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Ministry of higher education Second Semester /First Class

and scientific research Academic year 2023- 2024

Duhok Polytechnic University
Technical college for health and
Medical Techniques /Shekhan
Nursing Department

Lecture 14
Blood Transfusion

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Blood Transfusion
A blood transfusion is the introduction of whole blood or blood
components into venous circulation. Most clients do not require
transfusion of whole blood. It is much more common for clients
to receive a transfusion of a particular blood component specific
to their individual needs. The blood may be donated by another
person or it may have been taken from the patient and stored until
needed. Blood transfusions are used for patients who have
experienced serious injuries from car crashes or natural disasters.
Individuals with an illness that causes anemia, such as leukemia
or kidney disease, will often be the recipients of blood
transfusions. Common types of blood transfusions include red
blood cell, platelet and plasma transfusions. The average red
blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 units. A single car
accident victim can require as many as 100 units of blood
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
The following is the list of important steps to follow
before proceeding with blood transfusion:
*Find Current Type and Crossmatch.
*Obtain Informed Consent and Health History [22]
*Obtain Large-bore Intravenous Access.
*Assemble Supplies.
*Obtain Baseline Vital Signs.
*Obtain Blood from the Blood Bank.

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Indications for blood transfusion include
* Symptomatic anemia (causing shortness of breath, dizziness,
congestive heart failure, and decreased exercise tolerance).
* Acute sickle cell crisis.
* Acute blood loss of more than 30 percent of blood volume.

Risks & Complications

* Allergic Reactions. Some people have allergic reactions to
blood received during a transfusion, even when given the right
blood type. ...
* Fever. Developing a fever after a transfusion is not serious. ...
* Acute Immune Hemolytic Reaction

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Common symptoms of blood transfusion reactions
* Fever (hotness of the body) and chills.
* Dizziness.
*Shortness of breath.
*Hypothermia (low body temperature)
*Back pain.
*Low blood pressure (hypotension)

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
What are the 5 components of blood transfusion?
The transfusable components that can be derived from donated
blood are red cells, platelets, plasma, cryoprecipitated AHF
(cryo), and granulocytes. An additional component, white cells, is
often removed from donated blood before transfusion. A
transfusion provides the part or parts of blood you need, with red
blood cells being the most commonly transfused. Client can also
receive whole blood, which contains all the parts, but whole blood
transfusions aren't common. Researchers are working on
developing artificial blood.

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Which blood is safe for transfusion?
Group O is often referred to as the universal red cell donor. Group
AB individuals have neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in their
plasma. Group AB plasma can therefore be given to patients of
any ABO blood group and is often referred to as the universal
plasma donor.

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
What are 4 indications for blood transfusion?
Indications of blood transfusion can be summed up as:
* Anaemia.
* Major Surgical Operation.
* Accidents resulting in considerable blood loss.
* Cancer patients requiring therapy.
* Women in childbirth and newborn babies in certain cases.
* Patients of hereditary disorders like Haemophilia and
* Severe burn victims

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
What is the treatment of blood transfusion?
Blood transfusion. A blood transfusion is a common, safe medical
procedure in which healthy donor blood is given to you through
an intravenous, or IV line inserted in one of your blood vessels.
Blood transfusions replace blood that is lost through surgery or
What is the best time for blood transfusion?
Guidelines say that a blood transfusion should generally take a
couple of hours, with a maximum of four hours. This is to prevent
the blood from becoming damaged and unsafe. If you need blood
in an emergency, though, you may receive the blood much more
quickly than normal.
How many drops per ml for blood transfusion?
Two common sizes are: 20 drops per ml (typically for clear
fluids) 15 drops per ml (typically for thicker substances, such as
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
‫‪Duhok Polytechnic University‬‬

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