICT,
to ensure efficient and effective school

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Ensured Quality:

efficient and effective school complied 5 or more activities on data management and

operations through utilization

Efficiency :
90-100% of the teachers utilized technology in managing
school data and information

2.1 Records Management

MKVillaluz 8
Domain 2: Managing School Operations
and Resources (20%) MOVs
Objectives : Manage finances adhering to
policies, guidelines, and issuances in
allocation, procurement, disbursement and

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Improved liquidation aligned with the school plan.

fiscal/financial management Quality:

in schools Accomplished 5 or more activities on fiscal management

and utilization (APP, POW, PR, RSQ,PO, liquidation

Efficiency :

100% utilization of all downloaded funds

2.2 Financial

MKVillaluz 9
Domain 2: Managing School Operations MOVs
and Resources (20%) Objectives : Managed school facilities and
equipment in adherence to policies, guidelines and
issuances on acquisition, recording, utilization,
repair and maintenance, storage and disposal.

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Effective Quality:

delivery of essential services Complied 5 or more evidences on school facilities and equipment

•Updated Physical Inventory of Properties,

•Proper utilization Equipment

•Proper coding of school properties.

•Repair/Improvement of facilities

2.3 School Facilities and

•Provision of functional storage facility/serviceable stockrooms

•Efficient record keeping of unserviceable/disposable properties

Equipment Efficiency :

Presence of 5 or more MOVs

MKVillaluz 10
Domain 2: Managing School Operations MOVs
and Resources (20%) Objectives : Managed staffing such as teaching and
load distribution and grade level and subject area
assignment in adherence to laws, policies,
guidelines and issuances based on the needs of the

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Equitable Quality:

distribution of teaching 5 or more of the suggested activities based on standards are

conducted (1. Determine school

loads/ancillary services absorptive capacity. 2. Updated

teachers profiling. 3. Organizational
consistent to existing staffing/structuring. 4.

policies, guidelines, and Conduct staff conference.

5. Preparation/conformation of the

issuances teachers program.)

2.4 Management of Staff Efficiency :

100% of the teachers has approved classroom program

MKVillaluz 11
Domain 2: Managing School Operations MOVs
and Resources (20%) Objectives : Managed school safety for
disaster preparedness, mitigation and
resiliency to ensure continuous delivery of


Institutionalized disaster risk 5 or more of the suggested activities based on standards are

reduction management conducted

school buildings.
1. Evaluated status of
2. Secured BFP

(DRRM) certification/recommendation
3. Conducted Quarterly NSED.
4. Submitted contingency plan.
5. Conducted DRRM related
workshops/advocacies. 6. Organized functional

2.5 School Safety for

School DRRM committee

Efficiency :
Disaster Preparedness, 90-100% of DRRM related CIGP's within the school level are

Mitigation, and Resiliency addressed and recommended to higher office for action those
beyond their control
MKVillaluz 12
Domain 2: Managing School Operations
and Resources (20%)
Objectives : Managed emerging opportunities
and challenges to encourage equality and

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Equal and equity in addressing the needs of learners,
school personnel and other stakeholders.

equitable provision of Quality:

stakeholders' needs through 5 or more of the suggested activities based on standards are

captured opportunities and conducted

1. Conducted SMEA
2. Crafted

solved challenges action plan to address CIGPs. 3.

Implemented school PAPs. 4.
Implemented school innovations.

2.6 Emerging mechanism.

5. Installed functional school M&E

Opportunities and Efficiency :

Challenges Presence of 5 or more MOVs

MKVillaluz 13
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching &
Learning (30%) MOVs
Objectives : Assisted teachers in the review,
contextualization and implementation of

learning standards to make the curriculum
Improved and enhanced relevant for learners.

teaching & learning standards Quality:

teachers are assisted in 5 indicated activities

1. Preparation of contextualized LP

2. Utilization of localized LMs.

3. Provide support in the reproduction of LMs.

4. Conduct performance monitoring and
3.1 School-based review, coaching in the implementation of curriculum. 5. Conduct LAC

contextualization and session on curriculum and contextualization.. .

Efficiency :
implementation of 90-100% 0f the teachers are given assistance

learning standards. MKVillaluz 14

Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching &
Learning (30%) MOVs
Objectives : Provided technical assistance to
teachers on teaching standards and

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Acquired pedagogies within and across learning areas
to improve their teaching practice.

and employed varied Quality:

teaching strategies and 5 or more suggested tasks are achieved.

pedagogies for better 1. Conduct of CO

2. Provide mentoring and coaching activities

academic performance
3.Prepare LAC plan

3.2 Teaching standards 4. Conduct LAC session based on LDNA

and pedagogies 5. Conduct of M&E and feedback conference

Efficiency :

90-100% of the teachers have increased their CO rating

MKVillaluz 15
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching &
Learning (30%) MOVs
Objectives :Used validated feedback
obtained from learners, parents and other

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Conducive stakeholders to help teachers improve their

learning environment Quality:

5 or more suggested tasks are achieved.

