Nursing Process Nursing Lecture 8 Shekhan 2024

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Ministry of higher education Second Semester /First Class

and scientific research Academic year 2023- 2024

Duhok Polytechnic University
Technical college for health and
Medical Techniques /Shekhan
Nursing Department

Lecture 8
Nursing Process

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Learning Objectives:
1- Define nursing process
2- List five steps in the nursing process
3- Describe six characteristics of the nursing process
4- Identify four sources for assessment data
5- Distinguish between a nursing diagnosis and a collaborative problem
6- Describe the rationale for setting priorities
7- Discuss the circumstances in which short term and long term goals are
8- Discuss three outcomes that result from evaluation.

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Nursing Process :
The nursing process is an organized sequence of steps , identified as assessment ,
Diagnosis, Planning , implementation , and evaluation , that nurses use to solve
the health problems of patient .

Characteristics of the Nursing process :

1 – It is based on knowledge : The ability to solve patient problems requires the
application of a unique knowledge base in nursing , by thinking critically ,
a process of carefully analyzing situations, nurses are able to determine what
problems necessitate collaboration with the physician . Critical thinking
further enables nurses to select appropriate nursing interventions for
achieving predictable outcomes
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
It is planned : The steps of the nursing process are organized - 2
and systematic . One step leads to the next in
. an orderly fashion

It is patient centered : The nursing process facilitates a - 3

comprehensive plan of care for each patient
as unique individual . Patients are expected
to be active participants in their care

It is goal directed : The nursing process facilitates a united - 4

effort between the patient and the nursing
team in achieving desired outcomes

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
5 - It is prioritized : When the nursing process is used , it
provides a focused strategy for resolving
those problems that represent the greatest
threat to health .

6 - It is dynamic : Because the healthy status of any patient is

constantly changing , the nursing process
acts like continuous loop .

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Steps of nursing process:

1- Assessment .
2- Diagnosis.
3- Planning.
4- Implementation.
5- Evaluation

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Assessment :
The first step in the nursing process is the
systematic collection of information
or data for the purpose of identifying current
health problems . Assessment begins with the
nurse’s first contact with a patient and is ongoing

Types of Data : Data are either objective or subjective

Objective data : Refers to information that is observable and

measurable such as the patient blood pressure.
Objectives data are often referred to as sign of
a disorder .

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Subjective Data : Comprise information that only
the patient feels and can describe
such as pain. Subjective data
may also be called symptoms .

Source for data :

The primary source for information
is the patient. Secondary sources
include the patient’s family, reports,
Test results , information in current
and past medical records and
discussion with other health care
workers .
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Examples of Objectives and subjective data :

Objectives Subjective

Weight Pain
Temperature Nausea
Skin Color Depression
Blood cell count Fatigue
Vomiting Anxiety
Bleeding Loneliness

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Standard of clinical nursing practice :

Standard 1 : Assessment
The nurse collects client health data

Standard 11 : Diagnosis
The nurse analyzes the assessment data in
determining diagnosis

Standard 111 : Outcome identification

The nurse identifies expected outcomes
individualized to the client

Standard 1V : Planning
The nurse develops a plan of care that prescribes
interventions to attain expected outcomes
‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬
‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Standard V : Implementation
The nurse implements the
interventions identified in the plan of

Standard V1 : Evaluation
The nurse evaluates the clients
progress toward attainment of

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Diagnosis :
Is the second step in the nursing process , involves
identifying problems . This step is an outcome of
having analyzed the collected data and interpreting
whether the data suggest normal or abnormal .

Nursing Diagnosis :
Nurses analyze data to identify one or more nursing
diagnosis . A nursing diagnosis is a health problem
that can be prevented , reduced , or resolved through
independent nursing measures . Nursing diagnosis can
refer to existing problems or those that are very likely
to develop .

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University
Planning :
Is the third step of nursing process. The nurse prioritize
identified problems , identifies measurable outcomes
goals , selects appropriate interventions and
documents the plan for care , the patient is consulted
when developing the plan and when making further
revisions . It include:

Setting Priorities :
Not all of the patient’s problems may be resolved
during short hospitalization period , therefore it is
important to determine which problems require the
most attention .This is done by setting priorities.
Prioritization involves ranking from most to least
important .

‫زانكويا ثوليتةكنيكى يا دهؤك‬

‫جامعـة دهــوك التقــنية‬
Duhok Polytechnic University

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