1. Conduct of PTA conference

2. Craft school initiated M&E tool for Teachers Performance

3. Conduct FGD with learners, parents, and other stakeholders

4. Provide mentoring and coaching activities to the identified

3.3 Teacher Performance teachers

Feedback 5. Monitor progress of the teachers performance

Efficiency :

90-100% of the CIGPs on teachers' performance are addressed

Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching & MOVs
Learning (30%) Objectives : Utilized learning outcomes in
developing data-based interventions to
maintain learner achievement and attain
other performance indicators

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Increased Quality:

academic performance of 5 or more of the suggested activities are conducted

the learners by 2% due to 1. Conduct of quarterly review on learning assessment results

the interventions made. 2. Conduct of planning conference with MTs/Subjects


3. Prepare intervention development plan

4. Lead in the preparation and implementation of the appropriate

3.4 Learner Achievement interventions

and Other Performance 5. Monitor the implementation of the interventions

6. Conduct feedback sessions

Indicators Efficiency :

100% of the learners are numerates and literates 17

Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching & MOVs
Objectives : Provided technical assistance to teachers
Learning (30%) in using learning assessment tools, strategies and
results consistent with curriculum requirements to
ensure accountability in achieving higher learning

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Improved Quality:

KPIs at least 2 % complied 5 or more activities successfully

1. Prepare TA plan

2. Prepare L&D

3. Conduct LAC sessions in the preparation of assessment tools

4. Provide mentoring and coaching activities

5. Provide material support

3.5 Learning Assessment 6. Monitor on the utilization of assessment tools

Efficiency :

With all the required MOVs for the identified activities

MKVillaluz 18
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching & MOVs
Learning (30%) Objectives : Managed a learner-friendly,
inclusive and healthy learning environment

OUTCOMES/MFOs Learner-friendly,

gender- sensitive environment. Inclusive
and healthy learning environment. Quality:

implemented 5 or more programs with documentation

Efficiency :

90-100% of the CIGPs related to school safety are addressed

3.6. Manage a learner-

friendly, inclusive and
healthy learning
environment MKVillaluz 19
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching & MOVs
Learning (30%) Objectives : Ensured integration of career
awareness and opportunities in the provision
of learning experiences aligned with the
OUTCOMES/MFOs : Well guided

learners in terms of career pathing. Quality:

90-100% of the student population participated in 5 or more

career awareness activities

Efficiency :

5 or more activities have 5 or more MOVs

3.7 Career awareness and


MKVillaluz 20
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching & MOVs
Learning (30%) Objectives : Implemented learner-discipline
policies that are developed collaboratively
with stakeholders including parents, school
personnel and the community.
OUTCOMES/MFOs : Improved

learner’s performance Quality:

Better grades implemented 5 or more activities in a year

Well-managed time 1. Organized functional SSLG/SELG, YES O, Barkada Kontra
. Droga, NDEP

2. Issue designation to advisers/coordinators of the organizations

3. Capacitate the different school organizations

4. Crafted/Revisit learners' handbook

3.8 Learner Review 5. Communicate learners' handbook to stakeholders

Efficiency :

All of the identified activities are successfully conducted as shown

in the MOVs.

MKVillaluz 21
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives Set personal and professional
others (15%) development goals based on self-assessment
aligned with the Philippine Professional
OUTCOMES/MFOs : Personal and Standards for School Heads

professional goals are aligned with the Quality:
Philippine Professional Standards for implemented 5 or more activities in a year
School Heads.
All of the following activities are conducted

*Conducted Training & Devt. Needs Assessment

* Conducted SWOT Analysis

*Crafted Personal & Professional Devt Plan

*Crafted Adjusted/Catch Up Plan

4.1 Personal and Efficiency :

professional development 90-100% of the goals are attainable

MKVillaluz 22
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
others (15%) Objectives : Applied professional
reflection and learning to improve one’s

Improved school performance and
practices 5 or more professional reflections and learnings are applied

Efficiency :

5 - professional reflections and learnings are applied to 90-100%

of the targeted audience

4.2 Professional reflection

and learning
MKVillaluz 23
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives: Participated in professional
others (15%) networks to upgrade knowledge and skills and
to enhance practice

Enhanced school-based management
practices Attended 10 or more professional networks

Efficiency :

cascaded 90-100% of the trainings attended to the targeted


4.3 Professional networks

MKVillaluz 24
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives: Implemented the performance
others (15%) management system with a team to support
career advancement of school personnel, and
to improve office performance

Professionally developed school
personnel All of the following activities are conducted twice a year(mid and
end of the SY)

•Target Setting

•Performance Monitoring and Coaching

•Performance Review

•Performance Evaluation

•Performance Rewarding

4.4 Performance management • Developmental Planning

Efficiency :

90-100% of the school personnel have at least VS rating

MKVillaluz 25
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives: Implemented professional
others (15%) development initiatives to enhance strengths
and address performance gaps among school

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Professionally developed school 5 - All of the following activities
*Conducted LDNA

*Crafted LDNA-Based L&D Plan

*Conducted LAC Sessions, Conferences/Workshops least once a


*Conducted Mentoring & Coaching

* Installed Functional L&D M&E Mechanism

4.5 Professional development Efficiency :

of school personnel 90-100% involvement of the school personnel

MKVillaluz 26
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
others (15%) Objectives: Provided opportunities to
individuals and teams in performing
leadership roles and responsibilities

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Capacitated personnel in performing Organized and capacitated at least 10 Functional Working
leadership roles and responsibilities Committees/Coordinators

Efficiency :

90-100% of the teams/committees/coordinators are designated

and with Accomplishment Reports

4.6 Leadership development

in individuals and teams
MKVillaluz 27
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives: Implemented laws, policies, guidelines
others (15%) and issuances on the rights, privileges and benefits
of school personnel to ensure their general welfare

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Implemented laws, policies, guidelines 5 or more of the new policies, guidelines and issuances are
and issuances disseminated and implemented .

Efficiency :

90-100% of the personnel's welfare are addressed

4.7 General welfare of

human resources
MKVillaluz 28
Domain 4: Developing Self and MOVs
Objectives: Implemented a school reward system
others (15%) to recognize and motivate learners, school
personnel and other stakeholders for exemplary
performance and/or continued support

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Implemented school reward system to All of the following suggested activities based on standards
recognize stakeholders with exemplary
are conducted.
*Organized Awards & Recognition Committee

* Issued Designation Orders to Committee members

*Crafted Contextualized R&R policy

*Crafted Guidelines in the selection of awardee

4.8 Rewards and *Capacitate Awards & Recognition Committee

recognition mechanism • Conducted Awards and Recognition Activities

• Efficiency :
Domain 5: Building Connections (10%) MOVs
Objectives: Built constructive relationships
with authorities, colleagues, parents and other
stakeholders to foster an enabling and
supportive environment for learners.

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Enabling and supportive environment 5 – 6 or more accomplished activities fostered an enabling and
for learners supportive environment for learners



2. Brigada Eskwela


4. Expanded limited Face to face Classes Orientation &

5.1 Management of diverse dissemination

relationships 5. Implementation of BE LCP

6. Gulayan sa Paaralan and others

Efficiency :
Domain 5: Building Connections (10%) Objectives: Managed school organizations, such as
learner organizations, faculty clubs and parent-
teacher associations, by applying relevant policies
and guidelines to support the attainment of
institutional goals.

OUTCOMES/MFOs : Quality:
Effective and efficient school 5 – 6 or more completed activities supported the attainment of
organizations institutional goals.

Activities; SSG,SPG,HRPTA, GPTA,Teachers League ,Child

Protection Committee (CPC),Brigada Eskwela & others

Efficiency :

Submitted any five (5) or more of the acceptable MOVs

5.2 Management of
school organizations
MKVillaluz 31
Domain 5: Building Connections (10%) MOVs
Objectives: Exhibited inclusive practices,
such as gender-sensitivity, physical and mental
health awareness and culture responsiveness,
to foster awareness, acceptance and respect.

Culture of respect and acceptance

Conducted five (5) or more activities related to


•physical and mental health awareness

• culture responsiveness

•foster awareness

•acceptance and respect.

5.3 Inclusive Practice Efficiency :

with 90%- 100% participation as evidence by attendance

MKVillaluz 32
Domain 5: Building Connections (10%) Objectives: Communicated effectively in speaking
and in writing to teachers, learners, parents and other
stakeholders, through positive use of communication
platforms, to facilitate information sharing,
collaboration and support.

Clear and concise communication

5 activities successfully facilitated information sharing,

collaboration, and support


SMEA,PTA conference, Parents Teachers Conference, Teachers

conference, Letter correspondence to Stakeholders,( Internal &
External),Early Enrolment,Brigada Eskwela,Face to Face
Orientation and Dissemination)
5.4 Communication Efficiency :

Submitted any Five (5) or more of the acceptable MOVs

MKVillaluz 33
Domain 5: Building Connections (10%) Objectives: Initiated partnerships with the
community, such as parents, alumni, authorities,
industries, and other stakeholders to strengthen
support for learner development, as well as school
and community improvement.

Increase linkages and community Quality:

support carried out 5 activities strengthened support for learner

development, as well as school and community improvement

•Adopt a school

•Brigada Eskwela

•Parents Teachers Association

•Faculty/Teacher Organization

•Alumni Association

5.5 Community Engagement •School Governing Council

Efficiency :

Submitted any five (5) or more of the acceptable MOVs


A MKVillaluz 35

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